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In this episode, Dr. Joseph Stoltz sits down with Washington Library research fellow Iris de Rode to discuss the relationship between George Washington and François Jean de Chastellux.

Iris de Rode is a Dutch PhD-candidate in France, at the University of Paris VIII, under supervision of Prof. Bertrand Van Ruymbeke. Her dissertation focuses on the Franco-American networks of François Jean de Chastellux (1734-1788), a French philosopher and Major General of the French expeditionary forces during the American War of Independence. The aim of her research is to give insights in Franco-American circulations of ideas at the end of the 18th century. The main sources for Iris’ work are the (largely) unpublished correspondences of Chastellux, with Americans such as Washington, Jefferson, Knox, or Governour Morris and with Frenchmen like Voltaire, Raynal, Lafayette and Rochambeau. Iris also teaches American and Transatlantic history at the University of Paris VIII and at SciencesPo Reims.

Joseph Stoltz is a historian and the Deputy Director of Leadership Programs at the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington at Mount Vernon. He is also the author of A Bloodless Victory: The Battle of New Orleans in History and Memory.