Freemasonry played a role throughout George Washington's life, joining the Lodge in Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1752, through his death, where brothers of Alexandria Lodge performed Masonic rites at his funeral.

The origins of Freemasonry are obscure. The creation occurred over time between 1599 and 1721. The organization spread to America and played a role in the lives of many Founding Fathers.
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Masonic Objects in the Mount Vernon Collection
Mount Vernon has a variety of fascinating objects related to George Washington and Freemasonry in our collection.
explore objectsFreemasonry in Colonial America
Mark Tabbert, Director of Collections at the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association in Alexandria, VA., discuss Freemasonry in early American history.

Masonic Associations
As Freemasonry's most celebrated brother, George Washington was invited to numerous Masonic lodges in the new republic.
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The George Washington Masonic National Memorial
Located in Alexandria, Virginia, this impressive landmark was constructed as a memorial to George Washington. Today it is still an active Lodge and museum.
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