In recent years many rooms inside Mount Vernon's Mansion and outbuildings have undergone extensive restoration work.
Mount Vernon’s restoration efforts aim to represent the estate as it appeared in 1799, the last year of George Washington’s life and the culmination of his designs for Mount Vernon.
The restoration of each room in the Mansion and each outbuilding is accomplished through the collaboration of experts in multiple fields, including architectural historians, archaeologists, carpenters, curators, conservators, and collections managers on Mount Vernon’s staff and craftspeople and colleagues from other historic sites.

The Restoration Process
Mount Vernon is one of the best documented and most complete examples of an estate from early America, but discovering, analyzing, and interpreting the extraordinary mass of available evidence is an ongoing process.
Explore the restoration process
Front Parlor
The 2017-2019 restoration of George and Martha Washington’s front parlor is complete. One of the most elaborately finished rooms in the house, the front parlor served as the primary entertaining space in the Mansion for most of the Washingtons’ lives.
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New Room
After a major research and restoration effort, the largest and grandest room in George Washington’s Mount Vernon Mansion has reopened with a new look and a new interpretation.
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Blue Room
The most dramatic transformation of this restoration was the application of the period-appropriate wallpaper and paint.
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Chintz Room
After more than two years of intense forensic investigations, documentary and material culture research, conservation, and restoration, one of Mount Vernon’s major bedchambers is now on view.
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Roof Restoration
A leaky roof has been a headache since Washington's life at Mount Vernon. Today, we fight an endless war to prevent leaks and rotting of the shingles.
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Current Restoration Projects
The restoration of Mount Vernon is an ongoing process that began in the 19th century and continues today.
See Ongoing Projects