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High schoolers in the DMV area are invited to apply for our Student Advisory Board, a student-led group that works alongside Mount Vernon staff to shape education and programming at Mount Vernon. Submit Your Application

Nomination Window

Award Notification

Early August 2024

Mount Vernon's Student Advisory Board

High schoolers in the DMV area are invited to apply for our Student Advisory Board, a student-led group that works alongside Mount Vernon staff to shape education and programming at Mount Vernon.

Board members will gain leadership experience, go behind the scenes at Mount Vernon, and connect with professionals in the museum field.

Applicants must be:

  • Rising Sophomore, Juniors, or Seniors in high school
  • Enrolled in a high school in the local DMV area
  • Able to serve a one-year term, from September through August
  • Able to attend monthly meetings on the grounds of Mount Vernon
  • Able to complete 3-6 hours of work at home on their own, per month
  • Interested in American history, George Washington’s legacy, and/or the work of museums.

Student Advisor Stipend

To support our Student Advisory Board, board members:

  • Receive a one-time payment of $1,000
  • Receive a travel stipend to help cover the cost of travel to on-site board meetings
  • Can receive excused absences from monthly meetings (if approved.)

Share Your Perspective as a Student

During each one-year term, the Student Advisory Board meets monthly to:

  • Evaluate the student experience while visiting Mount Vernon
  • Share perspectives about the current student-focused programs and resources
  • Review existing classroom and community resources
  • Identify learning standards for new student programs
  • Provide input to the development of new educational content
  • Discuss current and historical issues important to today’s student audience
  • Create hands-on, team-based projects.

Behind-the-Scenes Access to George Washington's Estate

You might be an excellent candidate if you want to:

  • Get a behind-the-scenes perspective of George Washington’s Mount Vernon and gain insight into the museum field.
  • See museums not just as destination sites but as valuable resources for classrooms and communities
  • Join a network of other students from the DMV area
  • Develop leadership and professional skills like organization and time management, teamwork and cooperation, conflict resolution, communication, and negotiation.
  • Have fun!
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Student Advisor Maggie A.

"Being on the Mount Vernon Student Advisory Board has opened my eyes to the inner workings of museums, specifically the intricacies of content and advertising. However, I would say the most important aspect is the relationships.

During my time on the advisory board, I had the privilege of working on a team of like-minded peers, having my opinions heard, and using the thoughts of others to develop my own thinking. I feel like in my time here, I was able to consider numerous perspectives, all while feeling like my own were being valued.

I came in expecting simply to learn, and while I have learned more than I ever thought I would, I also feel like my peers and I taught, and in doing so, have made a difference."

- Maggie A., high school senior

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Student Advisor Eleanor P.

"Serving on Mount Vernon’s Student Advisory Board has greatly increased my knowledge of both George Washington and how museums are run in general.

As a part of this board, I have been able to voice my thoughts and opinions and make a real impact on this national historic site. I always felt that every staff member truly valued what our board had to say.

One of my favorite memories was going on a behind-the-scenes tour of the barns and meeting the animals of Mount Vernon.

I am sure that I will use the knowledge I have gained and the skills I have developed from this experience for years to come."

- Eleanor P., high school senior