This page contains additional instructions on how to play Be Washington, a speed test to find out if your school's computers and network support Be Washington, app downloads, and more.
Streaming Video Check
Vimeo Allowed
Speed Test requires that your school system have a high-speed network connection to stream the game's videos. To test your connection, press start on the tool below.

PDF Instructions
Click to view a three-page PDF that explains how to play Be Washington. This PDF contains instructions for both single and multi-player gameplay.

Watch the Videos
If you don't want to play the entire BeWashington game, you can watch the different advisors and situations on our BeWashington YouTube playlist.

Still not working?
Be Washington relies on several internet services (Vimeo, Amazon EC2) to work. It's possible your school's network may be blocking access to these systems.
We've provided a guide for your IT Administrator on how to enable access to Be Washington
Play Be Washington
Do you have what it takes to lead like George Washington?
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