DELICIOUS & QUICK 18th Century Recipe: Sausage & Apples!

3,971 views October 17, 2017
The origins of the sausage and apples as a common dish has been documented as far back as the 16th century and probably earlier. Hogs or pigs were the meat of choice for the German culture due to the abundance of preservation options. Pigs were/are considered to be good luck in Germany (which historically speaking was once upon a time a much larger empire and spread much further into Eastern Europe). The traditional slaughtering time for the hogs is in the autumn when apples are most prevalent as well. Apples are a natural source of sugar before the refinement of sugars was occurring or very common. So during these early centuries of the Medieval era, there was less distinction between sweet and savory dishes. Apples were used to add a flavor to the meat and blended particularly well with pork either in smoking, curing, added to the sausage itself or after the fact with the meat in the dish as it was prepared. Often onions potatoes and cabbage also appear in this type of “pottage dish”. Moore 18th century recipes: Visit Mount Vernon:
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