Monday, June 11, 1900
Secretary Hay accompanied the Princess and her party. Mount Vernon’s Regent noted that: “On June 11th [1900] the Princess Aribert, a granddaughter of Queen Victoria, visited Mount Vernon; coming with Secretary Hay as the guest of our Government, and accompanied by Lord and Lady Pauncefote and a large party of diplomats. Our democratic and law-abiding Secretary insisted upon paying the entrance fees of the party, although our Superintendent assured him that the ladies of Mount Vernon would wish to enjoy the honor of having the Princess as their guest. The Secretary, however, paid no heed to such logic and persevered in his determination to adhere to his own ideas of right. The Princess expressed much interest and pleasure in her visit and commented most favorably on the beauty of the place, saying that America owed a great debt to the devoted ladies who had preserved this historic spot to their country.”