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Welcome to the George Washington Commemorations Project.

Do you have a George Washington commemoration of some kind in your town or near your home? If so, we invite you to share information about it as part of this new nationwide digital project. 

The Washington Monument in the nation’s capital is the most famous Washington commemoration of them all. But in fact the United States is dotted by an uncounted number of statues, plaques, and busts commemorating George Washington. Our goal is to work with interested citizen researchers all across the United States to collect as much information about these objects as we can. We hope you will join in and tell us about the memorials in your community.

We have created a simple to use online form with a whole set of relevant questions that inquire about everything from the type of commemoration to people’s own experiences and memories of them. We also have detailed instructions and a small resources tool kit to help our citizen researcher team learn about memorials, their various parts and styles, a bit about their history. Your work on this project will become part of a large publicly accessible record where these commemorations are and something of their history. Student groups have helped already by testing and developing the project. We encourage our citizen researchers to work together if they wish and welcome contributions from classes, community and civic groups, history-minded friends, and families as well as individuals with interest in their community’s history and that of George Washington.

We hope you will join us and help us better understand the national landscape of George Washington commemorations. Check out our video introduction to learn more. 

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