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Letters, being the whole of the correspondence between the Honorable John Jay, Esq., and Mr. Lewis Littlpage : a young man whom Mr. Jay, when in Spain, patronized and took into his family John Jay 1786 Letters, Diplomacy
An oration, which might have been delivered to the students in anatomy, on the late rupture between the two schools in this city Francis Hopkinson 1789 Speeches & Oratory, Anatomy, Education
A charge, delivered at Trinity Church in Boston, December 27, 1780 Being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist; to the most worshipful Grand Lodge of antient free and accepted Masons, for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Israel Keith 1780 Speeches & Oratory, Freemasonry
A charge, delivered at St. Peter's Church, in Salem, to the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, upon the festival of St. John, the Evangelist, December 27th, 5780 Joseph Hiller 1780 Speeches & Oratory, Freemasonry
An oration: delivered before a lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, : in the church at Providence (Rhode-Island) on Monday the twenty-eighth of December, 1778 James M. Varnum 1779 Speeches & Oratory, Freemasonry
Lily's rules construed : where unto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites the Latin syntaxis, also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs, in English alone William Lily 1749 Grammar, Languages
A short introduction to vocal music Granville Sharp 1777  
A short tract concerning the doctrine of "Nullum tempus occurrit regi" shewing the particular cases to which it is applicable, and that it cannot, according to law, be effectual for the recovery of manors, lands, or tenements, alienated from the crown Granville Sharp 1779  
An appendix to the Representation (printed in the year 1769) of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating slavery, or, of admitting the least claim of private property in the persons of men in England Granville Sharp 1772  
Encyclopaedia; or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature; constructed on a plan, by which the different sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises of systems 1798 Reference, Encyclopedias
Acts passed at the first session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX: and of the independence of the United States the thirteenth United States Congress 1791 Law, Politics and Government, United States
General view of the agriculture of the county of Argyll, with observations on the means of its improvement drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement John Smith 1798 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
A short introduction to grammar Generally to be used, compiled and set forth for the bringing up all those that intend to attain to the knowledge of the Latin tongue William Lily 1750 Grammar, Languages
The immortal mentor, or, Man's unerring guide to a healthy, wealthy & happy life : in three parts Mason Locke Weems 1796 Conduct Books
Vade-mecum medicum in duas partes divisum, quarum prior, nosologiam Cullinæam, posterior, compendium materiæ medicæ et pharmacopoeiæ, exhibet; quibus subjungitur systema formularum recentissimarum, ad normam chymiæ recentis ordinatum William Tazewell 1798 Medicine
Experiments on the red and quill Peruvian bark; with observations on its history, mode of operation, and uses 1785 Medicine
Maredant’s antiscorbutic drops: a caution to the public in general, but more particularly to merchants, captains of ships, and those concerning trade to the East or West Indies, etc. John Norton 1771 Medicine
The Botanical magazine; or Flower-garden displayed: in which the most ornamental foreign plants, cultivated in the open ground, the green-house, and the store, are accurately represented in their natural colours 1793-1800 Natural History, Botany
An analytick treatise of conick sections, and their use for resolving of equations in determinate and indeterminate problems Guillaume François Antoine de L'Hospital 1723 Mathematics
An essay towards deciding the question, whether Britain be permitted by right policy to insure the ships of her enemies? : addressed to the Right Honorable Henry Pelham Corbyn Morris 1758 Politics and Government, Great Britain
An essay towards fixing the true standards of wit, humour, raillery, satire, and ridicule. To which is added, an analysis of the characters of an humourist, ... By the author of a letter from a by-stander Corbyn Morris 1744 Humor
Instructions for officers detached in the field : containing a scheme for forming a partisan Roger Stevenson 1770 Military Art and Science
Travels through the interior parts of North-America : in the years 1766, 1767, and 1768 Jonathan Carver 1779 Voyages and Travels, North America
In Congress, July 4, 1776. A declaration by the representatives of the United States of America, in General Congress assembled United States (Continental Congress) 1776 United States, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War
City petitions, addresses, and remonstrances, &c. &c. &c. : commencing in the year M.DCC.LXIX. and including the last petition, for the burial of the Right Honble. the Earl of Chatham in St. Paul's cathedral. With His Majesty's answers. Also Mr. Alderman Beckford's speech to the king, on the twenty-third of May, 1770 London Court of Common Council 1778 Great Britain, Politics and Government
The whole proceedings on the trial of an information exhibited ex officio by the king's attorney-general against Thomas Paine : for a libel upon the revolution and settlement of the crown and regal government as by law established : and also upon the bill of rights, the legislature, government, laws, and parliament of this kingdom, and upon the king : tried by a special jury in the Court of King's bench, Guildhall, on Tuesday, the 18th of December, 1792, before the Right Honourable Lord Kenyon Thomas Paine 1793 Law, Trials, Politics and Government, Great Britain
Reports of the proceedings and arguments before the Lord Lieutenant and Privy Council on the petitions of Aldermen James and Howison; also of the proceedings, arguments and resolutions of the Commons of the Common Council, and of the Aggregate meeting of the freemen, freeholders, and citizens of Dublin: to which is added an appendix containing the Lord Chancellor's speech in the House of Lords and the resolutions of the Whig club 1790 Law, Ireland, Trials
A reply to the address, of the Hon. George Muter and Benjamin Sebastian Humphrey Marshall 1795 Law, Trials, United States
A Report of the opinions of the judges in the important cause of Penhallow et al. against Doane's administrators, delivered in the Supreme Court of the United States, at February term, 1795, on an appeal from the Circuit Court for the District of New Hampshire United States Supreme Court 1795 United States, Politics and Government, Supreme Court, Trials
A Collection of devotional tracts, viz. An extract of the spirit of prayer. By W. Law, A.M. A discourse on mistakes concerning religion, &c. By Thomas Hartley, A.M. Christ’s spirit, a Christian strength. By William Dell. The stumbling stone. By ditto. The doctrine of baptism. By ditto. The trial of spirits. By ditto. The liberty of flesh and spirit distinguished. By J. Rutty. Observations on enslaving, importing, and purchasing of Negroes, &c. The uncertainty of a death-bed repentance William Law 1760? Religion, Sermons, Essays, Slavery
Peace and reform, against war and corruption in answer to a pamphlet written by Arthur Young, Esq. entitled, "The example of France, a warning to Britain" Daniel Stuart 1794 Politics and Government, Great Britain
Considerations on false and real alarms Norman Macleod 1794 Politics and Government, Great Britain
The resolutions of the first meeting of the Friends to the liberty of the Press, December 19th, 1792. Also, the declaration of the second meeting, January 22nd, 1793, written by the Hon. Thomas Erskine; to which is added, a letter to Mr. Reeves, chairman of the Association for Preserving Liberty and Property: by Thomas Law Friends to the Liberty of the Press 1793 Politics and Government, Great Britain
A letter from the Right Honourable Charles James Fox to the worthy and independent electors of the city and liberty of Westminster Charles James Fox 1793 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament, Elections
The security of Englishmen's lives or the trust, power, and duty of grand juries of England explained, ... First printed in the year 1681 Baron John Somers 1771 Great Britain, Law
A new catalogue of books and pamphlets, printed for J. Almon, bookseller and stationer, opposite Burlington-house, Piccadilly. ... London, November, 1770 John Almon 1770 Bibliography, Catalogues
Another letter to Mr. Almon, in matter of libel: with a postscript upon contempt of court and attachment 1771 Great Britain, Law, Libel
A letter concerning libels, warrants, the seisure of papers and sureties for the peace of behaviour; with a view to some late proceedings, and the defence of them by the majority 1771 Great Britain, Law, Libel
A letter from Candor, to The public advertiser Candor 1770 Great Britain, Law, Libel
Chart of the Coast of North America, from Port Howe to the entrance of the Gulf of Mexico Matthew Clark 1789 Maps, Navigation, North America
A map of the most inhabited part of New England : containing the provinces of Massachusets Bay and New Hampshire, with the colonies of Conecticut and Rhode Island : divided into counties and townships : the whole composed from actual surveys and its situation adjusted by astronomical observations Thomas Jefferys 1755 Maps, New England, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island
[Military Plans of the American Revolution]     Militaria, Maps, Atlases, American Revolution
[Maps and charts]     Maps, Navigation, Geography, Canada, Pennsylvania, Delaware, United States, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina, Maine, Europe, Militaria, Canals, Great Britain, India, France, Connecticut, Commerce, New York, New Jersey, Art, Architecture, Washington DC
A general atlas for the present war. Containing, six maps and one chart ... Including every place in Europe and the West-Indies, in which the war has been carried on Mathew Carey 1794 Atlases, Maps, Europe, West Indies, Miltaria
[American Atlas]     Maps, Atlases, United States, West Indies
A general topography of North America and the West Indies. Being a collection of all the maps, charts, plans, and particular surveys, that have been published of that part of the world, either in Europe or America Thomas Jefferys 1768 Maps, Atlases, United States
The West-India atlas : or, A compendious description of the West-Indies : illustrated with forty-one correct charts and maps, taken from actual surveys, together with an historical account of the several countries and islands which compose part of the world ... Thomas Jefferys 1783 Maps, Atlases, West Indies
Geographia classica, or, The geography of the antients : as contained in the Greek and Latin classics : exhibited in thirty-two maps ... principally designed for the use of schools ... Herman Moll 1749 Georgraphy, Maps, Atlases, Education
A brief examination of Lord Sheffield's Observations on the commerce of the United States. In seven numbers. : With two supplementary notes on American manufactures Tench Coxe 1791 Commerce, Great Britain, United States
Rights of man: being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French Revolution Thomas Paine 1791 Religion, French Revolution, Politics and Government
Thoughts on government: occasioned by Mr. Burke's Reflections &c. in a letter to a friend. To which is added a postscript, in reply to A vindication of Mr. Burke's Reflections George Rous 1791 Politics and Government, Great Britain
A letter to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke Sir Brooke Boothby 1791 Letters, Politics and Government, Great Britain
Remarks on Lord Sheffield's Observations on the commerce of the American states Thomas Ruston 1784 Great Britain, Commerce, United States
Observations on American independency Thomas Tod 1779 Politics and Government, United States
A sixth essay on free trade and finance; particularly shewing what supplies of public revenue may be drawn from merchandize, without injuring our trade, or burdening our people. : Humbly offered to the public Pelatiah Webster 1783 Commerce, Finance
Observations on the American Revolution, published according to a resolution of Congress, by their committee. For the consideration of those who are desirous of comparing the conduct of the opposed parties, and the several consequences which have flowed from it Gouverneur Morris 1779 Politics and Government, United States, Revolutionary War
Sketches of American policy. Under the following heads: I. Theory of government. II. Governments on the eastern continent. III. American states; or the principles of the American constitutions contrasted with those of European states. IV. Plan of policy for improving the advantages and perpetuating the union of the American states Noah Webster 1785 Politics and Government, United States
A collection of state-papers relative to the first acknowledgment of the sovereignity [sic] of the United States of America, and the reception of their minister plenipotentiary, by their High-Mightinesses the States-General of the United Netherlands 1782 Politics and Government, United States, Revolutionary War
A dissertation on the political union and constitution of the thirteen United States, of North-America: which is necessary to their preservation and happiness, humbly offered to the public Pelatiah Webster 1783 Politics and Government, United States
An eulogium of the brave men who have fallen in the contest with Great-Britain: delivered on Monday, July 5. 1779. Before a numerous and respectable assembly of citizens and foreigners, in the German Calvinist Church, Philadelphia H. H. Brackenridge 1779 Sermons, Revolutionary War
An oration, delivered July 4, 1786, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, in celebration of the anniversary of American independence Jonathan Loring Austin 1786 Speeches & Oratory, Fourth of July, United States
An oration, delivered March 6, 1780. At the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston; to commemorate the bloody tragedy of the fifth of March, 1770. Jonathan Mason 1780 Speeches & Oratory, Boston Massacre
An oration delivered at Watertown, March 5, 1776. To commemorate the bloody massacre at Boston: perpetrated March 5, 1770 Peter Thacher 1776 Speeches & Oratory, Boston Massacre
An essay on the education and genius of the female sex. To which is added, an account, of the commencement of the Young-Ladies' Academy of Philadelphia, held the 18th of December, 1794, under the direction of Mr. John Poor, A.M. principal James A. Neal 1795 Education
The Rise and progress of the Young-Ladies' Academy of Philadelphia: containing an account of a number of public examinations & commencements; the charter and bye-laws; likewise, a number of orations delivered by the young ladies, and several by the trustees of said institution 1794 Education
Thoughts upon female education accomodated to the present state of society, manners, and government in the United States of America : addressed to the visitors of the Young Ladies' Academy in Philadelphia, 28 July, 1787, at the close of the quarterly examination Benjamin Rush 1787 Education
Of commerce and luxury Thomas Lang 1791 Commerce, Essays
An account of the ancient division of the English nation into hundreds and tithings the happy effects of that excellent institution ... intended as an appendix to several tracts on national defence, &c. Granville Sharp 1784 Great Britain
Observations on Mr. Pitt's plan, for the reduction of the national debt Earl Charles Stanhope 1786 Great Britain, Commerce, Finance
The proceedings of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, convened in General Assembly, on Thursday the first day of June, 1775, will fully appear in their journals, printed at large; but as it was judged necessary that the most material transactions should be seen in one connected and distinct point of view, the House ordered that these should be published in a pamphlet, and they are contained in the following sheets Virginia (Legislature) 1775 Politics and Government, Virginia
Geographical, historical, political, philosophical and mechanical essays. Number II : Containing a letter representing, the impropriety of sending forces to Virginia: the importance of taking Frontenac; and that the preservation of Oswego was owing to General Shirley’s proceeding thither. And containing objections to those parts of Evans’s general map and analysis, which relate to the French title to the country, on the north-west side of St. Laurence River, between Fort Frontenac and Montreal. &c. Publ Lewis Evans 1756 Geography, Essays, Maps, Great Britain
Descriptions of some of the utensils in husbandry rolling carriages, cart rollers, and divided rollers for land or gardens, mills, weighing engines &c. &c. James Sharp 1777? Agriculture
On the principle of vitality. A discourse delivered in the First Church in Boston, Tuesday, June 8th, 1790. Before the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Benjamin Waterhouse 1790 Societies & Organizations, Speeches & Oratory, Humane Society of Massachusetts
Conciliatory hints, attempting, by a fair state of matters, to remove party-prejudices;-- offering a few reflections on the various forms of government;-- pointing out the preference to be given to the true republican or democratic system;-- and proposing a convention by delegates, for the purpose of accommodating our constitution more perfectly to the principles of equal and permanent freedom: : submitted to the consideration of the citizens of the Commonwealth of South-Carolina Thomas Tudor Tucker 1784 Politics and Government, South Carolina
The constitution of the state of South-Carolina South Carolina 1790 Politics and Government, United States, South Carolina
An address to the people of the state of New-York, on the subject of the Constitution, agreed upon at Philadelphia, the 17th of September, 1787 John Jay 1788 Politics and Government, United States, New York
An epistle to Dr. Shebbeare to which is added an ode to Sir Fletcher Norton, in imitation of Horace, Ode VIII. Book IV. By Malcolm MacGreggor William Mason 1777 Letters, Classics, Criticism
An heroic postscript to the public occasioned by their favourable reception of a late heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers, Knt. &c. By the author of that epistle William Mason 1774 Essays
An heroic epistle to Sir William Chambers knight, comptroller general of His Majesty's works, and author of a late dissertation on oriental gardening. Enriched with explanatory notes, chiefly extraced from that elaborate performance William Mason 1776 Essays, Gardening
The genius of Britain. An ode. In allusion to the present times   1775 Politics and Government, Great Britain
Dr. Price, and the rights of man! : an elegy, sacred to the memory of that late reverend divine, and genuine philanthropist H. R. H. 1791 Essays, Religion
Catalogue of plants, exotic and indigenous, in the Botanical Garden, Jamaica Thomas Dancer 1792 Botany, Jamaica
Proceedings of the Hon. House of Assembly of Jamaica on the sugar and slave-trade in a session which began the 23d of October, 1792 Jamaica (Assembly) 1792 Politics and Government, Jamaica, Slavery, Commerce, Sugar
Plan for a free community upon the coast of Africa, under the protection of Great Britain; but intirely independent of all European laws and governments August Nordensköld 1789 Slavery
