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Podcast: Joe Stoltz on Washington the Surveyor

Geointeresting: President, general, surveyor & NGA employee #1 - George Washington

Listen to the NGA's podcast.

As the third-born son, Washington needed a practical career for himself to make money. He read The Art of Surveying and Measuring Land, which helped solidify his future career path—first as a surveyor, then as a military officer.

The Washington Library's digital historian, Joe Stoltz, was recently interviewed by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's Geointeresting podcast about Washington's surveying career and its impact on his career as a general.

Surveying Career

George Washington's first career as a surveyor from 1747-1752 was brief but successful, endowing him with an intimate knowledge of the backcountry and its inhabitants, a small fortune in land, and a reputation for courage and integrity.

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