What's In This Issue?
- Reimagining the Iconic Guest Room
- Enjoying the Washington's Hospitality
- Lady Washington's Wedding Ensemble
- Presidential Hospitality
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The Blue Room
The Blue Room was one of the six primary bedchambers at Mount Vernon. Located at the top of the stairs on the second floor, the Blue Room overlooked the front entrance and the view to the west. By the late 1790s, it served as a bedchamber for visiting family and guests.

Do you have what it takes to lead like Washington? In this new interactive experience you will step into the shoes of the first president and commander and chief and make the very same decisions he had to.

Mount Vernon Video Collection
Watch a variety of fascinating videos on the lives and legacies of the Washingtons as well as behind-the-scenes footage of Mount Vernon today.

Preservation Challenge
Make your philanthropic gift through the Mount Vernon Preservation Challenge and it will go THREE times as far to help fund our most pressing projects and to support future historic preservation initiatives.

Interview with David and Jeanne Heidler
The authors David and Jeanne Heidler discuss their new book: Washington's Circle: The Creation of the President.