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This Indenture made this fourteenth

day of August in the year of our Lord

one thousand eight hundred and seven-

teen between George C. Washington of

Washington County in the District of

Columbia of the one part and David

English of the same County and Dis-

trict of the other part; Whereas the said

George C. Washington was heretofore

duly appointed trustee by a decree

of the Circuit Court of the District

of Columbia for the County of Washing-

ton sitting as a Court of Chancery in

the Case of the Representatives of Gen’l

George Washington Complainants,

against Bushrod Washington, Defen-

dant; with power to the said George

C. Washington trustee as aforesaid

to sell the real property of the late Gen’l

George Washington, lying and being

in the City of Washington and upon

the ratification of said sale and the

receipt of the purchase money, to con-

vey the property to the respective pur-

chasers free and discharged from all

claims of the complainants and de-

fendants as by reference to said de-

cree will more fully appear, And

Whereas the said George C. Washington

trustee as aforesaid has since proceeded

to sell the real property aforesaid accor-

ding to the terms of said decree, which

sale has been duly ratified and con-

firmed by the court; and Whereas

the said David English became the

purchaser at said sale of the Lots

& parts of Lots hereinafter described

for the sum of one thousand four hun-

dred and forty six dollars and twelve cents,

the whole of which sum of mo-

ney with interest has been duly

paid by said English to said Wash-

ington trustee as aforesaid and is

now acknowledged to be received

and Whereas the said Washington

trustee as aforesaid is now anxious

in pursuance of said decree to con-

vey the property according to the terms

thereof: Now This Indenture wit-

nesses that in consideration of the

premises and of the receipt of the pur-

chase money as aforesaid and in

obedience to the decree aforesaid and

in further consideration of one dol-

lar in hand paid to the said George

C. Washington trustee as aforesaid,

the receipt whereof from said English

is hereby acknowledged, he the said

George C. Washington hath granted,

bargained, and sold, released, en-

feoffed and confirmed, and by these

presents does grant, bargain, and sell,

release, enfeoff, and confirm to the

said David English his heirs and

assigns the following lot, parts of

lots, and real property lying and

being in Washington City afore-

said, to wit, the whole of Lot Num-

ber sixteen (16) in square number

six hundred and thirty four (634)

and so known and distinguished

on the plan of said City, contain-

ing five thousand, three hundred,

and fifty seven square feet (5357 sq. ft.),

and also parts of Lots Numbers six

and seven (6 & 7) in said square num-

ber six hundred and thirty four (634)

and also so known and distin-

guished on the plan of said City

being the parts of said Lots six and

seven heretofore conveyed by Daniel

Carroll to Gen’l George Washington by

deed dated the third of October seventeen

hundred and ninety eight, said parts

of Lots numbers six and seven aforesaid,

lying to the west of, and contiguous to

Lot number sixteen aforesaid, and run-

ning from the northwest and southwest

corners of said Lot sixteen to New Jersey

avenue and containing together five

thousand, three hundred, and fifty five

(5355 sq. ft.) together with all the buildings im-

provements and privileges belonging or

appertaining to said Lot sixteen and

said parts of Lots six and seven in

square six hundred & thirty four, and

all the right title interest and claim

both of the complainants and defendant

in the suit in Chancery aforesaid;

To have and to hold the said Lot

sixteen and the said parts of Lots six

and seven with the buildings im-

provements and privileges aforesaid,

and all the right, title interest and

claim of complainants and defen-

dant, aforesaid to him the said David

English his heirs and assigns for ever

and to his and their only proper use

and behoof. In Testimony whereof

the said George C. Washington hath

hereto set his hand and affixed his

seal the day and year first hereinbe-

fore written.

Signed, sealed, & de-

livered in the presence of

the words “two thousand & sixty four

dollars & fifteen cents” in 9th and 10th

lines of the 2nd page from the top

being first erased & the words

“one thousand, four hundred & forty

six dollars & twelve cents” inter-

lined & written over the erasure.)

Thos. Corcoran G.C. Washington {seal}

Att. Trustee 

G.C. Washington, Trustee

Deed to pur-

chasers of Gen’l G. Wash-

Ington’s lotts in the

City of Washington.

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George Corbin Washington, George Washington's great-nephew, sold Washington's Capitol Hill land lots in the District of Columbia to David English. The General's townhouse on Capitol Hill was destroyed by fire during the War of 1812. George Corbin Washington served as a trustee of George Washington's land in Washington, D.C.