Henry Lee, began his career by studying to be an attorney at Princeton University in 1773. However, the coming of the American Revolution brought Lee to serve under Washington with great distinction. Lee was subsequently promoted to major with command of a small irregular corps. Known for exhibiting excellent equestrian talent, Lee earned the sobriquet of "Light-Horse Harry Lee" before receiving the only gold medal for an officer under the rank of general for his surprise maneuvering at Paulus Hook, New Jersey on August 19, 1779. Washington promoted Lee to Lieutenant Colonel in 1780, and was dispatched to the southern theatre of war to be present for the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown.

Lee continued, "when our monuments shall be done away, when nations now existing shall be no more; when even our young and far-spreading empire shall have perished, still will our Washington's glory unfaded shine,"2 and reiterated Washington was "second to none." Lee prescribed that citizens should emulate Washington's life example so that allowing character to grow and endure: "Be American in thought, word, and deed—thus you will give immortality to that union."3
Meredith Eliassen Reference Specialist, Special Collections Department J. Paul Leonard Library, San Francisco State University
Notes: 1. Columbian Sentinel and Massachusetts Federalist, 28 December 1799.
2. Henry Lee, A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington at the Request of Congress (Philadelphia: John Hoff, 1800), 5.
Bibliography: Detweiler, Susan Gray. George Washington's Chinaware. New York: Herry N. Abrams, 1982.
Ellis, Joseph J. His Excellency, George Washington. New York: Alfred A. Knoph, 2004.
Lee, Henry. A Funeral Oration on the Death of George Washington at the Request of Congress. Philadelphia: Printed by John Hoff, 1800.
Lee, Henry. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Philadelphia: Printed by Bradford and Inskeep, 1812.