- Ale Bread
- Almond Torte
- Apple Cream Pork Chops
- Apple Crisp
- Apple Dumplings
- Apple Fritters
- Apple Hors D'Oeuvres
- Apple Pancake
- Apple Pie
- Applesauce
- Apricot Nectar Cake
- Apricot Souffle
- Asparagus Soup
- Asparagus and Eggs
- Baked Bread Pudding
- Baked Eggs with Cheese
- Baked Fish Florentine
- Baked Mushrooms
- Baked Onions with Pecans
- Baked Pork Chops
- Baked Potato Skins
- Baked Shad
- Bantry Bay Scallops
- Basic Beef Stock
- Beef Brisket
- Beef Collops
- Beef in a Crust
- Black Bean Soup
- Blackberry Mousse
- Blancmange
- Blender Pastry
- Boiled Custard
- Braised Onions
- Brandied Sirloin Steak
- Brandy Whipped Cream Sauce
- Brandy-Jam Loaf Cake
- Breakfast Gems
- Broccoli Soup
- Broiled Shrimp with Garlic
- Brown Flour
- Brunswich Stew
- Butter
- Buttermilk Honey Bread
- Butternut Squash Puree with Thyme
- Butternut Squash Soup
- Butterscotch Goodies
- Cabbage Cooked in Orange Juice
- Cantaloupe A La Mode with Blueberry-Wine Sauce
- Cantaloupe Soup
- Carroll's Chicken Spaghetti
- Carrot Casserole
- Carrot Fritters
- Carrot Ring
- Carrot Vichysoisse
- Carrot Zucchini Soup
- Casserole Cookies
- Cauliflower in White Sauce
- Champagne and Pomegranate Gelatin Ring
- Charleston Meeting Street Crab
- Cheese Au Gratin Potatoes
- Cheese Filled Kumquats
- Cherry Bounce
- Cherry Pie
- Cherry Tomatoes with Rum
- Chicken (or Veal) Chasseur
- Chicken Soup
- Chili Sauce
- Chocolate Bavarian Meringue Torte
- Chocolate Butter Cream Pie - Chocolate Wafer Pie Shell
- Chocolate Cakes
- Chocolate Cream
- Chocolate Iced Cream
- Chocolate Leaves
- Chocolate Puffs
- Chocolate Tart
- Christmas Fudge
- Cocktail Sausage
- Cold Chocolate Souffle
- Common Patties
- Common Pie Crust
- Compote of Apples
- Congo Squares
- Cooked Cranberry Relish
- Corn Fritters
- Corn Sticks
- Cornbread
- Crab Bisque
- Crabmeat Remick
- Cranberry Pudding
- Creamed Egg Casserole
- Crystallized Ginger
- Dandelion Wine
- Danish Loaf Cakes
- Date Nut Bread
- Delia's Ginger Cookies
- Deluxe Chicken Salad
- Dessert Sauce
- Deviled Cheese Balls
- E. Smith’s Roast Pork
- Easy Spoon Bread
- Effortless Oven Beef Stew
- Egg and Caviar Mousse
- Eggnog
- Elegant Brownies
- Eliza Leslie’s Collared Pork
- Elizabeth's Hors D'oeuvres
- English Beef Soup
- Fairy Butter
- Filet De Boeuf Marie-Louise
- Force-Meat Balls
- Forced Beef Tenderloin
- French Beans (or Carrots) Dressed the Dutch Way
- French Lace Cookies
- French Rolls
- Fresh Apple Cake-Walter Heacock
- Fresh Spinach Salad with Sweet Salad Dressing
- Fried Catfish with Turnip Greens
- Fried Green Tomatoes
- Fried Tomatoes
- Fruit Sherbet
- Fruit Syrups
- Fry a Loin of Lamb
- Gateu De Nancy
- Gloucester Julep
- Golden Turkey Pie
- Grandmother Harrison's Eggnog
- Grandmother's Green Tomato Pickle
- Granny's Lazy Daisy Cake
- Great Cake
- Great Grandmother's Corn Pudding
- Green Bean Casserole
- Green Peas Soup
- Green Peas with Cream
- Grilled Oyster Hors D'oeuvres
- Grits (from the Gristmill)
- Grits Casserole
- Hanover's Easy Brisket
- Hard Liquor Balls
- Hickory Glazed Salmon
- Hoecakes
- Hoosier Biscuit
- Hopkins House Cookies
- Horseradish Mousse
- Hot Mulled Wine
- Hot Peanut Butter Canapes
- Howard Ham Sauce
- Iced Tea
- Individual Ham Loaves
- Irish Trifle
- Jalapeno Cheese Grits
