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The Washington Library serves as the repository for Washington’s original books and manuscripts. We are continuing to build our library collection with the ultimate goal to re-create Washington’s library and be an authoritative source on all topics related to Washington.

We are asking for your help to pursue the acquisition of Washington-related documents. Please consider supporting our efforts to preserve this printed history.

Expanding the Library Collection

Mount Vernon is seeking to acquire letters, books, and documents pertaining to Washington and his family that offer deep insights into the era. Undocumented letters, manuscripts, and written pieces related to Washington are constantly being rediscovered. 

Many of these documents need conservation work when they get to Mount Vernon. We ensure these valuable documents are protected, conserved, and digitized.  Digitization makes the documents accessible to a wider audience and enables researchers to study the digital letters while keeping the original safely protected. 

Preserving Printed History

We would deeply appreciate your support to improve our library collection and provide scholarly resources for expanded audiences.

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