The artists assistant in drawing, perspective, etching, engraving, mezzotinto-scraping, painting on glass, in crayons, in water-colours, and on silks and sattins. The art of jappaning, &c. Containing the easiest and most comprehensive rules for the attainment of those truly useful and polite arts, methodically digested, and adapted to the capacities of young beginners. : Illustrated with suitable examples engraved on copper Carington Bowles 1794 Art, Drawing, Painting
A prayer, composed for the benefit of the soldiery, in the American army, to assist them in their private devotions; and recommended to their particular use Abiel Leonard 1775 Revolutionary War, Religion
The prompter; or A commentary on common sayings and subjects, which are full of common sense, the best sense in the world Noah Webster 1792 Reference, Languages
A serious expostulation with the members of the House of Representatives of the United States Warner Mifflin 1793 Politics and Government, United States
Political opinions, particularly respecting the seat of federal empire: being an attempt to demonstrate the utility, justice and convenience of erecting the great city in the centre of the states, or in the centre of their power Citizen of America 1789 Politics and Government, United States
Remarks on the proposed plan of a federal government : addressed to the citizens of the United States of America, and particularly to the people of Maryland Alexander Contee Hanson 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Maryland
Rules and regulations of the Society for Political Enquiries. Established at Philadelphia, 9th February, 1787 Society for Political Inquiries 1787 Politics and Government, Societies & Organizations, Society for Political Inquiries
Some observations on the situation, disposition, and character of the Indian natives of this continent Anthony Benezet 1784 American Indians
Directions for the use of the mineral water and cold bath, at Harrogate, near Philadelphia Benjamin Rush 1786 Medicine, Mineral Water
A recommendation of inoculation, according to Baron Dimsdale's method John Morgan 1776 Medicine, Inoculation
A treatise of buggs: shewing when and how they were first brought into England. How they are brought into and infect houses. Their nature, several foods, times and manner of spawning and propagating in this climate ... John Southall 1730 Medicine, Bedbugs
Clavis Homerica sive lexicon vocabulorum omnium, quæ continentur in Homeri Iliade et potissima parte Odyssææ. ... Hanc præterea editionem pluribus in locis auxit, non pauca emendavit, atque scholis utiliorem reddidit Samuel Patrick Antonius Roberti 1741 Classics, Literature, Education
Loose hints upon education : chiefly concerning the culture of the heart Lord Henry Home Kames 1782 Education
A serious proposal to the ladies for the advancement of their true and greatest interest. In two parts. By a lover of her sex Mary Astell 1697 Education
Advice to a son, directing him how to demean himself in the most important passages of life   1716 Education
Cadmus, or, A treatise on the elements of written language : illustrating, by a philosophical division of speech, the power of each character, thereby mutually fixing the orthography and orthoepy : with an essay on the mode of teaching the surd or deaf, and consequently dumb, to speak William Thornton 1793 Languages
Ahiman rezon abridged and digested: as a help to all that are, or would be Free and Accepted Masons. : To which is added, a sermon, preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, at a general communication, celebrated, agreeable to the constitutions, on Monday, December 28, 1778, as the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist. Published by order of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania William Smith 1783 Freemasonry
A short treatise on the English tongue. Being an attempt to render the reading and pronunciation of the same more easy to foreigners. Essai sur la langue angloise Granville Sharp 1767 Languages
Transactions of the Royal Humane Society dedicated by permission to His Majesty by W. Hawes Royal Humane Society 1795 Societies & Organizations, Royal Humane Society
An essay on the picturesque, as compared with the sublime and the beautiful; and, on the use of studying pictures, for the purpose of improving real landscapes Sir Uvedale Price 1796 Art
An essay concerning human understanding; In four books John Locke 1775 Philosophy
The beauties of nature, displayed in a sentimental ramble through her luxuriant fields; with a retrospective view of her, and that great almighty being who gave her birth. To which is added, a choice collection of thoughts: concluded with poems on various occasions W. Jackson 1769 Natural History, Literature, Poetry
Letters on education : with observations on religious and metaphysical subjects Catharine Sawbridge Macauley 1790 Education, Letters, Religion, Philosophy
A treatise on education. With a sketch of the author's method George Chapman 1773 Education
The family-physician, and the house-apothecary Gideon Harvey 1678 Medicine
An inaugural botanico-medical dissertation, on the Phytolacca decandra of Linnaeus Benjamin Shultz 1795 Natural History, Botany, Science, Medicine
Essays, political, economical, and philosophical ... Graf Benjamin von Rumford 1796 Essays, Politics and Government, Philosophy, Commerce
The rational practice of physic William Rowley 1793 Medicine
Researches into some parts of the theory of the planets : in which is solved the problem, to determine the circular orbit of a planet by two observations : exemplified in the new planet Walter Minto 1783 Astronomy, Science
The compleat surveyor containing the whole art of surveying of land by the plain table, circumferentor, theodolite, peractor, and other instruments : with divers kinds of mensurations, and matters pertinent to a work of this nature : the whole treatise being comprised in VII books William Leybourn 1679 Surveying
A narrative of the two aerial voyages of Doctor Jeffries with Mons. Blanchard : with meteorological observations and remarks. The first voyage, on the thirtieth of November, 1783, from England into France John Jeffries 1786 Ballooning
A complete system of interest and annuities founded upon new, easy and rational principles : containing, the whole business of interest, and annuities ... a great variety of questions, relating to fines, mortgages, renewals ... to which is prefixed, as an introduction, I. the doctrine and application of decimals ... II. the extraction of the square root, III. the method of computing, the amount and present worth of money ... James Hardy 1753 Accounting, Finance, Commerce, Mathematics
Buffon's Natural history, abridged Including the history of the elements, - the earth, ... Insects, - & vegetables. Illustrated with great variety of copper plates, ... In two volumes Comte Georges Louis Leclerc de Buffon 1792 Natural History
The medicinal virtues of tar water fully explained George Berkeley 1744 Tar Water, Medicine
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to the end of the year M,DCC,LXXXIII American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1785 Societies & Organizations, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Astronomical and geographical essays: containing, I. A comprehensive view of the general principles of astronomy. II. The use of the celestial and terrestrial globes... III. The description and use of the armillary sphere planetarium, tellurian, and lunarium. IV. An introduction to practical astronomy George Adams 1789 Globes, Astronomy, Science
[On the rigging of a frigate] Thomas Truxtun Shipbuilding
The elements and practice of rigging and seamanship Illustrated with engravings. In two volumes David Steel 1794 Shipbuilding
Agricultural enquiries on plaister of Paris : also, facts, observations and conjectures on that subtance [sic], when applied as manure : collected, chiefly from the practice of farmers in Pennsylvania, and published as much with a view to invite, as to give information Richard Peters 1797 Agriculture, Manure, Plaster of Paris
The new practical navigator being an epitome of navigation, rendered easy to any common capacity: containing all the requisite tables for determining the latitude and longitude, and keeping a complete reckoning at sea: ... John Hamilton Moore 1793 Navigation
The abridgement of the Gardeners dictionary: containing the best and newest methods of cutlivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery; as also for performing the practical parts of husbandry: together with the management of vineyards, and the methods of making wine in England. In which likewise are included, directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, pasture lands and all sorts of timber trees Philip Miller 1763 Gardening, Botany
Picturesque and architectural views for cottages, farm houses, and country villas Charles Middleton 1793 Architecture
The practical husbandman being a collection of miscellaneous papers on husbandry, &c. Robert Maxwell 1757 Agriculture, Essays
The universal gardener and botanist or, a general dictionary of gardening and botany. Exhibiting in botanical arrangement, according to the Linnæan system, every tree, shrub, and herbaceous plant, ... By Thomas Mawe, ... And John Abercrombie, John Abercrombie 1778 Gardening
New principles of gardening: or, The laying out and planting parterres, groves, wildernesses, labyrinths, avenues, parks, &c. after a more grand and rural manner, than has been done before; with experimental directions for raising the several kinds of fruit-trees, forest-trees ... To which is added, the various names, descriptions, temperatures, medicinal virtues, uses and cultivations of several roots, pulse, herbs, &c. of the kitchen and physick gardens Batty Langley 1728 Gardening
Experiments and observations made with the view of improving the art of composing and applying calcareous cements and of preparing quick-lime: theory of these arts; and specification of the author's cheap and durable cement, for building, in crustation or stuccoing, and artificial stone Bry Higgins 1780 Cement
A new treatise on the diseases of horses: wherein what is necessary to the knowledge of a horse, the cure of his diseases, and other matters relating to that subject, are fully discussed ... for many years practice and experience; with the cheapest and most efficacious remedies William Gibson 1751 Horses, Medicine
Le jardinier solitaire the solitary or Carthusian gard'ner, being dialogues between a gentleman and a gard'ner. Containing the method to make and cultivate all sorts of gardens; ... Written in French by Francis Gentil, ... Also The compleat florist: ... By the Sieur Louis Liger d'Auxerre. In three parts. Newly done into English François Gentil 1706 Gardening
A treatise on the improvement of canal navigation : exhibiting the numerous advantages to be derived from small canals ... Robert Fulton 1796 Navigation, Canals
[A family housekeeper]     Housewifery
A practical treatise of husbandry wherein are contained, many useful and valuable experiments and observations in the new husbandry Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau 1762 Agriculture
The complete farmer or, a general dictionary of husbandry, in all its branches; containing the various methods of cultivating and improving every species of land, according to the precepts of both the old and new husbandry. ... Together with a great variety of new discoveries and improvements. ... Illustrated with a great variety of folio copper-plates, ... By a society of gentlemen 1767 Agriculture
The history of inland navigations particularly that of the Duke of Bridgewater : illustrated with geographical plans, shewing the counties, townships, and villages through which these navigations are carried, or intended to be : the whole shewing the utility and importance of inland navigations James Brindley 1779 Navigation, Canals, Geography
Essays and notes on husbandry and rural affairs John Beale Bordley 1799 Agriculture, Essays
The young gentleman and lady's assistant; partly original, but chiefly compiled from the works of the most celebrated modern authors; calculated to instruct youth in the priciples of useful knowledge: : in five parts, viz. geography, natural-history, elocution, poetry, --and miscellany. : To which is annexed --a short system of practical arithmetic; wherein every example is wrought at large, and the whole, including the money of the United States, rendered easy to the meanest capacity Donald Fraser 1791 Education, Literature
The Military system, for the New-Jersey cavalry Anthony Walton White 1793 Military Art and Science, United States, New Jersey
The American trooper's pocket companion: being a concise and comprehensive system of discipline for the cavalry of the United States Nicholas Pariset 1793 Military Art and Science, United States
[Military Pamphlets]     Military Art and Science
A new principle of tactics practised by the armies of the Republic of France; illustrated and recommended to be practised by the regular and militia armies of the United States James Simons 1797 Military Art and Science, United States
A treatise on the military service, of light horse, and light infantry, in the field, and in the fortified places Major General de Grandmaison 1777 Military Art and Science
Advice to the officers of the British Army John Williamson Great Britain, Military Art and Science
An essay on fortification: or, An enquiry into the causes of the great superiority of the attack over the defence. Into the means of determining the disposition and construction of the works by the operations of the attack. Into the changes this observation has produced in the method of fortifying. And, Into the advantages which may be drawn from it, for the defence. With a supplement, containing Marshal Saxe's New system of fortification, and construction of wooden forts Zacharie de Pazzi de Bonneville 1757 Military Art and Science
A system of camp-discipline, military honours, garrison-duty, and other regulations for the land forces Richard Kane 1757 Military Art and Science
The doctrine of projectiles demonstrated and apply'd to all the most useful problems in practical gunnery To which is added, the description and use of a new mathematical instrument William Starrat 1733 Military Art and Science, Artillery
The military instructor, for the non-commissioned officers and private men of the infantry; containing every thing necessary to be understood by the independent companies of volunteers Thomas Simes 1779 Military Art and Science
The military guide for young officers Thomas Simes 1776 Military Art and Science
A military course for the government and conduct of a battalion designed for their regulations in quarter, camp, or garrison; .. Thomas Simes 1777 Military Art and Science
Ordonnance du roi, pour régler l'exercice de l'infanterie : du janvier 1766 Louis XVI 1766 France, Military Art and Science
A treatise containing the practical part of fortification In four parts. ... Illustrated with twenty eight copper plates. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich John Muller 1764 Military Art and Science, Artillery
A treatise containing the practical part of fortification In four parts. ... Illustrated with twenty eight copper plates. For the use of the Royal Academy of Artillery at Woolwich John Muller 1764 Military Art and Science, Artillery
A treatise of artillery ... To which is prefixed, A theory of powder applied to fire-arms John Muller 1757 Military Art and Science, Artillery
A list of the general and staff officers, and of the officers in the several regiments serving in North-America, under the command of His Excellency General Sir William Howe, K.B. With the dates of their commissions as they rank in each corps and in the army Great Britain (Army) 1778 Great Britain, Militaria
A list of the general and field officers, as they rank in the army; of the officers in the several regiments ... and a succession of colonels, ... For the year 1777 Great Britain (Army) 1777 Great Britain, Militaria
Traité sur la cavalerie Comte Louis Drummond de Melfort 1776 Military Art and Science
[Description of the cloathing of His Majesty's bands of gentlemen pensioners, yeomen of the guards, and regiments of foot-guards, foot, marines and invalids on the establishments of Great Britain and Ireland] 1742 Military Art and Science, Great Britain
Instructions to be observed for the formations and movements of the cavalry. Published agreeably to a resolution of the Legislature of North-Carolina William Richardson Davie 1799 Military Art and Science
A treatise of military discipline in which is laid down and explained the duty of the officer and soldier Humphrey Bland Military Art and Science
The Art of war, : containing, I. The duties of all military officers in actual service; including necessary instructions, in many capital matters, by the knowledge of which, a man may soon become an ornament to the profession of arms. By Monsieur de Lamont, Town-Major of Toulon. : II. The duties of soldiers in general; including necessary instructions, in many capital matters, by remaining ignorant of which, a man who pretends to be a soldier, will be every day in danger, ... Monsieur de Lamont 1776 Military Art and Science
[Acts of the Parliament respecting militia]     Great Britain, Parliament, Militaria
Abridgement and collection of the acts of Assembly of the province of Maryland, at present in force. With a small choice collection of precedents in law and conveyancing. : Calculated for the use of the gentlemen of the province Maryland (Assembly) 1759 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Maryland
Acts passed at a General Assembly, of the Commonwealth of Virginia, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Richmond, on Monday, the nineteenth of October, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine Virginia (Legislature) 1790 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
At a General Assembly, begun and held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg, on Monday the seventh day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six, and in the first year of the Commonwealth Virginia (Legislature) 1776-1778 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Ordinances passed at a Convention held in the city of Williamsburg, in the colony of Virginia, on Friday the 1st of December, 1775 Virginia (Convention) 1776 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Ordinances passed at a convention held at the town of Richmond, in the colony of Virginia, on Monday the 17th of July, 1775 Virginia (Convention) 1775 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
The Proceedings of the convention of delegates, held at the town of Richmond, in the colony of Virginia, on Friday the 1st of December, 1775, and afterwards, by adjournment, in the city of Williamsburg Virginia (Convention) 1776 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
The Proceedings of the convention of delegates for the counties and corporations in the colony of Virginia, held at Richmond town, in the county of Henrico, on Monday the 17th of July, 1775 Virginia (Convention) 1775 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Acts of the General Assembly, 11 Geo. III. with an index Virginia (Legislature) 1771 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Acts of the General Assembly, 10 Geo. III with an index Virginia (Legislature) 1770 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Acts of the General Assembly, 10 Geo. III with an index Virginia (Legislature) 1770 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
An exact abridgement of all the public acts of assembly of Virginia, in force and use. January 1. 1758. Together with a proper table. By John Mercer, Gent. Virginia (Legislature) 1759 Politics and Government, Law, United States, Virginia
