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Library and archives resources aid the research of the Washingtons, the colonial and the founding era, history of Mount Vernon estate, and the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association (MVLA).

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Washington Library Catalog

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Special Collections and Archives Catalog

Special Collections and Archives Catalog

This catalog contains description for the Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, Photo Archives of the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, and Special Collections. Rare books can be found in the library catalog.

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Digital Resources

Digital Collections at the Washington Library

The library's free Digital Collections hosts a number of materials from the Archives, Special Collections, and Visual Resources collections. It also includes older publications and staff materials.

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Founders Online

This free database houses the papers of George Washington, and other Founding Fathers. These papers are transcribed and fully annotated, from the authoritative Founding Fathers Papers projects, including the Papers of George Washington.

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Research Databases

The library subscribes to a number of scholarly databases which focus on eighteenth century primary and secondary sources. Many of these databases are only accessible on-site.

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Digital Encyclopedia

This is a collection of scholarly articles that offer an overview of wide range of subjects related to George Washington’s world and the colonial and founding eras. 

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