The Women of the Washington Family

Many ladies occupied the Mount Vernon mansion. Martha Washington married George Washington in 1759, and brought her two young children with her, Jacky and Pasty. Later, the Washingtons raised two grandchildren, and entertained many guests. Scroll to learn about some of the females who lived at Mount Vernon and their roles at the estate.

Martha Washington

Martha Washington

Martha Washington married George Washington in early 1759, and would move to Mount Vernon in the months following. She would later lead the estate's operations, help raise two grandchildren, and become the first First Lady of the United States. 

Learn about Martha Washington
Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis

Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis

Eleanor Parke Custis, also known as "Nelly," was raised by her grandmother, Martha Washington. She was described as a "little wild creature" by Martha and enjoyed educational opportunities in New York and Philadelphia as George Washington served as President.

Learn more about Nelly

Women Living at Mount Vernon

Martha Dandridge is born
Martha Dandridge marries
Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis is born
Martha's first husband dies
Martha remarries
Patsy's health declines
Patsy dies
The Washingtons go to war
Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis is born
Nelly's father dies
The family moves to New York
The family returns to Mount Vernon
Nelly marries Lawrence Lewis
Nelly has her first child
George Washington dies
Martha Washington dies
Nelly and Lawrence Move
Nelly Custis dies

June 1731

Martha Dandridge is born

Martha Dandridge (later known as Martha Washington) is born on June 2, 1731 at Chestnut Grove, a plantation in New Kent County, Virginia.

Martha Dandridge marries

Martha marries Daniel Parke Custis on May 15, 1750.

Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis is born

Martha gives birth to Martha "Patsy" Parke Custis. Martha already lost two children prior to this, and raised Patsy alongside her brother, John Parke Custis ("Jacky).

Martha's first husband dies

Martha's first husband, Daniel Park Custis, dies suddenly and unexpectedly. Martha is left with almost 300 enslaved peoples, a 17,500 acre plantation, and two young children.

Martha remarries

Martha Dandridge Custis marries George Washington, almost a year after they initially start courting. She moves to Mount Vernon in the spring with her two children.

Patsy's health declines

Martha's daughter, Patsy, experiences frequent seizures. The Washingtons start looking for treatments from various doctors, becoming more desperate as the seizures increase.

Patsy dies

Patsy returns to her room to read a letter after tea with her mother and stepfather. She experiences a seizure that is two minutes long, and then dies "without uttering a Word, a groan, or scarce a Sigh." The Washingtons are heartbroken.

The Washingtons go to war

Martha Washington accompanies her husband to war, staying with him at every single winter encampment of the American Revolution. She is inoculated from Smallpox in 1776 and assists the wives of officers in sewing, comforting the wounded, and hosting social events.

Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis is born

Eleanor "Nelly" Parke Custis is born to John "Jacky" Parke Custis and his wife, Eleanor Calvert. Jacky is Martha Washington's last surviving child.

Nelly's father dies

Nelly's father, Jacky, dies at Yorktown on November 5, 1781. Martha Washington now has no living children left. Nelly and one of her siblings, George Washington Parke Custis ("Washy") move to Mount Vernon to be raised by Martha and George Washington.

The family moves to New York

Martha, Nelly, and several enslaved individuals leave for New York, where George Washington is serving as President. It takes them eleven days to make the journey. Nelly begins to receive schooling in spelling, reading, embroidery, dancing, and French. Martha gives Nelly music lessons, and is rather strict in her instruction.

The family moves to Philadelphia a year later when the seat of government is moved. Nelly continues to receive schooling.

The family returns to Mount Vernon

George Washington resigns from the Presidency and brings his family back to Mount Vernon, where they entertain many visitors for the next two years.

Nelly marries Lawrence Lewis

Nelly marries George Washington's nephew, Lawrence Lewis, on February 22nd, 1799.

Nelly has her first child

Nelly gives birth to her firstborn on November 30, 1799 - just seventeen days before George Washington's death. George Washington gives the newborn child "the last blessing he ever gave to anyone."

George Washington dies

George Washington passes away from a throat infection on December 14, 1799. Martha Washington is too heartbroken to attend the funeral, and moves to the smaller, third-floor bedroom in the mansion.

Martha Washington dies

Martha Washington dies at around noon, surrounded by her friends and family.

Nelly and Lawrence Move

Nelly Custis and Lawrence Lewis move to Woodlawn Plantation shortly after Martha's death.

Nelly Custis dies

Nelly Custis passes away in July of 1852. Out of her eight children, only three survive until adulthood. Her husband passed about thirteen years prior, in 1839.

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