Observations on the plan of government submitted to the Federal Convention, in Philadelphia, on the 28th of May, 1787 Charles Pinckney 1787 Politics and Government, United States, Essays
Some observations on the Constitution, &c James Monroe 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Essays
Journal of the Convention of Virginia. Held in the city of Richmond, on the first Monday in June, in the year of our Lord, one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight Virginia (Convention) 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
Ordinances passed at a general convention of delegates and representatives, from the several counties and corporations of Virginia, held at the capitol, in the city of Williamsburg on Monday the 6th of May, anno Dom: 1776 Virginia (Legislature) 1776 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
The Proceedings of the convention of delegates for the counties and corporations in the colony of Virginia, held at Richmond town, in the county of Henrico, on Monday the 17th of July, 1775 Virginia (Legislature) 1775 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
Ordinances passed at a convention held at the town of Williamsburg, in the colony of Virginia, on Friday the 1st of December, 1775 Virginia (Legislature) 1775 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
The Proceedings of the convention of delegates, held at the town of Richmond, in the colony of Virginia, on Friday the 1st of December, 1775, and afterwards, by adjournment, in the city of Williamsburg Virginia (Legislature) 1776 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
A new manual, and platoon exercise: with an explanation. Published by authority Great Britain (Army) 1764 Military Art and Science, Great Britain
Journal of the proceedings of the convention held at Richmond, in the county of Henrico, on the 20th day of March, 1775 Virginia (Legislature) 1775 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
Debates and other proceedings of the Convention of Virginia : convened at Richmond, on Monday the 2d day of June 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, to which is prefixed the federal constitution Virginia (Convention) 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
[Unidentified Inventory Entries]     Politics and Government, United States, Speeches & Oratory, Literature, Drama, Poetry, Essays
Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX. and of the independence of the United States, the thirteenth. : Being the acts passed at the first session of the First Congress of the United States United States Congress 1789 Law, Politics and Government, United States
Acts passed at the Second Congress of the United States of America: begun and held at the city of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday, the twenty-fourth of October, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one: and of the independence of the United States, the sixteenth United States Congress 1793 Law, Politics and Government, United States
Acts passed at the first session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX: and of the independence of the United States the thirteenth United States Congress 1791 Law, Politics and Government, United States
Acts passed at the first session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX: and of the independence of the United States the thirteenth United States Congress 1791 Law, Politics and Government, United States
Acts passed at the first session of the Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX: and of the independence of the United States the thirteenth United States Congress 1791 Law, Politics and Government, United States
Acts passed at a Congress of the United States of America, begun and held at the city of New-York, on Wednesday the fourth of March, in the year M,DCC,LXXXIX. and of the independence of the United States, the thirteenth. Being the acts passed at the first session of the First Congress of the United States ... United States Congress 1789 or 1790 Law, Politics and Government, United States
[Congressional Journals] United States Congress Politics and Government, United States
Journals of Congress : containing their proceedings from September 5, 1774, to October 21, 1788 United States Continental Congress 1777-1789 Law, United States, Politics and Government
Laws of the state of New-York, comprising the Constitution, and the acts of the legislature since the Revolution, from the first to the twelfth session, inclusive. : Published according to an act of the legislature, passed the 15th April, 1786. In two volumes New York 1789 Law, United States, New York
The rights of war and peace, in three books. Wherein are explained, the law of nature and nations, ... Written in Latin by the learned Hugo Grotius, and translated into English. To which are added, all the large notes of Mr. J. Barbeyrac Hugo Grotius 1738 Law
Reports of cases argued and determined in the courts of King's Bench & Common Pleas, from 1670 to 1704 Richard Freeman 1742 Law, Great Britain
Doctrina placitandi, ou, L'art & science de bon pleading monstrant lou, & en queux cases, & per queux persons, pleas, cy bien real, come personal ou mixt, poient estre properment pleades, & è converso Sir Samson Eure 1677 Law, Great Britain
A compendious view of the civil law, being the substance of a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin, by Arthur Browne, ... To which will be added, a sketch of the practice of the ecclesiastical courts, ... Arthur Browne 1797 Law
An introductory lecture to a course of law lectures. To which is added a plan of the lectures James Wilson 1791 Law, Education, United States
Arguments and judgment of the Mayor's Court of the City of New-York, in a cause between Elizabeth Rutgers and Joshua Waddington New York Mayor's Court 1784 Law, Trials, United States, New York
A case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in February, 1793. In which is discussed the question--"Whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state?" United States Supreme Court 1793 United States, Politics and Government, Supreme Court, Trials
A system of the laws of the state of Connecticut. In six books Zephaniah Swift 1795-1796 Law, United States, Connecticut
The office and authority of a justice of peace explained and digested, under proper titles. To which are added, full and correct precedents of all kinds of process necessary to be used by magistrates; in which also the duty of sheriffs, and other publick officers, is properly discussed Richard Starke 1774 Law, Virginia
Remarks on the opinions of some of the most celebrated writers on crown law respecting the due distinction between manslaughter and murder Granville Sharp 1773 Law, Crime, Great Britain
The law of nature, or, Principles of morality : deduced from the physical constitution of mankind and the universe Constantin-François Volney 1796 Law
An essay on the right of property in land with respect to its foundation in the law of nature; its present establishment by the municipal laws of Europe; William Ogilvie 1781 Law, Property, Europe
An account of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. younger, of Huntershill, before the High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, on the 30th and 31st days of August, 1793, for sedition 1794 Law, Trials
Land-lords law : a treatise very fit for the perusal both of land-lord and tenant : being a collection of several cases in the law concerning leases, and the covenants, conditions, grants, proviso's, exceptions, surrenders, &c. of the same : as also touching distresses, replevins, rescous and waste, and several other matters which often come in debate between land-lord and tenant George Meriton Law, Great Britain
Summary of the law of nations, founded on the treaties and customs of the modern nations of Europe; with a list of the principal treaties, concluded since the year 1748 down to the present time, indicating the works in which they are to be found G. F. de Martens 1795 Law
Reports of cases adjudged in the Superior Court of the state of Connecticut. From the year 1785, to May 1788; : with some determinations in the Supreme Court of Errors Ephraim Kirby 1789 Law, United States, Connecticut
Reports of cases ruled and adjudged in the courts of Pennsylvania, before and since the Revolution Alexander James Dallas 1790 Law, United States, Pennsylvania
Considerations on criminal law Henry Dagge 1774 Law
The justice of the peace, and parish officer ... In four volumes Richard Burn 1770 Law
The Attorney's compleat pocket-book. Containing above four hundred of such choice and approved precedents, in law, equity, and conveyancing, as an attorney may have occasion for, when absent from his office 1767 Law
A Jersey-man's common sense Isaac Price 1797 Essays
A political survey of the present state of Europe : in sixteen tables; illustrated with observation on the wealth and commerce, the government, finances, military state, and religion of the several countries Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermann 1788 Politics and Government, Europe
Official letters to the honorable American Congress : written, during the war between the United Colonies and Great Britain George Washington 1795 United States, Revolutionary War, George Washington, Politics and Government, Militaria
Official letters to the honorable American Congress : written, during the war between the United Colonies and Great Britain George Washington 1795 United States, Revolutionary War, George Washington, Politics and Government, Militaria
The legacy of the Father of his country George Washington 1796 Speeches & Oratory, George Washington
A comparative view of the constitutions of the several states with each other, and with that of the United States: exhibiting in tables the prominent features of each constitution, and classing together their most important provisions under the several heads of administration; with notes and observations William Loughton Smith 1796 Politics and Government, United States
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations Adam Smith 1789 Commerce, Finance
Prospectus D'Un Ouvrage Intitulé: Analyse De L'Etat Politique D'Ècosse : D'Après Les Rapports Des Ministres De Chaque Paroisse; Contenant La Situation Prèsente De Ce Royaume, Et Les Moyens De Le Rendre Plus Florissant ; Ouvrage entrepris pour expliquer les Principes de la Philosophie Statistique John Sinclair 1792 Reference, Europe, Prospectuses
An account of the constitutional English polity of congregational courts and more particularly of the great annual court of the people, called the View of Frankpledge, ... Intended as an appendix to several tracts on national defence, &c. Granville Sharp Religion, Law, Politics and Government, Great Britain
Tracts, concerning the ancient and only true legal means of national defence, by a free militia Granville Sharp 1781 Politics and Government, Militaria
The just limitation of slavery in the laws of God, compared with the unbounded claims of the African traders and British American slaveholders Granville Sharp 1776 United States, Great Britain, Slavery, Abolition
A declaration of the people's natural right to a share in the legislature which is the fundamental principle of the British constitution of state Granville Sharp 1774 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Ireland
The senator's remembrancer   1771 Reference, Politics and Government
Du contrat social, ou, Principes du droit politique Jean-Jacques Rousseau Politics and Government, Philosophy
Proofs of a conspiracy against all the religions and governments of Europe, carried on in the secret meetings of Free Masons, Illuminati, and reading societies John Robison 1798 Politics and Government, Illuminati, Conspiracies, Europe, Freemasonry
Rights of man : being an answer to Mr. Burke's attack on the French revolution Thomas Paine 1791 Politics and Government, Essays, Philosophy, Religion, French Revolution
A view of the conduct of the executive, in the foreign affairs of the United States, connected with the mission to the French Republic, during the years 1794, 5, & 6 James Monroe 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Considerations on the Order of Cincinnatus to which are added, as well several original papers relative to that institution, as also a letter from the late M. Turgot, ... to Dr. Price, on the constitutions of America; and an abstract of Dr. Price's Observations on the importance of the American Revolution; ... Translated from the French of the Count de Mirabeau Comte Gabriel-Honoré de Riquetti de Mirabeau 1785 Societies & Organizations, Society of the Cincinnati
The author of The letter to the Duke of Grafton vindicated from the charge of democracy With notes William Augustus Miles 1794 Diplomacy, France, Great Britain, Politics and Government
A letter to the Duke of Grafton, with notes To which is annexed a complete exculpation of M. de la Fayette from the charges indecently urged against him by Mr. Burke, in the House of Commons, on the 17th March, 1794 William Augustus Miles 1794 Diplomacy, France, Great Britain, Politics and Government
A letter to Earl Stanhope with notes William Augustus Miles 1794 Diplomacy, France, Great Britain, Politics and Government
The conduct of France towards Great Britain examined William Augustus Miles 1793 Diplomacy, France, Great Britain, Politics and Government
Vindiciæ gallicæ : defence of the French Revolution and its English admirers, against the accusations of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, including some strictures on the late production of Mons. de Calonne Sir James Mackintosh 1791 France, French Revolution, Politics and Government
A political and military rhapsody on the invasion and defence of Great Britain and Ireland Henry Lloyd 1792 Militaria, Great Britain, Ireland
The letters of Junius Junius 1784 Politics and Government, Essays, Great Britain
A collection of all the treaties of peace, alliance, and commerce, between Great-Britain and other powers, from the treaty signed at Munster in 1648, to the treaties signed at Paris in 1783 Charles Jenkinson 1785 Treaties, Diplomacy, Great Britain
Notes on the state of Virginia Thomas Jefferson 1794 Politics and Government, Natural History, Science, Virginia, United States
Historical collections Ebenezer Hazard 1792-1794 History, United States, Politics and Government
The American remembrancer, and universal tablet of memory: containing a list of the most eminent men, whether in ancient or modern times, with the atchievements [sic] for which they have been particularly distinguished: as also the most memorable events in history, from the earliest period till the year 1795, classed under distinct heads, with their respective dates. : To which is added, a table, comprehending the periods at which the most remarkable cities and towns were founded, their present ... James Hardie 1795 Reference, United States
An enquiry into the principles of taxation, chiefly applicable to articles of immediate consumption Andrew Hamilton 1790 Taxes, Finance
A full and faithful report of the debates in both Houses of Parliament : on Monday the 17th of February, and Friday the 21st of February, 1783, on the articles of peace Great Britain (Parliament) 1783 Politics and Government, Great Britain, Revolutionary War
The French constitution; with remarks on some of its principal articles; in which their importance in a political, moral and religious point of view, is illustrated; ... By Benjamin Flower France 1792 Politics and Government, France
The Federalist: a collection of essays, written in favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal convention, September 17, 1787 Alexander Hamilton 1788 United States, Politics and Government, Essays
The Federalist: a collection of essays, written in favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal convention, September 17, 1787 Alexander Hamilton 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Essays
A view of the causes and consequences of the present war with France Baron Thomas Erskine 1797 French Revolution, Great Britain, France
Decouverte d'etalons justes, naturels, invariables et universels : pour la réduction à une parfaite uniformité de tous les poids & mesures partout ... Claude Boniface Collignon 1788 Weights and Measures
Capt. Inglefield's narrative, concerning the loss of His Majesty's ship, the Centaur, of seventy-four guns : and the miraculous preservation of the pinnace, with the captain, master, and ten of the crew, in a traverse of near 300 leagues on the great western ocean; with the names of the people saved. Published by authority John Nicholson Inglefield 1783 Great Britain, Militaria
A reply to Sir Henry Clinton's narrative Wherein his numerous errors are pointed out, and the conduct of Lord Cornwallis fully vindicated from all aspersion: including the whole of the public and secret correspondence, between Lord George Germain, Sir Henry Clinton, and His Lordship Themistocles 1783 Great Britain, Militaria, Revolutionary War
Narrative of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton K.B. relative to his conduct during part of his command of the King's troops in North America; particularly to that which respects the unfortunate issue of the campaign in 1781. With an appendix, Sir Henry Clinton 1783 Great Britain, Militaria, Revolutionary War
Letters from France containing a great variety of original information concerning the most important events that have occurred in that country in the years 1790, 1791, 1792, and 1793 Helen Maria Williams 1794 France, Politics and Government, History, Letters
The history of the province of New-York, from the first discovery to the year 1732. To which is annexed, a description of the country, with a short account of the inhabitants, their religious and political state, and the constitution of the courts of justice in that colony William Smith 1792 History, American History, New York
The history of the troubles of Suethland and Poland, which occasioned the expulsion of Sigismundus the Third, king of those kingdomes, with his heires for ever from the Suethish crown with a continuation of those troubles, untill the truce, an. 1629 : as also, a particular narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two kingdomes, concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia, anno 1635 : concluding with a breife commemoration of the life and death of ... J. Fowler 1656 History, Europe, Poland, Diplomacy
A journal of the transactions and occurrences in the settlement of Massachusetts and the other New-England colonies, from the year 1630 to 1644 John Winthrop 1790 History, American History, Massachusetts, New England
The history of the reign of Philip the Third, King of Spain Robert Watson 1783 History, Politics and Government, Spain
The history of Charles XII, King of Sweden; In eight books Voltaire   Biography, History, Politics and Government, Sweden
The ruins, or a survey of the revolutions of empires: by M. Volney, ... Translated from the French Constantin-François Volney 1795 Politics and Government, History
A view of the history of Great-Britain during the administration of Lord North, to the second session of the fifteenth Parliament. In two parts 1782 Politics and Government, Great Britain, Revolutionary War
An history of the revolutions that happened in the government of the Roman republic Abbé René Aubert de Vertot 1770 History, Ancient History, Politics and Government
Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [i.e. Second], King of Prussia Joseph Towers 1788 Memoirs, Politics and Government, Germany, Prussia
Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune : Duke of Sully, Prime Minister to Henry the Great : containing the history of the life and reign of that monarch and his own administration under him Duc Maximilien de Béthune de Sully 1778 Memoirs, France, Politics and Government
The Grecian history From the original of Greece, to the death of Philip of Macedon. In two volumes Temple Stanyan 1774 History, Ancient History
The history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from the subversion of the Roman Empire, to the beginning of the sixteenth century. In four volumes William Robertson 1782 Politics and Government, Biography, Europe
The history of America William Robertson 1777 History, American History
The history of the revolution of South-Carolina, from a British province to an independent state David Ramsay 1785 History, American History, South Carolina, Revolutionary War
The history of Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne, Viscount de Turenne, Marshal-General of France : in two volumes Andrew Michael Ramsay 1735-1736 Biography, France, Politics and Government
The Political state of Europe, for the years 1792, 1793 and 1794. An authentic and impartial narrative of every military operation of the present belligerent powers; and a correct copy of every state paper, declaration, manifesto, &c. together with a correct translation of the debates and proceedings of the National convention of France; and an accurate survey of the politics and conduct of the neutral powers 1792-1794 Politics and Government, Europe
An impartial history of the present war in America; containing an account of its rise and progress, the political springs thereof, with its various successes and disappointments, on both sides James Murray 1778-1780 Essays, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War
The private life of Lewis XV In which are contained the principal events, remarkable occurences, and anecdotes, of his reign. Translated from the French by J. O. Justamond, F.R.S. In four volumes M. Mouffle d'Angerville 1781 Memoirs, Biography, France, Politics and Government
Continuation of the history of the province of Massachusetts Bay, from the year 1748. With an introductory sketch of events from its original settlement George Richards Minot 1798 History, American History, Massachusetts
The history of the insurrections, in Massachusetts, in the year MDCCLXXXVI : and the rebellion consequent thereon George Richards Minot 1788 History, American History, Massachusetts, Shays' Rebellion, Politics and Government
The history of Louisiana, or of the western parts of Virginia and Carolina: containing a description of the countries th Le Page du Pratz 1763 History, Geography, American History, Louisiana, Virginia
Memoirs of the life of the late Charles Lee, Esq. lieutenant-colonel of the forty-fourth regiment; colonel in the Portuguese service; major-general and aid de camp to the King of Poland, and second in command in the service of the United States of America during the Revolution. To which are added, his political and military essays; also, letters to and from many distinguished characters, both in Europe and America Charles Lee 1792 Memoirs, Militaria, Revolutionary War, Biography
[History of England]     History, Great Britain
The history of the rise, progress, and establishment of the independence of the United States of America : including an account of the late war, and of the thirteen colonies, from their origin to that period William Gordon 1788 History, American History, Revolutionary War
A view of the reign of Frederick II of Prussia; with a parallel between that prince and Philip II of Macedon John Gillies 1789 Politics and Government, Prussia, Germany
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire Edward Gibbon 1783 History, Ancient History, Politics and Government, Religion
Posthumous works of Frederic II, King of Prussia King Frederick II of Prussia 1789 Politics and Government, Germany, Prussia
The history of the progress and termination of the Roman republic Adam Ferguson 1783 History, Ancient History
The diary of the late George Bubb Dodington, baron of Melcombe Regis: from March 8, 1748-9, to February 6, 1761. With an appendix, containing some curious and interesting papers, which are either referred to, or alluded to, in the diary. Now first published from his lordship's original manuscripts George Bubb Dodington 1784 Memoirs, Biography
Some passages of the life and death of John [Ear]l of Rochester Gilbert Burnet 1741 Biography
American biography: or, An historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkable characters Jeremy Belknap 1794-1798 Biography, United States, History, American History
American biography: or, An historical account of those persons who have been distinguished in America, as adventurers, statesmen, philosophers, divines, warriors, authors, and other remarkable characters Jeremy Belknap 1794 Biography, United States, History, American History
A discourse intended to commemorate the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus; delivered at the request of the Historical Society in Massachusetts, on the 23d day of October, 1792, being the completion of the third century since that memorable event Jeremy Belknap 1792 Speeches & Oratory, Societies & Organizations, Massachusetts Historical Society, History, American History
The history of New-Hampshire Jeremy Belknap 1784-1792 History, American History, New Hampshire
The history of New-Hampshire Jeremy Belknap 1784 History, American History, New Hampshire
A short critical review of the political life of Oliver Cromwell Lord-Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. By a gentleman of the Middle-Temple John Bancks   Biography, Criticism, Great Britain, Politics and Government
A church history of New-England. Vol.II. Extending from 1690, to 1784. ... Isaac Backus 1784 Religion, History, New England
The history of Spain, from the establishment of the colony of Gades by the Phoenicians, to the death of Ferdinand, surnamed the sage Charles John Ann Hereford 1793 History, Spain
The history of Rome, from the foundation of the city by Romulus, [to] the death of Marcus Antonius Charles John Ann Hereford 1792 History, Ancient History
Travels into Norway, Denmark, and Russia, in the years 1788, 1789, 1790, and 1791 A. Swinton 1792 Voyages and Travels, Scandinavia, Russia, Norway, Denmark
Travels, in various parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, during a series of thirty years and upwards John Macdonald 1791 Voyages and Travels, Europe, Asia, Africa
A Voyage round the world, in His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the Honourable Commodore Byron. In which is contained, a faithful account of several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage John Byron 1767 Voyages and Travels
The world displayed or, a curious collection of voyages and travels, selected from the writers of all nations. In which the conjectures and interpolations of several vain editors and translators are expunged, ... Illustrated and embellished with variety of maps and prints 1765-1774 Voyages and Travels, Maps
The seats of the nobility and gentry, in a collection of the most interesting & picturesque views William Watts 1779 [i.e. 1786] Architecture
Travels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Containing the present natural and political state of those countries, their productions, arts, manufactures, and commerce; with observations on the manners,customs, and government of the Turks and Arabs. Illustrated with copper plates Constantin-François Volney 1788 Voyages and Travels, Geography, Syria, Egypt
Memoir of a map of Hindoostan; or, The Mogul empire: with an introduction, illustrative of the geography and present division of that country and a map of the countries situated between the heads of the Indian rivers, and the Caspian sea: also, a supplementary map, containing the improved geography of the countries contiguous to the heads of the Indus James Rennell 1793 Voyages and Travels, Geography, Maps, India
The American geography; or, A view of the present situation of the United States of America. ... Illustrated with two sheet maps-- one of the southern, the other of the northern states, neatly and elegantly engraved, and more correct than any that have hitherto been published. : To which is added, a concise abridgment of the geography of the British, Spanish, French and Dutch dominions in America, and the West Indies-- of Europe, Asia and Africa Jedidiah Morse 1789 Geography, United States
A view of society and manners in Italy with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters. ... In three volumes John Moore   Voyages and Travels, Geography, Italy
A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany With anecdotes relating to some eminent characters John Moore   Voyages and Travels, France, Switzerland, Germany, Geography
A view of society and manners in France, Switzerland, and Germany: with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters John Moore 1783 Voyages and Travels, France, Switzerland, Germany, Geography
A view of society and manners in Italy with anecdotes relating to some eminent characters John Moore 1783 Voyages and Travels, Geography, Italy
[Atlas to 'A new system of modern geography'] William Guthrie 1794-1795 Geography, United States, Maps
A new system of modern geography: or, A geographical, historical, and commercial grammar; and present state of the several nations of the world ... William Guthrie 1794-1795 Geography
A new system of geography or, a general description of the world. ... Embellished with a new and accurate set of maps, ... and a great variety of copper-plates, ... By the late D. Fenning and J. Collyer. A new edition, revised, enlarged, and improved, by Frederick Hervey, Esq; ... The account of North America corrected ... by Captain Carver, Daniel Fenning 1785-1786 Geography, United States, Maps, Voyages and Travels
A survey of the roads of the United States of America Christopher Colles 1789 Surveys, United States, Voyages and Travels, Maps
Voyages de M. le marquis de Chastellux dans l'Amérique Septentrionale : dans les années 1780, 1781 & 1782 François Jean Chastellux 1786 Voyages and Travels, United States
Travels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782 François Jean Chastellux 1787 Voyages and Travels, United States
Cary's new itinerary; or, An accurate delineation of the great roads,: both direct and cross, throughout England and Wales; with many of the principal roads in Scotland. From an actual admeasurement made by command of His Majesty's postmaster general, for official purposes John Cary 1798 Voyages and Travels, Great Britain
A narrative of the British embassy to China in the years 1792, 1793, and 1794; containing the various circumstances of the embassy, with accounts of customs and manners of the Chinese; ... Aeneas Anderson 1795 Voyages and Travels, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, China
An exposition of Christian doctrine, as taught in the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or, Unitas Fratrum August Gottlieb Spangenberg 1796 Religion, Moravians
Observations on the Revelation of Jesus Christ to St. John. Which comprehend the most approved sentiments of the celebrated Mr. Mede, Mr. Lowman, Bishop Newton, and other noted writers on this book: and cast much additional light on the more obsure prophecies; especially those which point out the time of the rise and fall of Antichrist. In two parts Samuel Langdon 1791 Religion, Biblical Commentary
Meditations and contemplations James Hervey 1750 Religion, Prayer
Contemplations moral and divine in two parts Sir Matthew Hale 1685 Religion
Sermons Hugh Blair 1792-1793 Religion, Sermons
The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New   1783 Religion, Bibles
Evidences of the Christian religion briefly and plainly stated James Beattie 1786 Religion
A course of lectures, on the prophecies that remain to be fulfilled Delivered in the borough of Southwark, as also, at the chapel in Glasshouse-Yard, in the year 1789 Elhanan Winchester 1789-1790 Religion, Sermons, Prophecies
A discourse, delivered to the students of the Royal Academy, on the distribution of the prizes, December 10, 1792, by the President Benjamin West 1793 Speeches & Oratory
The Proceedings and tryal in the case of the Most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury : and the Right Reverend Fathers in God, William, Lord Bishop of St. Asaph, Francis, Lord Bishop of Ely, John, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas, Lord Bishop of Peterborough, and Jonathan, Lord Bishop of Bristol : in the court of King's-Bench at Westminster in Trinity-Term in the fourth year of the reign of King James II annoq[ue] Dom. 1688 Religion, Church of England, Trials
Gospel news, divided into eleven sections. Peace and Joy: Being a Brief Attempt to consider the Evidences of the Truth of the Gospel, in which we have the witness of Peace with God, through Jesus Christ, drawn from the Old and New-Testaments, together with our Obligations to keep the Foundation of our Peace, thus evidenced always in Remembrance, with several other Pieces connected with and built upon this foundation, part of which was not before published Shippie Townsend 1794 Religion, Biblical Commentary
The state of man, here and hereafter: considered in three epistles to a friend M. F. 1774 or 1776 Religion
The sick man visited and furnished with instructions, meditations, and prayers sutaible to his condition Nathaniel Spinckes Religion, Prayer
The works of the Right Reverend Jonathan Shipley D.D. ... In two volumes Jonathan Shipley 1792 Religion
The duty and advantages of frequently receiving the Holy Sacrament : a sermon preached before the Queen, at St. James's Chapel, on Good-Friday, March 26, 1703 John Sharp 1778 Religion, Sermons
Remarks on several very important prophecies. In five parts. I. Remarks on the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth verses of the seventh chapter of Isaiah, in answer to Dr. W---ms's critical dissertation on the same ... II. A dissertation on the nature and style of prophetical writings ... III. A dissertation on Isaiah vii 8. IV. A dissertation on Genesis xlix. 10. V. An answer to some of the principal arguments used by Dr. W---ms in defence of his critical dissertation Granville Sharp 1775 Religion, Prophecies
Remarks on a printed paper, lately handed about, intituled "A catalogue of the sacred vessels restored by Cyrus, and of the chief Jews, who returned at first from the captivity together with the names of the returning families, and the number of the persons at that time in each family, disposed in such a manner, as to shew most clearly the great corruption of proper names and numbers in the present text of the Old-Testament" : addressed to all such gentlemen as have received or read the same Granville Sharp 1775 Religion
The history of the Old and New Testament, interspersed with moral and instructive reflections, chiefly taken from the holy fathers Joseph Reeve 1784 History, Religion
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion, delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796, and published at the request of many of the hearers Joseph Priestley 1796 Religion, Sermons, Unitarianism
[Prayer book]     Religion, Prayer
An examination of the principles contained in the Age of reason. In ten discourses James Muir 1795 Philosophy
Sermons on different subjects John Jortin   Religion, Sermons
An appeal to matter of fact and common sense. Or a rational demonstration of man's corrupt and lost estate John Fletcher 1780? Religion
Sermons Charles Churchill 1765 Religion, Sermons
The self-interpreting Bible : containing the sacred text of the Old and New Testaments : translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised : to which are annexed, marginal references and illustrations, an exact summary of the several books, a paraphrase on the most obscure or important parts, an analysis of the contents of each chapter, explanatory notes, and evangelical reflections John Brown 1792 Religion, Bibles, Biblical Commentary
Lexicon technicum magnum, or An universal English dictionary of arts and sciences John Harris 1704 Reference, Encyclopedias, Technical Arts
Stephen's Philadelphia directory for 1796, or, Alphabetical arrangement : containing the names, occupations, and places of abode of the citizens : with a register of the executive, legislative, and judicial magistrates of the United States Thomas Stephens 1796 Reference, Directories
The new spelling dictionary, teaching to write and pronounce the English tongue with ease and propriety John Entick c. 1792 Reference, Dictionaries
Encyclopaedia; or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature; constructed on a plan, by which the different sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises of systems 1798 Reference, Encyclopedias
A new and complete dictionary of arts and sciences comprehending all the branches of useful knowledge, ... Illustrated with above three hundred copper-plates, ... The whole extracted from the best authors in all languages Society of Gentlemen 1763-1764 Reference, Encyclopedias
Nouveau dictionnaire françois-anglois & anglois-françois : contenant la signification des mots, avec leur différens usages, les constructions, idiômes, façons de parler particulieres, & les proverbes usités dans l’une & l’autre langue, les termes des sciences, des arts, & des métiers, le tout recueilli des meilleurs auteurs anglois & françois Louis Chambaud 1778 Languages, Dictionaries, Reference
[Miscellaneous Magazines]     Periodicals
The Sentimental and masonic magazine   1792-1794 Periodicals, Literature, Freemasonry
The Pennsylvania packet, and the general advertiser   1771- Periodicals
Philadelphia gazette and universal daily advertiser   1794- Periodicals
The annual register, or a view of the history, politicks, and literature   c. 1760-1763 Reference, Literature, History, Politics and Government, Periodicals
The London magazine or, Gentleman’s Monthly Intelligencer   1732- Periodicals, Literature
Lady’s magazine; and Repository of entertaining knowledge   1792-1793 Periodicals, Literature
The gleaner. A miscellaneous production. In three volumes Judith Sargent Murray 1798 Periodicals, Literature
Gentleman's magazine   1731- Periodicals, Literature
Gazette of the United States John Fenno 1789- Periodicals, United States, Politics and Government
The country magazine. Calculated for the gentleman; the farmer, and his wife: containing every thing necessary for the advantage and pleasure of a country life. ... 1763 Periodicals, Agriculture, Cookery
The Bee, or literary intelligencer James Anderson 1791-1793 Periodicals, Literature
The American magazine and monthly chronicle for the British colonies. ... By a society of gentlmen William Smith 1757-1758 Periodicals, Literature
The beauties of the late Revd. Dr. Isaac Watts; ... To which is added the life of the author Isaac Watts 1782 Religion, Literature, Poetry, Hymns
The seasons James Thomson Literature, Poetry
The tea-table miscellany or, a collection of choice songs, Scots & English. In four volumes Allan Ramsay 1760 Literature, Music
The Literary miscellany, containing elegant selections of the most admired fugitive pieces   1795 Periodicals, Literature
Another cordial for low-spirits: being a collection of valuable tracts Thomas Gordon 1751 Literature, Essays
Leonidas, a poem Richard Glover 1739 Literature, Poetry
Arundel Richard Cumberland 1789 Literature
Poems John Aikin 1791 Literature, Poetry
Poems, dramatic and miscellaneous Mercy Otis Warren 1790 Literature, Poetry
Letters, from M. de Voltaire. To several of his friends. Translated from the French by the Rev. Dr. Franklin Voltaire 1770 Literature, Letters
