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Census of Slaves Rented by George Washington from Mrs. Penelope French, 1799 (Page 1 of 4)
A list of Negros the property the property of Mrs. French, in possession of George Washington, by virtue of a Contract which is to terminate with the life of the former. –     
Names     Ages &ca   Remarks
Will      Old, but hearty    Looks after the Stock _ repairs the Fences and keeps them in order. _                          
Abram     In his prime   A good Ploughman, Cradler and Mower of Grass  _ a  good Seedsman, & ca Stack
Paschall     In his prime   A very good Mower, both of Grain & Grass, and an excellent Ditcher. _
Tom     About 28   A good Mower_and an excellent Ploughman _ but unfortunately, from some tumour in his head, it is feared that blindness, partial if not entire, will ensue.  _ He has been constantly attended by Docr Craik, and has been visited by two other Doctors. _
Isaac     About 29   An excellent Scythesman, a good Ploughman, and handy at any other business on a Farm. _
Moses     About 26   A good Ploughman, and Carter
James     About 24   A Stout young fellow & Cradler, has been employed mostly at the Distillery.
Census of Slaves Rented by George Washington from Mrs. Penelope French, 1799 (Page 2 of 4)
Names     Ages &ca   Remarks
Julius     Abt 23   A Very good Carter, and can do any other work, although defective in Shape from his Infancy.
Spencer     Abt 20   A good Carter and Mower, and able at any business
Sabine     Abt 60   A good working woman, notwithstanding her age.
Lucy     Abt 55   Lame, or pretends to be so, occasioned by rheumatic pains; _ but is a good knitter, & so employed. _
Daphne     Abt 40   Ploughs very well, and is a good hand at any work
Delia     Abt 35   Equally good at the Spinng Wheel or Hoe, but has been kept chiefly at the formr
Grace     Abt 28   A very good Plougher _ and equally so at all sorts of Work. _
Siss     Abt 25   Ploughs well _ and can Milk & Churn. _
Milly     Abt 18   A full grown Woman, and likely; _ has been used to Common work only. _
Nancy     Abt 16   The same _ in all respects.
Hannah     Abt 14   Nearly at her full growth and a woman in appeare 
Census of Slaves Rented by George Washington from Mrs. Penelope French, 1799 (Page 3 of 4)

Boys & Girls who work in the 


Names     Ages &ca   Remarks
Daniel      Abt 16    
Isaac     14    
Matilda     13    
Betty     13    
Briney     12    
Grace     12    
Stately     10   Son to…………….……….….Lucy
Renney     6   Daughr…………….………….Ditto 
Raison     3   Ditto…………….……..……..Ditto
Morgan     2   Son ..……….…….……..……Ditto
Phoenix     1   Ditto………….….….………..Ditto
Polly     9   Daughter to…….……….....….Daphne
Maria     2   Ditto………....…to……….….Ditto
Jack     7   Son………….…to…….….….Delia
Julia     4   Daughter...............………...….Ditto
Nelly     2   Ditto…………….….…….…..Ditto
Ambrose     1   Son ..……….…………...……Ditto
Bob     10   Do……….….…to…….....…..Grace
Sall     8   Daughr…………….………….Ditto 
Judy     4   Ditto………….….….………..Ditto
Augusta     1   Ditto………….….….………..Ditto
Nancy     10   Daughter……………….....Sabine
Men    9                  
Women   9    
Workg  boys  & Girs 6       
Children   16          
In All    40   The Negros contained in this list, with the Remarks on them, are given with accuracy;

_ and their ages are entered from   
Census of Slaves Rented by George Washington from Mrs. Penelope French, 1799 (Page 4 of 4)


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In 1786, George Washington arranged to rent 500 acres of land from Mrs. Penelope French, the widow of Daniel French. Part of the agreement allowed for Washington to rent the services of some of Mrs. French's enslaved workers. Five months before his death in 1799, George Washington compiled a list of the 40 enslaved workers he was still renting from Mrs. French - including their names, ages, occupations, family relationships, and overall health and demeanor.