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The George Washington Leadership Prize at National History Day

George Washington stood at the center of the world stage through the second half of the 18th century and has continued to do so since his death in 1799. He played a pivotal role in every major event surrounding our nation's founding in his roles as Commander in Chief, president at the Constitutional Convention, citizen farmer, and President of the United States of America. His actions have been examples of civic responsibility, patriotism, and historic complexity over time and remain relevant in national dialogue today. 

This cash prize* will be awarded to outstanding Junior and Senior projects that...

  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the ideas and events defined by Washington’s life, leadership, and legacy. 
  • Seek innovative and compelling ways to tell the story of George Washington so that his timeless and relevant life is accessible to the world. 


*cash amounts differ by district, state, and national contest level

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