The contrast, a comedy; in five acts: Royall Tyler 1790 Literature, Drama
M'Fingal : a modern epic poem, in four cantos John Trumbull 1782 Literature, Poetry, United States, Revolutionary War
Travels into several remote nations of the world : in four parts Jonathan Swift 1727 Literature, Satire
Miscellaneous works, comical & diverting : In two parts Jonathan Swift Literature, Satire
The beauties of Swift: or, the favorite offspring of wit & genius Jonathan Swift 1782 Literature, Essays
The supposed daughter or, innocent impostor. In which is comprised the entertaining memoirs of the two north-country families of distinction, in a series of thirty years. A new edition. In three volumes. P. R. 1773 Literature
The beauties of Sterne including all his pathetic tales, & most distinguished observations on life. Selected for the heart of sensibility Laurence Sterne 1782 Literature
The spectator Joseph Addison Literature, Politics and Government, Essays
The expedition of Humphry Clinker Tobias George Smollett 1771 Literature
The plays and poems of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare Literature, Drama
A new translation of the morals of Seneca in five parts. ... To which is prefix'd, some account of the life of Seneca. Together with the opinion of the antients concerning his writings Lucius Annaeus Seneca 1745 Classics, Philosophy, Ethics, Essays
Emblems, divine and moral; together with Hieroglyphicks of the life of man Francis Quarles Reference, Emblems
Emma Corbett or the miseries of civil war Samuel Jackson Pratt Literature
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq In six volumes complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements; ... Alexander Pope Literature
Essays on husbandry Essay I. a general introduction, shewing, that agriculture is the basis and support of all flourishing communities ... Essay II. an account of some experiments tending to improve the culture of Lucerne by transplantation ... the whole illustrated with five copper-plates, and twenty-five representations cut on wood : to which is prefixed, an epistle dedicatory in verse Walter Harte Agriculture, Essays
The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal James Macpherson Literature, Poetry
The poems of Ossian, the son of Fingal James Macpherson 1790 Literature, Poetry
Memoirs of the noted Buckhorse In which, besides a minute account of his past memorable exploits, ... Christopher Anstey 1756 Biography, Sport
Letters on several subjects. By the late Sir Thomas Fitzosborne, Bart Published from the copies found among his papers William Melmoth Letters, Literature
Claudius Mauger's French and English letters upon all subjects, mean and sublime : enlarged with fifty new letters, many of which are on the late great occurrences and revolutions of Europe, all much amended and refined according to the most quaint and courtly mode : wherein yet the idiom and elegancy of both tongues, are far more exactly suited then formerly, very useful to those who aspire to good language, and would know what addresses become them to all sorts of person, ... Claude Mauger 1676 Letters, Languages
Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane Alain René Le Sage 1768 Literature
The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane : a new translation Alain René Le Sage 1785 Literature
Solyman and Almena. An oriental tale John Langhorne Literature
The jilts: or, female fortune-hunters   1756? Literature
The Odyssey of Homer Translated from the Greek Homer 1758 Literature, Classics
The Iliad of Homer Homer 1756 Literature, Classics
The High-German doctor. With many additions and alterations Philip Horneck 1719 Periodicals, Satire
Epistles for the ladies Eliza Fowler Haywood 1749-1750 Literature, Education, Letters
Œuvres diverses de M. de Grécourt Grécourt   Literature, Poetry
The poems of Philip Freneau written chiefly during the late war Philip Morin Freneau 1786 Literature, Poetry
The history of Tom Jones: a foundling Henry Fielding 1750 Literature
The adventures of Telemachus, the son of Ulysses. From the French of Salignac de La Mothe-Fenelon, ... By the late John Hawkesworth, LL.D. Corrected and revised by G. Gregory, ... With a life of the author, and a complete index ... François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon 1795 Literature
The adventures of Telemachus son of Ulysses François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon 1797 Literature
The conquest of Canaan; a poem, in Eleven Books Timothy Dwight 1785 Literature, Poetry
Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope Earl Philip Dormer Stanhope of Chesterfield Literature, Letters, Philosophy, Education
Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, ... Published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, ... In four volumes Earl Philip Dormer Stanhope of Chesterfield 1775 Literature, Letters, Philosophy, Education
Oeuvres complètes de M. de Chamousset, contenant ses projets d'humanité, de bienfaisance et de patriotismes; prècèdès de son éloge; par feu M. l'abbé Cotton Des-Houssayes Claude-Humbert Piarron de Chamousset 1787 Philosophy, Essays
The history and adventures of the renowned Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. ... By T. Smollett, M.D. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1786 Literature
Don Quixote Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 1780 Literature
The new Robinson Crusoe: an instructive and entertaining history. : For the use of children of both sexes Joachim Heinrich Campe 1790 Literature, Education
Hudibras in three parts. Written in the time of the late wars. Corrected and amended: with additions. To which are added, annotations, and an exact index to the whole. Adorned with cutts, designed and engraved by Mr. Hogarth Samuel Butler 1775 Literature
Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect Robert Burns 1788 Literature, Poetry
The foresters, an American tale: being a sequel to the history of John Bull, the clothier. In a series of letters to a friend Jeremy Belknap 1792 or 1796 Literature
Ellicott's Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia almanack and ephemeris, for the year of our Lord Andrew Ellicott 1786 Almanacs, Reference
The history of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, surnamed the Great Walter Harte 1767 History, Europe, Sweden, Biography
The law against bankrupts, or, A treatise wherein the statutes against bankrupts are explained, by several cases, resolutions, judgements, and decrees, both at common law, and in chancery : together with the learning of declarations, and pleadings relating thereunto : to which are likewise added, forms and directions for commissioners, and presidents fit for the perusal of all lawyers, merchants and tradesmen Thomas Goodinge 1704 Commerce, Finance
Military instructions for officers detached in the field: containing, a scheme for forming a corps of a partisan. Illustrated with plans of the manoeuvres necessary in carrying on the petite guerre Roger Stevenson 1775 Military Art and Science
Interest at one view, calculated to a farthing ... : with rules and examples to cast up interest at any rate, by the said tables : with a curious table, whereby standard gold and silver, in bars, is compared with the courses of exchange between Amsterdam and London : also tables for reducing the most common gold coins to pounds and the contrary: being very useful in receiving and paying monies : to which is added a concise table, whereby to cast up salaries and wages speedily, ... Richard Hayes 1766 Commerce, Finance
Institutes of physics John Anderson 1786 Natural History, Science
An history of the earth, and animated nature Oliver Goldsmith 1779 History, Natural History
A chronological history of New-England in the form of annals ... from the discovery by Captain Gosnold in 1602, to the arrival of Governor Belcher, in 1730 Thomas Prince 1736 History, United States, Voyages and Travels, New England
Proceedings of the Society of friends of the people; associated for the purpose of obtaining a parliamentary reform, in the year 1792 Society of the Friends of the People 1793 Societies & Organizations, Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament, Elections
The manual exercise as ordered by His Majesty in 1764 : together with plans and explanations of the method generally practis'd at reviews and field-days Great Britain (Army) 1774 Great Britain, Military Art and Science
Report of the representation of Scotland Society of the Friends of the People 1793 Politics and Government, Great Britain, Parliament
Authentic copy of a petition, praying for a reform in Parliament presented to the House of Commons by Charles Grey, Esq. : on Monday 6th May 1793, and signed only by the members of the Society of the Friends of the People, associated for the purpose of obtaining a Parliamentary reform Earl Charles Grey 1793 Politics and Government, Great Britain, Parliament
The Massachusetts magazine, or, Monthly museum of knowledge and rational entertainment   1791 Periodicals, Literature
Réponse à la brochure intitulée le "Pour" et le "Contre" Charles Lemesle 1785 Commerce, France, United States
An essay on the disease produced by the bite of a mad dog, or other rabid animal James Mease 1793 Medicine, Rabies
An address to the ministers and congregations of the Presbyterian and independent persuasions in the United States of America Samuel Seabury 1790 Religion, Presbyterian Church
Planting and rural ornament William Marshall 1796 Gardening
Nuova raccolta di 100 vedutine antiche della cittá di Roma e su vicinanze Domenico Pronti 1795 Antiquities, Architecture
Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States. Part I Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben 1793 Militaria, Military Art and Science, United States
The beauties of the late Rev. Dr. Isaac Watts : containing the most striking and admired passages in the works of that justly celebrated divine, philosopher, moralist, and poet : equally calculated for the communication of polite and useful knowledge, and the increase of wisdom and happiness : to which is added, the life of the author Isaac Watts 1796 Religion, Literature, Poetry, Hymns
Manoeuvres, or, Practical observations on the art of war ... Sir William Young 1771? Military Art and Science
Rural economy : or Essays on the practical parts of husbandry : designed to explain several of the most important methods of conducting farms of various kinds, including many useful hints to gentlemen farmers, relative to the economical management of their business. To which is added The rural Socrates, being memoirs of a country philosopher Arthur Young 1792 Agriculture
Travels during the years 1787, 1788, & 1789; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France Arthur Young 1794 Voyages and Travels, Agriculture, France
Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789, undertaken more particularly with a view ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity, of the kingdom of France Arthur Young 1792 Voyages and Travels, Agriculture, France
A tour in Ireland : with general observations on the present state of that kingdom : made in the years 1776, 1777, and 1778, and brought down to the end of 1779 Arthur Young 1780 Voyages and Travels, Agriculture, Ireland
Annals of agriculture and other useful arts Arthur Young 1784-1798 Agriculture
An address delivered in the Lodge Room at Schenectady the 27th December, 1783 : on the festival of St. John the Evangelist : in the presence of the officers and brethren of Union Lodge no. 1, of the city of Albany, St. George's Lodge of Schenectady, and several visiting brethren, of the Most Ancient and Honorable Society, of Free and Accepted Masons Peter W. Yates 1784 Speeches & Oratory, Freemasonry
The correspondence of the Rev. C. Wyvill with the Right Honourable William Pitt : Part I Christopher Wyvill 1796 Politics and Government, Parliament, Great Britain
Thoughts on the slavery of the Negroes Joseph Woods 1784 Slavery
Germanicus : poëme en seize chants Lucretia Wilhelmina van Winter 1787 Literature, Poetry
Ten letters addressed to Mr. Paine : in answer to his pamphlet entitled The age of reason : containing some clear and satisfying evidences of the truth of divine revelation and especially of the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Elhanan Winchester 1795 Religion, Philosophy
Thirteen hymns suited to the present times : cotainging [sic] the past, present, and future state of America, with advice to soldiers and Christians : dedicated to the inhabitants of the United Colonies Elhanan Winchester 1776 Religion, Hymns, Revolutionary War
A treatise on the propagation of sheep : the manufacture of wool, and the cultivation and manufacture of flax, with directions for making several utensils for the business John Wily 1765 Agriculture, Industry, Sheep
An address to the citizens of the United States, on national representation : with a sketch of the origin of government and the state of public affairs James Jones Wilmer 1796 Politics and Government, United States
Consolation : being a replication to Thomas Paine, and others on theologics James Jones Wilmer 1794 Religion, Philosophy
Memoirs James Jones Wilmer 1792 Memoirs, Religion
A sermon on the doctrine of the New-Jerusalem Church : being the first promulgated within the United States of America : delivered on the first Sunday in April 1792, in the courthouse of Baltimore-town James Jones Wilmer 1792 Religion, Sermons
An enquiry into the truth of the tradition, concerning the discovery of America by Prince Madog ab Owen Gwynedd, about the year 1170 John Williams 1791 Voyages and Travels, History
A sermon on the duty of civil obedience, as required in Scripture. Delivered in Christ church and St. Peter's, April 25, 1799, being a day of general humiliation, appointed by the President of the United States William White 1799 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
A sermon on the reciprocal influence of civil policy and religious duty : delivered in Christ Church in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday the 19th of February 1795, being a day of general thanksgiving William White 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
A sermon on the reciprocal influence of civil policy and religious duty : delivered in Christ Church in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday the 19th of February 1795, being a day of general thanksgiving William White 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
The case of the Episcopal churches in the United States considered William White 1782 Religion, United States
An antidote against Toryism, or, The curse of Meroz : in a discourse on Judges 5th 23 Nathaniel Whitaker 1777 Religion, Sermons, Revolutionary War
Declarations and resolutions of the Whig Club Whig Club (Dublin) 1789 Politics and Government, Ireland
A continuation of the narrative of the Indian Charity-School begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut now incorporated with Dartmouth College, in Hanover, in the province of New-Hampshire Eleazar Wheelock 1773 American Indians, Missions, Education, Colleges and Universities, Dartmouth College
A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school, begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut now incorporated with Dartmouth-College, in Hanover, in the province of New-Hampshire Eleazar Wheelock 1773 American Indians, Missions, Education, Colleges and Universities, Dartmouth College
A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school, begun in Lebanon, in Connecticut : now incorporated with Dartmouth College, in Hanover, in the province of New Hampshire ; with a dedication to the honorable trust in London ; to which is added an account of missions the last year, in an abstract from the journal of the Rev'd. Mr. Frisbie, missionary Eleazar Wheelock 1775 American Indians, Missions, Education, Colleges and Universities, Dartmouth College
A continuation of the narrative of the Indian charity-school, in Lebanon, in Connecticut : from the year 1768, to the incorporation of it with Dartmouth-College, and removal and settlement of it in Hanover, in the province of New-Hampshire, 1771 Eleazar Wheelock 1771 American Indians, Missions, Education, Colleges and Universities, Dartmouth College
View of the title to Indiana, a tract of country on the river Ohio. Containing Indian conferences at Johnson Hall, in May, 1765: the deed of the Six nations to the proprietors of Indiana; the minutes of the congress at Fort Stanwix, in October and November, 1768; the deed of the Indians, settling the boundary line between the English and Indians lands; and the opinion of counsel on the title of the proprietors of Indiana Samuel Wharton 1776 Diplomacy, Boundary Disputes, American Indians, Treaties, United States
A poetical epistle to His Excellency George Washington, esq., : commander in chief of the armies of the United States of America Charles Henry Wharton 1780 Revolutionary War, Literature, Poetry
A New system of agriculture; or, A plain, easy, and demonstrative method of speedily growing rich: proving ... that every land-owner, in England, may advance his estate to a double value .... Together with several ... instructions, how to feed oxen, cows and sheep Edward Weston 1755 Agriculture
The almost Christian : a sermon on Acts xxvi. 28 John Wesley 1784 Religion, Sermons
A sermon on original sin John Wesley 1783 Religion, Sermons
The important question : a sermon on Matt. xvi. 26 John Wesley 1783 Religion, Sermons
A sermon on salvation by faith John Wesley 1783 Religion, Sermons
The great assize : a sermon on Romans xiv. 10 John Wesley 1783 Religion, Sermons
A collection of essays and fugitive writings. On moral, historical, political and literary subjects Noah Webster 1790 Essays, History, Politics and Government, Literature
An examination into the leading principles of the federal constitution proposed by the late convention held at Philadelphia, with answers to the principal objections that have been raised against the system Noah Webster 1787 Politics and Government, United States
A military treatise on the appointments of the army. Containing many useful hints, not touched upon before by any author; and proposing some new regulations in the army, which will be particularly useful in carrying on the war in North-America. Together with A short treatise on military honors Thomas Webb 1759 Military Art and Science
A letter to His Grace the archbishop of Canterbury Richard Watson 1783 Religion, Letters
A collection of the speeches of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress, at the opening of every session, with their answers George Washington 1796 Politics and Government, United States, Speeches & Oratory, George Washington
Poems, dramatic and miscellaneous Mercy Otis Warren 1790 Literature, Poetry
An eulogy on the honourable Thomas Russell, Esq. : late president of the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and Others in North America, the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Agricultural Society, the Society for the Advice of Immigrants, the Boston Chamber of Commerce, and the National Bank in Boston, who died at Boston, April 8, 1796. Delivered, May 4, 1796, before the several societies to which he belonged John Warren 1796 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
The continuance of peace and increasing prosperity a source of consolation and just cause of gratitude to the inhabitants of the United States. A sermon, delivered February 19,1795 ; being a day set apart by the President, for thanksgiving and prayer through the United States Henry Ware 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
