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Connecticut teachers are invited to register for a FREE workshop in Hartford, Connecticut hosted by George Washington's Mount Vernon and Connecticut Historical Society. This opportunity has been made possible through the generous support of The Chisholm Foundation.

Date and Time


Connecticut Historical Society - Hartford, Connecticut

Join the George Washington Teacher Institute and Connecticut Historical Society for a FREE one-day workshop in Hartford, Connecticut. Teaching the American Revolution with Primary Sources will focus on identifying ways to teach the American Revolution using the new Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Frameworks. Sessions focused on historical content and classroom-based primary source activities will prepare educators to empower their students to learn history through new methods and master new skills.

PLEASE NOTE: The content of this program will best support Social Studies educators who teach the 5th and 8th grades. Primary source workshop elements will be transferrable across Dimension 2's historical disciplinary concept of Historical Sources and Evidence.


9:00am Registration and Coffee
9:30am Welcome
9:45am LECTURE: The American Revolution
11:00am TOUR: Connecticut Historical Society
12:15pm Lunch (provided) and Resource Overview
1:15pm CLASSROOM APPLICATION: The American Revolution in Connecticut - Primary Source Workshop
2:30pm CLASSROOM APPLICATION: C3, George Washington, and the American Revolution in the Classroom
3:15pm Conclusion and Evaluation