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Mount Vernon Magazine, September 2015

What's in this issue?

  • Divided They Stood: Thomas Fleming on Washington vs. Jefferson

  • Vertical Archaeology: Wallpaper Analysis

  • Patriots & Partners: Q & A with Ron Chernow

  • L'Hermione Docks at Mount Vernon

  • Peeling Back History: Uncovering Washington's Wallpaper

Preview September 2015 Issue Online


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Historic Stereoviews Become Modern 3-D Images

Mount Vernon partnered with the Center for Civil War Photography to scan 20 historic stereoview cards and convert them into modern 3-D images, which can be viewed using free 3-D glasses. The exhibition is on view through November 20, 2015.

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Save Washington's Cupola

Earlier this year, many of you generously answered the call to support necessary repairs to the Mansion roof, and we are grateful for your help. Unfortunately, while inspecting the roof this summer, we discovered a more urgent problem: the cupola is in danger, and we must act quickly to restore it.

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Video: Wallpaper Discovery in the Mansion

Tom Reinhart and Amanda Isaac discuss the new discoveries in the mansion, through wallpaper samples.

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Video: Ron Chernow on Washington and Hamilton

Pulitizer-Prizing winning author Ron Chernow shares his thoughts on the important relationship that George Washington and Alexander Hamilton had during the founding of the United States.

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Upcoming Events

Check out our online calendar for all the great events, tours, and activities scheduled to take place at Mount Vernon.

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