Wool encouraged without exportation, or, Practical observations on wool and the woollen manufacture : in two parts : part I. containing strictures on appendix no. IV. to a report made by a committee of the Highland Society, on the subject of Shetland wool : part II. containing a brief history of wool, and the nature of the woollen manufacture as connected with it ... Henry Wansey 1791 Agriculture, Industry, Sheep
A description, with instructions for the use,... by George Wall A description, with instructions for the use, of a newly invented surveying instrument, called the trigonometer For the making and vending of which, the inventor hath obtained an exclusive right for twenty-one years, from the legislature of Pennsylvania. ... : The whole illustrated with cuts, and an elegant engraving of the instrument George Wall 1788 Surveying
A treatise on magnetism : with a description and explanation of a meridional and azimuth compass, for ascertaining the quantity of variation, without any calculation whatever, at any time of the day : also improvements upon compasses in general : with tables of variation, for all latitudes and longitudes Ralph Walker 1794 Navigation, Science, Magnetism
America invoked to praise the Lord : a discourse delivered on the day of public Thanksgiving through the United States of America, February 19, 1795 Benjamin Wadsworth 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
Volney's answer to Doctor Priestley, on his pamphlet entitled, Observations upon the increase of infidelity, with animadversions upon the writings of several modern unbelievers, and especially the Ruins of Mr. Volney Constantin-François Volney 1797 Religion, Philosophy
The Virginia gazette, and general advertiser. Extra, 2 October 1798   1798 Journalism, Periodicals, Virginia, Politics and Government, Alien & Sedition Acts
Debates and other proceedings of the Convention of Virginia : convened at Richmond, on Monday the 2d day of June 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention, to which is prefixed the federal constitution Virginia (Convention) 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
Ordinances passed at a Convention held at the town of Richmond, in the colony of Virginia, on Monday the 17th of July, 1775 Virginia (Convention) 1775 Politics and Government, Virginia
The proceedings of the Convention of Delegates for the counties and corporations in the colony of Virginia, held at Richmond town, in the county of Henrico, on the 20th of March 1775 Virginia (Convention) 1775 Politics and Government, Virginia
The catechism of man: pointing out from sound principles and acknowledged facts, the rights and duties of every rational being William Vaughan 1794 Politics and Government, Philosophy
A review of the constitution of Great Britain : being the substance of a speech delivered in a numerous assembly on the following question, "Is the petition of Mr. Horne Tooke a libel on the House of Commons, or a just statement of public grievances arising from an unfair representation of the people?" 1791 Speeches & Oratory, Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament, Libel
New and old principles of trade compared; or A treatise on the principles of commerce between nations; with an appendix William Vaughan 1788 Commerce
Observations du marquis de Vaudreuil : adressées au conseil de guerre à l'Orient Marquis Louis Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil 1784 Revolutionary War, Naval History, France, United States
A new system of husbandry. From many years experience, with tables shewing the expence and profit of each crop Charles Varlo 1785 Agriculture
[Papers relating to New Albion] Charles Varlo 1784 Agriculture, New Albion, United States, Land Speculation
A general compendium, or, Abstract of chemical, experimental, and natural philosophy : to which is added a complete system of commerce, the whole digested into the form of distinct treatises, comprehending the history, theory, and practice of each, according to the latest discoveries and improvements, selected from the best authorities in several languages, from the earliest ages down to the present times Charles Vancouver 1785 Science, Chemistry, Commerce
Message from the President of the United States, accompanying sundry papers relative to the affairs of the United States, with the French Republic John Adams 1799 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Message from the President of the United States, accompanying a report of the secretary of state, containing observations on some of the documents, communicated by the President, on the eighteenth instant John Adams 1799 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Message from the president of the United States, accompanying a report of the Secretary of State, containing observations on some of the documents, communicated by the President, on the 18th January 1799 John Adams 1799 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Rules and regulations respecting the recruiting service John Adams 1799 United States, Politics and Government, Militaria
Message of the President of the United States, to both Houses of Congress. : June 18th, 1798 John Adams 1798 Politics and Government, United States, France, Diplomacy
Message of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress, June 5th, 1798 John Adams 1798 United States, Politics and Government, France, Diplomacy
Message of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress. April 3d, 1798 John Adams 1798 Politics and Government, United States, France, Diplomacy
Message of the President of the United States to both houses of Congress. April 3d, 1798 John Adams 1798 Politics and Government, United States, France, Diplomacy
Instructions to the envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary from the United States of America, to the French republic, their letters of credence and full powers; and the dispatches received from them relative to their mission United States (State Department) 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Instructions to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall and Elbridge Gerry, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary to the French republic, referred to in the message of the President of the United States of the third instant Timothy Pickering 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Report of the Committee, to whom was referred, on the 13th ultimo, the memorial of the Illinois and Wabash Land Company by James Wilson, their president United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Land Speculation, Wabash Land Company, Illinois
Report of the Committee to whom was re-committed, on the fifth ultimo, a report of the Attorney-General, relative to the contract entered into between the United States and John Cleves Symmes : together with the documents accompanying the same United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Land Speculation, Ohio
Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, to whom was referred a resolution of the House, of the tenth instant, relative to the propriety and expediency of laying a tax upon all theatrical exhibitions, also of imposing additional duties on articles of foreign growth or manufacture imported into the United States, and on articles manufactured or used within the United States : 23d January 1797, committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Finance, Taxes
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of the widow of the late Scolacuttaw, or Hanging Maw, one of the chiefs of the Cherokee Nation of Indians : 17th January 1797, referred to the Committee of the whole House, to whom is committed the report of the Committee of Claims on the petition of James Ore : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, American Indians
Report of the Committee of Claims, on the petition of Edward St. Loe Livermore : 24th January 1797 : committed to a committee of the whole House, to-morrow United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Pensions, Revolutionary War
Report of the committee to whom were re-committed the petition of Hugh Lawson White, and the report of the Secretary of War thereon. : 17th January 1797, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Tennessee
Report of the committee appointed on the fifth instant, to enquire into the progress made in carrying into effect, the act, intituled "An act providing for the sale of the lands of the United States, in the territory north west of the river Ohio and above the mouth of Kentucky River" : 30th January 1797, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Wednesday next United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Land Speculation
Report of the committee appointed to enquire into the state of the naval equipment, ordered by former acts of Congress : and whether any, and what other naval force is necessary for the protection of the commerce of the United States, and the support of their flag : 25th January 1797, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Navy, Militaria
Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report, and sundry documents, from the Secretary of State, relative to the proceedings of the Commissioner for Running the Boundary Line between the United States and East and West-Florida : June 12th, 1797, ordered to lie on the table : published by order of the House of Representatives John Adams 1797 United States, Politics and Government, Boundary Disputes, Spain, Florida
Congress of the United States. In Senate, January the 20th 1797. : The following message from the President of the United States, was read, communicating the copy of a letter from the Secretary for the Department of State to the Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the republic of France United States (Congress) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
A message from the President of the United States of America to Congress, relative to the French Republic, delivered January 19, 1797 : witih [sic] the papers therein referred to George Washington 1797 Politics and Government, United States, France, Diplomacy
Letter from Mr. Pickering, secretary of state, to the Chevalier de Yrujo, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of His Catholic Majesty to the United States of America, August 8th, 1797 Timothy Pickering 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, Spain
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying his report and two estimates of the Secretary of War : of the sums required to be appropriated for the use of the Naval Department, and the fortifications erecting for the defence of the ports and harbours of the United States : 19th January 1797 ... : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Treasury Department) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Finance
Letter from the Secretary at War to the chairman of the committee on the naval equipment, inclosing sundry statements relative to the subject : accompanying a report of the committee appointed on the 16th ultimo, to enquire into the state of the naval equipment : 25th January, 1797 committed to a committee of the whole House United States (War Department) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Militaria, Navy
Documents referred to in the President's speech to both Houses of the fifth Congress on the sixteenth of May, 1797 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, France
Confidential message from the President of the United States inclosing sundry documents from the Departments of State and War, relative to the intercourse of the United States with foreign nations : July 3, 1797 John Adams 1797 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy
Report of the Committee on the Memorial of the Commissioners : appointed under the act "For establishing the temporary and permanent seat of the Government of the United States," and on so much of the President's speech as relates to the establishment of a National University : 21st December 1796, committed to a committee of the whole House, on Monday next United States (Congress) 1797 United States, Politics and Government, Washington DC
Report of the Committee, Appointed to Enquire into the Actual State of the Naval Equipment ordered by a former law of the United States, and to report whether any and what further provision is necessary to be made on this subject United States (Congress) 1796 United States, Militaria, Navy
A report of the Attorney General to to [sic] Congress ; containing, a collection of charters, treaties, and other documents, relative to and explanatory of the title to the land situate in the south western parts of the United States; and claimed by certain companies under a law of the state of Georgia, passed January 7, 1795 Charles Lee 1796 Politics and Government, United States, Boundary Disputes, Land Speculation, Georgia, Treaties
Report from the Department of War, relative to the fortifications of the ports and harbours of the United States United States (War Department) 1796 United States, Militaria, Fortifications
By George Washington, President of the United States of America : a proclamation George Washington 1796 Politics and Government, United States, Treaties, Jay's Treaty, Diplomacy, Commerce
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a report and sundry statements exhibiting a view of the debts of the United States : on the first day of January, in the years 1790, 1791, and 1796, in pursuance of a resolution of the House, of the first of June, 1796 : 29th December, 1796, read, and ordered to be referred to the Committee of Ways and Means : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Treasury Department) 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Finance
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying a statement exhibiting the amount of drawbacks paid upon dutiable articles exported from the United States, in the years 1793, 1794, and 1795 United States (Treasury Department) 1797 United States, Politics and Government, Finance
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, accompanying a Report and estimates of the sums necessary to be appropriated for the service of the year 1797 : also, A statement of the receipts and expenditures at the Treasury of the United States, for one year, preceding the first of October 1796 : 16th December 1796, ordered to lie on the table United States (Treasury Department) 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Finance
Letter from the Secretary of the Treasury accompanying sundry statements in relation to the annual expenditures of the War Department : from the commencement of the present government, to the 31st of December, 1795; also, an explanatory letter from the Register of the Treasury thereon : 12th December, 1796, ordered to lie on the table : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Treasury Department) 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Finance
Letter from the Secretary of State, inclosing the estimates referred to in the president's message of the 29th ultimo : relative to the treaty with Spain, and other foreign nations and with the Indian tribes : 7th April, 1796, committed to a committee of the whole House, on the state of the Union : published by order of the House of Representatives Timothy Pickering 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, Spain, Treaties, American Indians
Letter from the Secretary of State, inclosing a report of the Director of the Mint : suggesting the expediency of some alterations in its establishment, to render it less expensive to the public, and more accommodating to depositors : 20th December, 1796 : referred to Mr. Page, Mr. Havens, and Mr. Goodrich Timothy Pickering 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Finance, Money
Debates in the House of Representatives of the United States, during the first session of the Fourth Congress United States (House of Representatives) 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Treaties, Diplomacy, Jay's Treaty
Sundry estimates and statements relative to appropriations for the service of the year 1796 : and to the expenditures of certain sums heretofore appropriated : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Treasury Department) 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Finance, Taxes
Report on the state of the mint : and what further measures are necessary to render the institution more beneficial United States (Congress) 1795 United States, Politics and Government, Money, Finance
Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, for the improvement and better management of the revenues of the United States : read in the House of Representatives of the United States, the second February 1794, and published by their order Alexander Hamilton 1795 Politics and Government, United States, Finance, Taxes
Report of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund : stating the amount of the purchases, and other proceedings, since their report of the 18th of November 1794 : published by order of the House of Representatives United States (Commissioners of the Sinking Fund) 1795 United States, Politics and Government, Finance
The proceedings of the Executive of the United States, respecting the insurgents, 1794 George Washington 1795 Politics and Government, United States, Whiskey Rebellion
Proceedings of the accounting officers of the Treasury, upon certain claims not admitted to be valid : accompanying a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, received the 24th December 1795 United States (Treasury Department) 1795 United States, Politics and Government, Finance
Letter from the Secretary of War, accompanying sundry statements & reports Timothy Pickering 1796 Politics and Government, United States, Militaria
A bill to provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia of the United States : Published by order of the House of Representatives, the eighteenth of February 1795 United States (Congress) 1795 Militaria, Military Art and Science, United States
Rules and articles for the better government of the troops, raised, or to be raised, and kept in pay, by and at the expence of the United States of America United States (Congress) 1794 Militaria, Military Art and Science, United States
Report of the Committee Appointed to Examine into the State of the Treasury Department : made to the House of Representatives of the United States on the 22d day of May, 1794 United States (Congress) 1794 Politics and Government, United States
Report of the Commissioners Appointed by the President of the United States of America, to Confer with the Insurgents in the Western Counties of Pennsylvania Commission to Confer with the Insurgents 1794 United States, Politics and Government, Whiskey Rebellion
Congress of the United States, in Senate, May the 23d, 1794 : ordered that the message from the president of the United States of this day, with the communications referred to therein, together with the communications referred to in the message of the president of the United States of the 21st instant, be printed for the use of the Senate George Washington 1794 Politics and Government, United States, Diplomacy, Great Britain
A message from the President of the United States to Congress : transmitting a letter from the Secretary of State to the minister plenipotentiary of His Britannic Majesty, with an enclosure, in answer to a letter from the minister dated 22d May, 1794 George Washington 1794 Politics and Government, United States, Great Britain, Diplomacy, American Indians
