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The past directors, or the equivalent, of George Washington's Mount Vernon shared the same goal, to preserve and restore the estate and to educate people about George Washington’s life. However, they all went about it, in different ways. 

Upton Herbert

Superintendent 1859-1872

Upton Herbert was the first superintendent of George Washington’s Mount Vernon and served for 13 years, from 1859 to 1872. His work centered on the upkeep of Mount Vernon. Herbert was originally suggested for the position by John Augustine Washington III.

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James Hollingsworth

Superintendent 1872-1885

When James Hollingsworth was hired the role of superintendent was expanded to include acting as the general manager of the estate.

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Harrison Dodge

Superintendent 1885-1937 

Harrison Dodge is the longest serving superintendent (or equivalent) of George Washington’s Mount Vernon. He was appointed in 1885, when he was in his late twenties, and remained in the position for 52 years.

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Charles Wall

Resident Director 1937-1976

For almost 40 years, Charles Cecil Wall led Mount Vernon. His devotion earned him a tribute in 1975 by the Regent of the Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association who “designated [him] as Dean of Historic Estate administrators.”

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Harrison Symmes

Resident Director 1977-1979

Harrison Symmes joined George Washington’s Mount Vernon on January 1, 1977 as resident director and bought a fresh new perspective to the organization.

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John Castellani

Resident Director 1979-1984

John Castellani joined the Mount Vernon staff in 1967 and in 1979 was appointed resident director. His priority as director was to identify and expand additional revenue sources and oversee the inaugural capital campaign.

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John Harbour

Resident Director 1984-1987

John Harbour joined the Mount Vernon staff in June of 1984 was given two mandates upon arriving: “(1) improve the management of Mount Vernon, and (2) develop expanded educational programs.” 

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Neil Horstman

Resident Director 1987-1994

In 1987, Neil Horstman began his work at Mount Vernon and expanded both the archaeology and education initiatives. Visitors to George Washington’s Mount Vernon were now presented with a wide variety of activities, in addition to touring the Mansion.

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James Rees

President 1994-2012

During James Rees’s time as president many major building projects undertaken by the organization. Public programs and educational initiatives were also expanded.

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Curt Viebranz

President 2012-2017

Curt Viebranz joined George Washington’s Mount Vernon in 2012 and worked to fine-tune one of the educational goals of the organization.

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Mount Vernon Ladies' Association

The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association was the first national historic preservation organization and is the oldest women's patriotic society in the United States. Its pioneering efforts in the field of preservation set an important precedent and have served as a model for many.

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