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H. R. 25460.


May 5, 1910.

MR. COUDREY introduced the following bill ; which was referred to the Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed.


To provide for the maintenance of Mount Vernon, Virginia, and to abolish the admission fee.

  1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
  2. tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
  3. That on and after the first day of July following the passage
  4. of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person or persons,
  5. corporation, or association of any character whatsoever, to
  6. collect an admission fee for admission to the gates of Mount
  7. Vernon, Virginia, the former home and the present resting
  8. place of the remains of General Washington.
  9. SEC. 2. That the President of the United States is
  10. hereby authorized to appoint such persons as in his discre-
  11. tion may seem necessary, to act in conjunction with the
  12. Ladies' Mount Vernon Association of the Union, their suc-
  13. cessors or assigns, for the purpose of properly guarding,
  14. caring for, improving, repairing, and otherwise keeping the
  1. tomb, mansion, buildings, and grounds in a manner appro-
  2. priate to the memory of General Washington, and in har-
  3. mony with the dignity of the nation.
  4. SEC. 3. That no boat carrying passengers shall be
  5. denied the right to land at the wharf for the purpose of
  6. discharging and taking on passengers.
  7. SEC. 4. That there is hereby appropriated, from any
  8. moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise
  9. appropriated, for the purpose of dredging the channel from
  10. the main channel of the Potomac River to the wharf, mileage
  11. and per diem expenses of members of the Ladies' Mount
  12. Vernon Association of the Union, and all other expenses
  13. under the provisions of this Act, the sum of thirty-five
  14. thousand dollars.