A message of the president of the United States transmitting certain documents relative to hostile threats against the territories of Spain, in the neighbourhood of the United States : published by order of the House of Representatives George Washington 1794 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, Spain
A message of the President of the United States to Congress, enclosing three letters from the minister plenipotentiary of the United States in London : also a letter from the minister plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the secretary of state, with his answer : Published by order of the House of Representatives George Washington 1794 United States, France, Politics and Government, Diplomacy
United States, 16th January, 1794. : Gentlemen of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives, I transmit for your information, certain intelligence lately received from Europe, as it relates to the subject of my past communications George Washington 1794 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, France
A message of the president of the United States transmitting a report of the Secretary of State of such laws, decrees and ordinances respecting commerce in the countries with which the United States have commercial intercourse : published by order of the House of Representatives George Washington 1794 United States, Politics and Government, Commerce
Congress of the United States, In Senate, May 12th, 1794 : on motion, ordered, that the Memorial of Mr. Pinckney, the answer of Mr. Hammond, and the letter of the Secretary of State of the 1st of May to Mr. Hammond relative to the British instructions of 8th June last, be printed for the use of the members of the Senate United States (Congress) 1794 Diplomacy, United States, Politics and Government, Great Britain, Treaties
Report of the Secretary of State, on the privileges and restrictions on the commerce of the United States in foreign countries Thomas Jefferson 1793 United States, Diplomacy, Commerce
A message of the President of the United States to Congress relative to France and Great-Britain : delivered December 5, 1793, with the papers therein referred to : to which are added the French originals George Washington 1793 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, France
A message of the President of the United States to Congress relative to France and Great-Britain : delivered December 5, 1793, with the papers therein referred to : to which are added the French originals George Washington 1793 United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, France
Return of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States, according to "An act providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States" : passed March the first, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one [i.e. 1790] United States (Census Office) 1791 United States, Politics and Government, Census
Return of the whole number of persons within the several districts of the United States, according to "An act providing for the enumeration of the inhabitants of the United States" : passed March the first, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one [i.e. 1790] United States (Census Office) 1791 United States, Politics and Government, Census
Report of the Secretary of State, on the subject of establishing a uniformity in the weights, measures, and coins of the United States Thomas Jefferson 1790 Weights and Measures, Money, United States
An essay on the art of war Comte Lancelot Turpin de Crissé 1761 Military Art and Science
An essay on draining and improving peat bogs; in which their nature and properties are fully considered Nicholas Turner 1784 Drainage, Agriculture
A gratulatory address : delivered July 5th, 1790, before the Society of the Cincinnati, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts ; published by their order William Tudor 1790 Speeches & Oratory, Society of the Cincinnati, Massachusetts
Liberty, a poem; on the independence of America St. George Tucker 1788 Literature, Poetry, United States, Revolutionary War
Reflections on the policy and necessity of encouraging the commerce of the citizens of the United States of America: and of granting them exclusive privileges of trade St. George Tucker 1785 Commerce, United States
Remarks, instructions, and examples relating to the latitude & longitude; also, the variation of the compass, &c., &c., &c. To which is annexed, a general chart of the globe, where the route made by the author, in different ships under his command, to the cape of Good Hope, Batavia, Canton in China, the different parts of India, Europe, and the Cape de Verde islands are marked, for the purpose of shewing the best tract of sea to meet the most favourable winds, and avoid those perplexing calms ... Thomas Truxtun 1794 Navigation, Geography, Meteorology
M'Fingal : a modern epic poem, in four cantos John Trumbull 1782 Literature, Poetry, United States, Revolutionary War
God is to be praised for the glory of his majesty, and for his mighty works : a sermon, delivered at North-Haven, December 11, 1783 : the day appointed by the United States for a general thanksgiving on account of the peace concluded with Great-Britain Benjamin Trumbull 1784 Revolutionary War, Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between His Britannic Majesty, and the United States of America, conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795. To which is annexed a copious appendix Great Britain 1795 Treaties, Jay's Treaty, Diplomacy, Great Britain, United States
Treaty of amity, commerce, and navigation, between His Britannic Majesty, and the United States of America : conditionally ratified by the Senate of the United States, at Philadelphia, June 24, 1795 : to which is annexed a copious appendix Great Britain 1795 Diplomacy, Treaties, Great Britain, United States, Jay's Treaty
A treaty held with the Catawba and Cherokee Indians, at the Catawba-Town and Broad-River in the months of February and March 1756, by virue of a commission granted by the Honorable Robert Dinwiddie... published by order of the governor Virginia (Colony) 1756 American Indians, Virginia, Treaties, Diplomacy, United States
The treaty held with the Indians of the six nations, at Lancaster, in Pennsylvania, June, 1744. To which is prefix'd, an account of the first confederacy of the Six nations, their present tributaries, dependents, and allies, and of their religion, and form of government Pennsylvania (Colony) 1744 Treaties, Pennsylvania, American Indians, Diplomacy, United States
Treaties of amity and commerce; and of alliance eventual and defensive, between His Most Christian Majesty and the thirteen United States of America United States (Continental Congress) 1778 Revolutionary War, United States, France, Diplomacy, Treaties, Politics and Government
Consolatory thoughts on American independence : shewing the great advantages that will arise from it to the manufactures, the agriculture, and commercial interest of Britain and Ireland Thomas Tod 1782 Great Britain, United States, Commerce
A discourse, delivered, at the Roman Catholic church in Boston, on the 9th of May, 1798, a day recommended by the President, for humiliation and prayer throughout the United States John Thayer 1798 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
A sermon, preached to the society in Brattle street, Boston, November 14, 1790, and occasioned by the death of the Hon. James Bowdoin, Esq., L.L.D.F.R.S., lately governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Peter Thacher 1791 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
A sermon preached to the Society in Brattle-Street, Boston, April 17, 1796 : and occasioned by the death of the Hon. Thomas Russell, Esq. Peter Thacher 1796 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
An examination of the late proceedings in Congress :, respecting the official conduct of the secretary of the Treasury John Taylor 1793 Politics and Government, United States
Substance of a speech delivered in the House of Delegates of Virinia, on the bill to amend the penal laws of this Commonwealth George Keith Taylor 1796 Law, United States, Virginia, Politics and Government
Christian thankfulness explained and enforced : a sermon, delivered at Charlestown, in the afternoon of February 19, 1795. The day of general thanksgiving through the United States David Tappan 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
Passages concerning the Lord's Prayer, and its internal sense Emanuel Swedenborg 1789 Religion, Swedenborgianism, Prayer
True Christian religion : containing the universal theology of the New Church, which was foretold by the Lord in Daniel, Chap. vii. 5, 13, 14, and in the Apocalypse, Chap. xxi. 1, 2. Emanuel Swedenborg 1789-1792 Religion, Swedenborgianism
Every farmer his own cattle-doctor : containing a full and clear account of the symptoms and causes of the diseases of cattle, with the most approved prescriptions for their cure ... John Swaine 1786 Agriculture, Medicine
The history of the district of Maine James Sullivan 1795 History, United States, Maine
A sermon, preached August the 15th, 1798, at Hamilton, at the ordination of the Rev. Daniel Story, to the pastoral care of the church in Marietta, and its vicinity, in the territory of the United States, North-west of the River Ohio Isaac Story 1798 Religion, Sermons, United States, Ohio
A sermon preached February 19, 1795, (from Eclesiastes IX, 18) being the Federal Thanksgiving Isaac Story 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
A discourse, delivered February 15, 1795 ... as preparatory to the collection, on the national thanksgiving, the Thursday following, for the benefit of our American brethren in captivity as Algiers Isaac Story 1795 Religion, Sermons, United States, Barbary Wars
The nature and extent of Christ's redemption : a sermon preached before the General Assemely of Virginia: at Williamsburg, Nov. 11th, 1753 William Stith 1753 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
A sermon, preached before the General Assembly, at Williamsburg, March 2, 1745-6 William Stith 1745/46 Sermons, Politics and Government
Thoughts on the French Revolution : a sermon, delivered November 20, 1794 : being the day of annual thanksgiving Samuel Stillman 1795 Sermons, French Revolution
The United States elevated to glory and honour : a sermon preached before His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull ... and the Honourable the General assembly of the state of Connecticut : convened at Hartford, at the anniversary election, May 8th, MDCCLXXXIII Ezra Stiles 1785 Sermons, Religion, Politics and Government, Elections, Connecticut
The United States elevated to glory and honor. A sermon preached before His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull ... and the Honorable the General assembly of the state of Connecticut, convened at Hartford, at the anniversary election, May 8th, 1783 Ezra Stiles 1783 Sermons, Religion, Politics and Government, Elections, Connecticut
A sermon occasioned by the death of the Honourable Sir William Pepperrell, bart., lieutenant-general in His Majesty's service, &c., who died at his seat in Kittery, July 6th, 1759, Preached the next Lord's-day after his funeral Benjamin Stevens 1759 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States, to which are added The United States militia act, passed in Congress, May, 1792, and The militia act of Massachusetts, passed June 22, 1793 Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben 1794 Military Art and Science, United States
A letter on the subject of an established militia, and military arrangements, addressed to the inhabitants of the United States Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben 1784 Military Art and Science, United States
A letter on the subject of an established militia, and military arrangements, addressed to the inhabitants of the United States Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben 1784 Military Art and Science, United States
Regulations for the order and discipline of the troops of the United States : Part I Baron Friedrich Wilhelm Ludolf Gerhard Augustin von Steuben 1779 Militaria, Military Art and Science, Continental Army, Revolutionary War, United States
The sermons of Mr. Yorick Laurence Sterne 1761 Sermons, Religion, Literature, Satire
The Guardian Joseph Addison 1744 Literature, Essays
Remarks on Mr. Brydone's account of a remarkable thunder-storm in Scotland Earl Charles Stanhope 1787 Science, Meteorology
The practical farmer : being a new and compendious system of husbandry adapted to the different soils and climates of America, containing the mechanical, chemical, and philosophical elements of agriculture : with many other useful and interesting subjects John Spurrier 1793 Agriculture, United States
A short account of the itch, or, A compendious treatise of the diseases of the skin : ... Thomas Spooner 1732 Medicine, Anatomy
An account of the manner in which the Protestant church of the Unitas Fratrum, or United Brethren, preach the gospel, and carry on their missions among the heathen August Gottlieb Spangenberg 1788 Religion, Moravians
Letters and observations on agriculture, &c. : addressed to, or made by the South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture, and Other Rural Concerns South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture and Other Rural Concerns 1788 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture
Address and rules of the South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture and other Rural Concerns South-Carolina Society for Promoting and Improving Agriculture and Other Rural Concerns 1785 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture
The compleat horseman, or, Perfect farrier; in two parts. Part I. discovering the surest marks of beauty, goodness, faults, and imperfections of horses ... The art of shoeing ... riding and managing the great horse. Part II. Contains the signs and causes of their diseases, with the true method of curing them Jacques de Solleysel 1729 Agriculture, Horses
The Columbiad, or, A poem on the American war : in thirteen cantoes Richard Snowden 1795 Literature, Poetry, Revolutionary War
A complete history of England from the descent of Julius Caesar to the treaty of Aix La Chapelle, 1748: containing the transactions of one thousand eight hundred and three years Tobias George Smollett 1758-1765 History, Great Britain
The adventures of Peregrine Pickle, in which are included Memoirs of a lady of quality Tobias George Smollett 1751 Literature
The universalist : in seven letters to Amyntor William Pitt Smith 1787 Religion, Universalism
An oration, delivered in St. Philip's Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, on the Fourth of July, 1796, in commemoration of American Independence William Loughton Smith 1796 Speeches & Oratory, Fourth of July, United States
A comparative view of the constitutions of the several states with each other, and with that of the United States: exhibiting in tables the prominent features of each constitution, and classing together their most important provisions under the several heads of administration; with notes and observations William Loughton Smith 1796 Politics and Government, United States
The eyes opened, or, The Carolinians convinced William Loughton Smith 1795 Politics and Government, United States, Great Britain, Diplomacy, Treaties
The politicks and views of a certain party, displayed William Loughton Smith 1792 United States, Politics and Government
An historical account of the rise, progress and present state of the canal navigation in Pennsylvania : with an appendix, containing, abstracts of the acts of the legislature since the year 1790, and their grants of money for improving roads and navigable waters throughout the state ; to which is annexed, "an explanatory map" William Smith 1795 Navigation, Canals, Pennsylvania
Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D. : president of the American Philosophical Society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge ; fellow of the Royal Society of London, member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, of the Royal Society at Gottingen, the Batavian Society in Holland, and of many other literary societies in Europe and America ; late minister plenipotentiary for the United States of America at the court of Paris, sometime president, and for more than half a century a ... William Smith 1792 Speeches & Oratory, Funeral Sermons, Benjamin Franklin
An exercise, performed at the public commencement, in the College of Philadelphia, July 17, 1790. Containing an ode, set to music, sacred to the memory of Dr. Franklin William Smith 1790 Speeches & Oratory, Colleges and Universities, Poetry, Music
A sermon on temporal and spiritual salvation : delivered in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati William Smith 1790 Religion, Sermons, Society of the Cincinnati
Two sermons, delivered in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church ... : Serm. I. On Wednesday, July 29, 1789, at the opening of the said convention : Serm. II. On Tuesday, August 4, 1789, at the funeral of the Rev. David Griffith, D.D., late bishop of the said church, in the state of Virginia William Smith 1789 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
Two sermons, delivered in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church ... : Serm. I. On Wednesday, July 29, 1789, at the opening of the said convention : Serm. II. On Tuesday, August 4, 1789, at the funeral of the Rev. David Griffith, D.D., late bishop of the said church, in the state of Virginia William Smith 1789 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
An account of Washington College, in the State of Maryland William Smith 1784 Education, Colleges and Universities, Washington College
A sermon preached in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, (for the benefit of the poor) : by appointment of and before the general communication of free and accepted Masons of the state of Pennsylvania, on Monday December 28, 1778 : celebrated, agreeable to their constitution as the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist William Smith 1779 Sermons, Freemasonry
A sermon on the present situation of American affairs. Preached in Christ-church, June 23, 1775, at the request of the officers of the Third battalion of the city of Philadelphia, and district of Southwark William Smith 1775 Sermons, Revolutionary War
The divine goodness to the United States of America. A discourse, on the subjects of natural gratitude, delivered in the Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, on Thursday the 19th of February, 1795, recommended by the President of the United States, to be observed throughout the Union as a Day of general thanksgiving and prayer. Published at the request of the Committee of that Church Samuel Stanhope Smith 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
The divine goodness to the United States of America. A discourse, on the subjects of natural gratitude, delivered in the Third Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, on Thursday the 19th of February, 1795, recommended by the President of the United States, to be observed throughout the Union as a Day of general thanksgiving and prayer. Published at the request of the Committee of that Church Samuel Stanhope Smith 1795 Religion, Sermons, United States, Politics and Government
A discourse on the nature and reasonableness of fasting and on the existing causes that call us to that duty : delivered at Princeton on Tuesday the 6th January 1795, being the day appointed by the Synod of New-York and New-Jersey to be observed as a general fast by all the churches of their communion in those states, and now published in compliance with the request of the students of theology and law in Princeton Samuel Stanhope Smith 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, New Jersey
