H. R. 25460.
May 5, 1910.
MR. COUDREY introduced the following bill ; which was referred to the Committee on the Library and ordered to be printed.
To provide for the maintenance of Mount Vernon, Virginia, and to abolish the admission fee.
- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
- tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
- That on and after the first day of July following the passage
- of this Act it shall be unlawful for any person or persons,
- corporation, or association of any character whatsoever, to
- collect an admission fee for admission to the gates of Mount
- Vernon, Virginia, the former home and the present resting
- place of the remains of General Washington.
- SEC. 2. That the President of the United States is
- hereby authorized to appoint such persons as in his discre-
- tion may seem necessary, to act in conjunction with the
- Ladies' Mount Vernon Association of the Union, their suc-
- cessors or assigns, for the purpose of properly guarding,
- caring for, improving, repairing, and otherwise keeping the
- tomb, mansion, buildings, and grounds in a manner appro-
- priate to the memory of General Washington, and in har-
- mony with the dignity of the nation.
- SEC. 3. That no boat carrying passengers shall be
- denied the right to land at the wharf for the purpose of
- discharging and taking on passengers.
- SEC. 4. That there is hereby appropriated, from any
- moneys in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise
- appropriated, for the purpose of dredging the channel from
- the main channel of the Potomac River to the wharf, mileage
- and per diem expenses of members of the Ladies' Mount
- Vernon Association of the Union, and all other expenses
- under the provisions of this Act, the sum of thirty-five
- thousand dollars.