The Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington
The Georgian Papers Fellow will enjoy unparalleled access to extensive resources housed in the 45,000 square-foot library and benefit from the support of specially-trained staff who can connect them with other resources. The Washington Library safeguards a large and growing collection of original Washington books, manuscripts, and materials from the founding era. The fellow will have access to the facility's General Collections, Special Collections, and Archival Collections which include books, e-books, e-resources, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, information files, microfilm, audio/visual material, manuscripts, maps, and vertical files.

George Washington's Mount Vernon
By working and living on George Washington's estate the Georgian Papers Fellow will enjoy the opportunity to connect and collaborate with Mount Vernon's on-site experts in early American history, preservation, archaeology, decorative arts, landscapes, digital humanities, and other relevant fields as well as the scholars who frequently visit for lectures, research, and education and leadership programs. The fellow will have the opportunity to participate in numerous special events on the estate and play a role in building a rich atmosphere of scholarly debate and conversation at the Library.

Scholars' Residence
During his or her stay at Mount Vernon, the Georgian Papers Fellow will reside in the Richard and Helen DeVos House, a scholars' residence located just 150 feet west of the Washington Library. The building consists of accommodations for eight scholars, a small kitchen, and a combination living/dining area.