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Spring 2001 and other occasions

April 10, 2001

Mrs. Laura Bush is welcomed by the Regent, Ellen Walton, and Carew Lee, the Vice Regent for Maryland (Official White House Photo)
Mrs. Laura Bush is welcomed by the Regent, Ellen Walton, and Carew Lee, the Vice Regent for Maryland (Official White House Photo)
First Lady Laura Bush and a dozen members of her Austin, Texas, garden dub toured Mount Vernon on April 10. Although the tour was not announced publicly, several thousand visitors recognized the First Lady and provided a warm welcome to George Washington's home.

Following the tour of the gardens, Mansion and museum, the group was hosted for lunch by the Regent, Ellen Walton, and the Vice Regent for Maryland, Carew Lee.

Although a number of the Austin residents were touring Mount Vernon for the first or second time, comparatively speaking, Mrs. Bush is a "Mount Vernon regular." When the Bush family lived in Northern Virginia in the late 1980s, Mrs.

Bush and her daughters brought out-of-town friends to the estate "five or six times."

"We are flattered that the First Lady has visited Mount Vernon so early in the first, year of her husband's administration, noted Mrs. Walton. "We hope she will return to Mount Vernon often in the months and years ahead, because I think we share a special interest in educating America's children".

April 26, 2007

Mrs. Laura Bush and Mrs. Akie Abe, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, tour the gardens at Mount Vernon. White House photo by Shealah Craighead.
Mrs. Laura Bush and Mrs. Akie Abe, wife of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, tour the gardens at Mount Vernon. White House photo by Shealah Craighead.

First Lady Laura Bush accompanied Japanese First Lady Akie Abe on a visit to Mount Vernon in the spring of 2007. During her visit, Mrs. Bush remarked:

I thought it would be really fun for me, and I hope for her, too, to have this chance to visit Mount Vernon, the home of our first President. Mount Vernon, as you can tell from all the tourists you've already seen, is a very, very popular place for Americans to visit, but it's also a popular place for Japanese tourists to come. And other Prime Ministers -- from Japan -- have been hosted here, as well as members of the Japanese Royal Family.

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