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Thank you for participating in the George Washington Commemorations Project. Your contributions will help advance our understanding of Washington's legacy and his place in national memory. 

Click the button below to access the research collection form and begin submitting your information about a commemorative object in a public space. We are using Google Forms to keep things easy for all to use. The form is divided into four parts but no one part is particularly difficult or time consuming to fill out and we invite you to contribute as much or as little as you choose to about your commemoration. The four parts of the form are:

  • Tell us about the Object (12 questions)
  • Tell us about the Object's Dedication (9 questions)
  • What can you tell us about the Object's local history (4 questions)
  • Your Contact Information (4 questions)

Please complete the form to the best of your ability. Only the name of the object, its location, and your consent to submit information to the database are required answers. Contact the project team if you have any questions.

Have fun!

Access the Research Collection Form