- Judge Peter's Pudding
- Kidney Stew for Sunday Breakfast
- Kir
- Lafayette Gingerbread
- Lamb and Rice Casserole
- Lamb and Vegetable Stew
- Large Crème Brulee
- Leg of Lamb with Spicy Sauce
- Lemon Angel Mousse
- Lemon Cheese Pie
- Lemon Chicken
- Lemonade
- Lobster, Shrimp and Crabmeat Casserole
- Louisiana Country Stew
- Make Ahead Cheese Souffle
- Marinated Pork Chops
- Mary Gene's Onions with Cheese
- Mattie's Muffins
- Maud's Cream of Mushroom soup
- Maud's Sweetbreads in Cream Sauce
- Melt Butter
- Melt In Your Mouth Blurberry Cake
- Miniature Cheese Cake
- Mixed Fruit Marmalade
- Monterey Jack Lace Cookies
- Monticello French Dressing
- Mount Vernon Gingerbread
- Mrs. Fitzhugh’s Buns
- Mrs. Taylor's Sallad Dressing
- Mulled Cider
- Mulled Wine
- Mushroom Sauce
- Mushroom Snacks
- Mushroom and Cheese Casserole
- Mushrooms Greek Style
- Mussels Madeira with Linguini
- Mustard Sauce for Ham
- Mustard Sauce for Hot Vegetables
- Nancy's Oatmeal Muffins
- Nantucket Cranberry Pie
- New England Ham Loaf and Sweet-Sour Sauce
- No-Beat Popovers
- Oatmeal Cookies
- Old Fashioned Divinity
- Old Fashioned Floating Island
- Old Virginia Batter Bread
- Onion Puffs
- Onion Pye
- Onion Sauce
- Onion Soup
- Orange Fool
- Orange-Lemon Punch
- Oyster Soup
- Pancake Mix (From the Gristmill)
- Paper Pancakes
- Parmesan Ice Cream
- Peach Ice Cream
- Peter Cook's Pancake
- Philadelphia Fish House Punch
- Pink Pancakes
- Plain Pastry
- Potato Omelette
- Potato Rolls
- Pound Cake
- Pumpkin Bread
- Pumpkin Chips
- Pumpkin Pecan Pie
- Punch
- Queen Cakes
- Ragoo of Asparagus
- Ragoo of Onions
- Ragoo of Oysters
- Raspberry Ice Cream
- Regent's Orange Cordial
- Rice Pancakes
- Roast Ducks
- Roast Ham or Gammon
- Roast Loin of Pork with Baked Beans
- Rum Cake
- Rump of Beef to Stew
- Sailor Duff - A Steamed Pudding
- Salamongundy
- Sallad
- Sauce Called Ramolade
- Savory Patties
- Scotch Collops
- Scrambled Egg Casserole
- Sea Island Shrimp
- Sheery Cake
- Shery Flip
- Shrewsbury Cakes
- Snibbled Beans
- Snow and Cream
- South Carolina Hoppin' John for Many People
- Southern Ice Box Cake
- Spiced Peaches
- Spiced Tea, Hot or Cold
- Spong Cake
- Spoon Bread
- Stewed Parsnips
- Stewed Pears
- Stewed Peas and Lettuce
- Summer Squash or Zucchini Casserole
- Susan's Spinach Dip
- Susie's Sorrell Soup
- Swedish Ham Balls
- Sweet Pickle Watermelon Rind
- Sweet Potato and Orange Casserole
- Syllabub
- Tavern Rum Punch 1748
- Tea Muffins
- The King's Plum Pudding (receipt used by the Royal Family since the days of George I)
- The Lindens' 18th Century Punch
- The Worster House Baked Indian Pudding
- The Worster House Hot Cross Buns
- Theodore's Famous Whole Wheat Bread
- Tidewater Mushrooms
- To Dress Crab
- To Dress Fish
- To Dress Salt Cod
- To Dress Turnips
- To Dress a Dish of Mushrooms
- To Fricassee Chicken
- Toasted Marmalade Tea Sanwiches
- Tomato Bisque
- Uncle James Likes It Cold
- Veal Kidneys in Mustard Cream Sauce
- Veal Olives
- Very Good Custards
- Virginia Ham Biscuites
- Virginia Peach Cordial
- Warming Toddy Cocktail
- Washington Cake (Currant Pound Cake)
- Watermelon Rind Preserves
- Whiskey Truffles
- White Yeast Bread
- Wine Jelly
- Winter Vegetable Soup
- Yellow Corn Bread
- Yorkshire Christmas Pie