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A hired housekeeper who worked at Mount Vernon for two years, Sarah Harle left George Washington's employ at the end of May of 1767. On March 8, 1766, Harle was advanced one pound, fifteen shillings. Two months later, on May 1, 1766, Washington charged Sarah's account four shillings and six pence for the devotional book The New Whole Duty of Man. She received additional cash advances of one pound, ten shillings on June 25, 1766, two pounds, six shillings on July 4, 1766, one pound on August 1, 1766, two shillings and six pence on September 6, 1766, five shillings on February 19, 1767, and four pounds on March 10, 1767.1



1. "Cash Accounts, March 1766," "Cash Accounts, May 1766," "Cash Accounts, June 1766," "Cash Accounts, July 1766," "Cash Accounts, August 1766," "Cash Accounts, September 1766," "Cash Accounts, February 1767," "Cash Accounts, March 1767," The Papers of George Washington Digital Edition, ed. Theodore J. Crackel. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, Rotunda, 2008.