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The following information is based on the 1799 slave list compiled at Mount Vernon. In 1799 there were seventy-five slaves living at Union Farm. Of these individuals, six were owned by George Washington, thirty were dower slaves owned by Martha Washington, and thirty-nine were individuals rented from a neighbor to Mount Vernon, Mrs. French. There appear to have been at least twelve family groups, housing fifty-seven of the people (including thirty children under the age of eleven and twenty-seven individuals considered to be "adults," age eleven and over). Another seventeen individuals cannot yet be linked with any relatives living at this farm. All of the family groups at this farm seem to have been headed by women, about one-third of whom were unmarried. Of the seventeen slaves living at Union Farm, owned by George and Martha Washington and considered to be of adult working age, sixteen (around ninety-four percent) had been living on Union Farm since 1786.