Lives Bound Together: Slavery in Washington's World
This page contains primary and secondary sources on the 18th Century Slave Trade, as well as information regarding Washington's views on slavery and the people who were enslaved at Mount Vernon. Use these resources to learn more about the system of slavery and find useful learning materials.

The 18th Century Economy
The slave trade played a major role in the 18th-century Atlantic economy. Many individuals were captured in Africa and forcibly brought to the American colonies to be sold.
Read More about the Economy
Slavery at Mount Vernon
Mount Vernon was the home of George Washington. It was also home to hundreds of enslaved men, women, and children who lived here under Washington’s control.
Read more about Slavery at Mount Vernon
Labor in the Mansion
Many people who were enslaved labored in the Mount Vernon Mansion, which allowed the Washingtons to maintain their lifestyles.
Read about Labor in the MansionExplore the Mansion
Explore the spaces that many enslaved individuals worked and lived.
Key Events of Slavery
Click the link to learn about the key events of slavery that happened during George Washington's life

African Americans in the Revolutionary War
The Revolutionary War was a difficult time for George Washington as he led the Continental Army against the British. But it also provided opportunities for those at Mount Vernon and elsewhere.

Slavery and Washington's Presidency
George Washington privately wondered about abolition but did not publically advocate eliminating the institution of slavery during his presidency and elsewhere.

Washington's Changing Views on Slavery
Washington started to question slavery during the Revolutionary War and often thought about it throughout his life, eventually freeing the enslaved people he owned outright in his will.
How was Washington's world affected by the system of slavery?
How was Washington's world affected by the system of slavery?
Primary Sources
Use these primary sources to learn more
Secondary Sources
Use these secondary sources to learn more
- 18th Century Economy
- George Washington on Slavery
- Slavery at Mount Vernon
- Plantation Structure
- Labor in the Mansion
- Frank Lee
- Labor in the Mansion Illustration
- Tom
- A Day in the Life of an Enslaved Cook
- Doll
- The Kitchen
- Dining at Mount Vernon
- Caroline
- African Americans in the Revolutionary War
- William Lee
- Slavery and Washington's Presidency
- Washington's Changing Views on Slavery
- Washington's Journey to Emancipation
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