A funeral sermon, on the death of the Hon. Richard Stockton, Esq. Princeton, March 2, 1781 Samuel Stanhope Smith 1781 Sermons, Funeral Sermons
The trial of William Skirving, secretary to the British convention, before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th and 7th of January, 1794; for sedition. Containing a full and circumstantial account of all the proceedings and speeches, as taken down in shorthand William Skirving 1794 Great Britain, Law, Trials
Specimens of statistical reports, : exhibiting the progress of political society from the pastoral state, to that of luxury and refinement. Intended to furnish examples, of the proper mode of drawing up accounts, either of parochial, or of other districts, and of collecting facts, in order to ascertain, the principles of statistical philosophy, and the sources of national improvement Sir John Sinclair 1793 Scotland, History
History of the origin and progress of The statistical account of Scotland Sir John Sinclair 1798? Scotland, History
A new principle of tactics practised by the armies of the Republic of France; illustrated and recommended to be practised by the regular and militia armies of the United States James Simons 1797 Military Art and Science, France
Préliminaire de la constitution : reconnaissance et exposition raisonnée des droits de l'homme & du citoyen Comte Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès 1789 Politics and Government, France
Substance of the report delivered by the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the General Court of Proprietors, on Thursday the 27th March, 1794 Sierra Leone Company 1794 Sierra Leone Company, Commerce, Africa
A speech intended to have been spoken on the bill for altering the charters of the colony of Massachusett's Bay Jonathan Shipley 1774 Great Britain, Parliament, Politics and Government, Massachusetts
An account of the principle and effects of the air stove-grates ... : commonly known by the name of American stoves : together with a description of the late additions and improvements made to them by James Sharp ... no. 15, Leadenhall-Street, London James Sharp 1777? Stoves
The legal means of political reformation proposed in two small tracts : viz. the first on "Equitable representation," and the legal means of obtaining it : the second on "Annual parliaments, the ancient and most salutary right of the people" Granville Sharp 1780 Great Britain, Law, Politics and Government
A defence of the ancient, legal, and constitutional, right of the people, to elect representatives for every session of Parliament : viz. not only "every year once," but also "more often if need be:" as expressly required in the old statute, and confirmed by the general usage of ancient times, demonstrated by the evidence of the original writs for election: in a letter to a member of the Surry Committee Granville Sharp 1780 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament, Elections
A circular letter to the several petitioning counties, cities and towns : addressed to their respective general meetings, against the late proposition for a triennial election of representatives Granville Sharp 1780 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Law
An address to the people of England : being the protest of a private person against every suspension of law that is liable to injure or endanger personal security Granville Sharp 1778 Great Britain, Law
A tract on the law of nature and principles of action in man Granville Sharp 1777 Religion, Philosophy, Ethics
The law of retribution, or, A serious warning to Great Britain and her colonies : founded on unquestionable examples of God's temporal vengeance against tyrants, slave-holders, and oppressors : the examples are selected from predictions in the Old Testament, of national judgements, which (being compared with their actual accomplishment) demonstrate "the sure word of prophecy," as well as the immediate interposition of Divine Providence, to recompence impenitent nations according to their works Granville Sharp 1776 Great Britain, Slavery, Abolition
An appendix to the Representation (printed in the year 1769) of the injustice and dangerous tendency of tolerating slavery, or, of admitting the least claim of private property in the persons of men in England Granville Sharp 1772 Great Britain, Slavery, Abolition
Remarks concerning the encroachments on the river Thames near Durham-Yard Granville Sharp 1771 Great Britain, Thames River
A Sermon on the present situation of the affairs of America and Great-Britain Black Whig 1782 Politics and Government, Sermons, Great Britain, United States
A serious address to the rulers of America : on the inconsistency of their conduct respecting slavery : forming a contrast between the encroachments of England on American liberty, and American injustice in tolerating slavery David Cooper 1783 United States, Great Britain, Slavery, Abolition
Seneca's morals by way of abstract. To which is added a discourse under the title of An afterthought Lucius Annaeus Seneca 1746 Classics, Philosophy, Ethics, Essays
Poems on various subjects and different occasions : chiefly adapted to rural entertainment in the United States of America John Searson 1797 Literature, Poetry, United States
The author, to the public & subscribers of Belfast : who, for many years past, has had several of his nearest relatives John Searson 1796? Literature, Poetry, Ireland
A poem on Down-Hill (the seat of the Earl of Bristol,) : also on Magilligan, describing the rural and marine prospect, of that extensive country and coast John Searson 1794 Literature, Ireland, Poetry
Free thoughts, on the proceedings of the Continental Congress held at Philadelphia Sept. 5, 1774 : wherein their errors are exhibited, their reasonings confuted, and the fatal tendency of their non-importation, non-exportation, and non-consumption measures, are laid open to the plainest understandings; and the only means pointed out for preserving and securing our present happy constitution: in a letter to the farmers, and other inhabitants of North America in general, and to those of the province ... Samuel Seabury 1774 Politics and Government, Continental Congress, Commerce, Great Britain, United States, New York
Field Marshal Count Saxe's plan for new-modelling the French army, reviving its discipline, and improving its exercise. In which are shewn the advantages of the Roman legion; and a proposal made for forming the French infantry into thirty legions; with three tables, containing, the necessary alterations to be made in their present infantry for that purpose, and the pay of the several ranks in the legion. Together with that great man's thoughts on the true causes of the French victories ... Comte Maurice de Saxe 1753 Military Art and Science, Militaria, France
Enquiry into the effects of public punishments upon criminals, and upon society : read in the Society for promoting political enquiries, convened at the house of His Excellency Benjamin Franklin, in Philadelphia, March 9th, 1787 Benjamin Rush 1787 Crime, Societies & Organizations, Speeches & Oratory
An oration, delivered before the American Philosophical Society, held in Philadelphia on the 27th of February, 1786 : containing an enquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty Benjamin Rush 1786 Speeches & Oratory, Medicine
A plan wherein the power of steam is fully shewn : by a new constructed machine, for propelling boats or vessels, of any burthen, against the most rapid streams or rivers, with great velocity; also, a machine, constructed on similar philosophical principles, by which water may be raised for grist or saw-mills, watering of meadows, &c. &c. James Rumsey 1788 Steamboats
A plan wherein the power of steam is fully shewn : by a new constructed machine, for propelling boats or vessels, of any burthen, against the most rapid streams or rivers, with great velocity; also, a machine, constructed on similar philosophical principles, by which water may be raised for grist or saw-mills, watering of meadows, &c. &c. James Rumsey 1788 Steamboats
Lettres de deux amans, habitans d'une petite ville au pied des Alpes Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1765 Literature
An oration delivered July 4, 1789, at the Presbyterian church, in Arch street, Philadelphia William Rogers 1789 Speeches & Oratory, Fourth of July, Politics and Government, Society of the Cincinnati
The faithful servant rewarded : a sermon, delivered at Princeton, before the Board of Trustees of the College of New-Jersey, May 6, 1795, occasioned by the death of the Rev. John Witherspoon ... president of said college John Rodgers 1795 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons, Colleges and Universities, College of New Jersey
Rider's British Merlin, for the year of our Lord 1756 Cardanus Rider 1756 Almanacs, Reference
Reflections on French atheism and English Christianity William Richards 1794 Religion
The Repository : containing various political, philosophical, literary, and miscellaneous articles   1788-1789 Periodicals, Literature, Philosophy, Politics and Government
Remarks on Governor Johnstone's speech in Parliament : with a collection of all the letters and authentic papers, relative to his proposition to engage the interest of one of the delegates of the state of Pennsylvania, in the Congress of the States of America, to promote the views of the British commissioners Joseph Reed 1779 Politics and Government, United States, Pennsylvania, Diplomacy, Revolutionary War
Observations on the different breeds of sheep : and the state of sheep farming in some of the principle counties of England drawn up from a report transmitted to Sir John Sinclair, chairman of the Society for the Improvement of British Wool William Redhead 1792 Agriculture, Sheep
Reason and faith, or, Philosophical absurdities and the necessity of revelation intended to promote faith among infidels and the unbounded exercise of humanity among all religious men Joshua Hezekiah DeCordova 1791 Religion, Philosophy
The wisdom of God manifested in the works of the creation : in two parts; viz. The heavenly bodies, elements, meteors, fossils, vegetables, animals, (beasts, birds, fishes, and insects ) more particularly in the body of the earth, its figure, motion, and consistency, and in the admirable structure of the bodies of man, and other animals, as also in their generation, &c. with answers to some objections John Ray 1743 Religion, Natural History
A statement of facts concerning Joseph Ravara Joseph Ravara 1793 Memoirs, Italy, Revolutionary War
A letter to the Right Reverend father in God, the Lord B----p of L-----n : occasioned by a letter of His Lordship's to the L----ds of T----e, on the subject fo the act of Assembly passed in the year 1758, intituled, An act to enable the inhabitants of this colony to discharge their publick dues, &c. in money for the ensuing year : from Virginia Landon Carter 1760 Two-Penny Act, Letters, Virginia, Finance
A letter to the Right Reverend father in God, the Lord B----p of L-----n : occasioned by a letter of His Lordship's to the L----ds of T----e, on the subject fo the act of Assembly passed in the year 1758, intituled, An act to enable the inhabitants of this colony to discharge their publick dues, &c. in money for the ensuing year : from Virginia Landon Carter 1760 Two-Penny Act, Letters, Virginia, Finance
A letter to a gentleman in London, from Virginia Peyton Randolph 1759 Letters, Great Britain, Virginia, Finance
A letter from a gentleman in Virginia, to the merchants of Great Britain, trading to that colony Landon Carter 1754 Letters, Commerce, Great Britain, Virginia
A vindication of Mr. Randolph's resignation Edmund Randolph 1795 Politics and Government, United States
The history of the American revolution David Ramsay 1789 History, United States, Revolutionary War
The travels of Cyrus : to which is annexed, A discourse upon the theology and mythology of the Pagans Andrew Michael Ramsay 1745 Voyages and Travels, Literature, Religion
The history of the revolution of France Jean-Paul Rabaut 1792 History, France, French Revolution
Constitution of a society for abolishing the slave-trade : with several acts of the legislatures of the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island, for that purpose Providence Society for Abolishing the Slave-Trade 1789 Slavery, Abolition, Societies & Organizations
Observations on the increase of infidelity Joseph Priestley 1797 Religion
Letters to Mr. Volney, occasioned by a work of his entitled Ruins, and by his letter to the author Joseph Priestley 1797 Letters, Antiquities, Religion
Unitarianism explained and defended, in a discourse delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796 Joseph Priestley 1796 Religion, Sermons, Unitarianism
The proper objects of education in the present state of the world : represented in a discourse, delivered on Wednesday, the 27th of April, 1791, at the meeting-house in the Old-Jewry, London to the supporters of the New College at Hackney Joseph Priestley 1791 Speeches & Oratory, Education, Colleges and Universities
A discourse on occasion of the death of Dr. Price Joseph Priestley 1791 Sermons, Funeral Sermons
Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world Richard Price 1784 Essays, Revolutionary War, United States
Observations on the importance of the American Revolution, and the means of making it a benefit to the world Richard Price 1784 Essays, Revolutionary War, United States
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added, an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war Richard Price 1776 Politics and Government, Great Britain, United States, Revolutionary War
Observations on the nature of civil liberty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America : to which is added, an appendix, containing a state of the national debt, an estimate of the money drawn from the public by the taxes, and an account of the national income and expenditure since the last war Richard Price 1776 Politics and Government, Great Britain, United States, Revolutionary War
The British carpenter : or, a treatise on carpentry. Containing the most concise and authentick rules of that art, in a more useful and extensive method, than has been made publick Francis Price 1768 Technical Arts, Carpentry
The poetical works of William Preston William Preston 1793 Literature, Poetry
Sympathy, or, A sketch of the school of passion : a poem Samuel Jackson Pratt 1782 Literature, Poetry
A memorial, most humbly addressed to the sovereigns of Europe, on the present state of affairs, between the Old and New World Thomas Pownall 1780 Essays, United States, Europe, Revolutionary War
A sermon preached before the incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts : at their anniversary meeting in the parish church of St. Mary-Le-Bow, on Friday, February 21, 1783 Beilby Porteus 1784 Religion, Sermons
The poor man's advice to his poor neighbours : a ballad, to the tune of Chevy-Chace   1774 Poetry, Ballads, Satire
Politisches journal, nebst Anzeige von gelehrten und andern Sachen   1790 Periodicals, Politics and Government
The Political magazine and parliamentary, naval, military, and literary journal   1780-1782 Periodicals, Politics and Government, Literature, Militaria
Poems on several occasions William Dawson 1736 Literature, Poetry
Essay on Agriculture Baron Frederick Carl Hans Bruno von Poellnitz 1790 Agriculture
A new and complete system of arithmetic, composed for the use of the citizens of the United States Nicolas Pike 1788 Mathematics
An oration delivered at Christ Church, Savannah, on the 4th of July, 1788 : in commemoration of the anniversary of American independence William Pierce 1788 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, Fourth of July, United States, Society of the Cincinnati
A letter from Mr. Pickering, secretary of state, to Mr. Pinckney, minister plenipotentiary at Paris : in answer to the complaints communicated by Mr. Adet, minister of the French Republic, against the United States of America Timothy Pickering 1797 Politics and Government, Diplomacy, United States, France
An easy plan of discipline for a militia Timothy Pickering 1775 Military Art and Science
A plan of exercise, for the militia of the province of the Massachusetts-Bay : extracted from the plan of discipline, for the Norfolk militia Timothy Pickering 1774 Military Art and Science, Massachusetts
The original and present state of man, briefly considered : wherein is shown the nature of his fall, and the necessity, means, and manner of his restoration, through the sacrifice of Christ, and the sensible operation of that divine principle of grace and truth, held forth to the world, by the people called Quakers : to which are added some remarks on the arguments of Samuel Newton of Norwich Joseph Phipps 1788 Religion, Quakers
Philosophical transactions, giving some account of the present undertakings, studies, and labours of the ingenious, in many considerable parts of the world 1744 Periodicals, Philosophy
An address from the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture : with a summary of its laws; and premiums offered Philadelphia Society for Promoting Agriculture 1785 Agriculture, Societies & Organizations
A catalogue of the books belonging to the Library Company of Philadelphia : to which is prefixed a short account of the institution, with the charter, laws, and regulations Library Company of Philadelphia 1789 Bibliography, Library Catalogues, Library Company of Philadelphia
Agricultural enquiries on plaister of Paris : also, facts, observations and conjectures on that subtance [sic], when applied as manure : collected, chiefly from the practice of farmers in Pennsylvania, and published as much with a view to invite, as to give information Richard Peters 1797 Agriculture, Manure, Plaster of Paris
The plan of the Pennsylvania Society of the Encouragement of Manufactures and the Useful Arts Pennsylvania Society for the Encouragement of Manufactures and the Useful Arts 1787 Societies & Organizations, Pennsylvania, Industry, Arts
Laws enacted in the second sitting of the second General Assembly of the common-wealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania (General Assembly) 1778 Politics and Government, Pennsylvania
Debates of the convention of the State of Pennsylvania, on the constitution, proposed for the government of the United States Pennsylvania (Ratifying Convention) 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Pennsylvania
An act for the regulation of the militia of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania Pennsylvania (General Assembly) 1793 Militaria, Pennsylvania
The lyric works of Horace translated into English verse : to which are added a number of original poems Horace 1786 Classics, Literature, Poetry
Serious enquiries into the motives and consequences of our present armament against Russia John Paradise 1791 Militaria, Great Britain, Russia
Serious enquiries into the motives and consequences of our present armament against Russia John Paradise 1791 Militaria, Great Britain, Russia
An account of the different kinds of sheep found in the Russian dominions, and among the Tartar hordes of Asia ... To which is added, five appendixes tending to illustrate the natural and economical history of sheep and other domestic animals Peter Simon Pallas 1794 Agriculture, Sheep, Russia
Letter to George Washington, President of the United States of America. On affairs public and private Thomas Paine 1796 Essays, Politics and Government, United States
Letter to George Washington, President of the United States of America. On affairs public and private Thomas Paine 1796 Essays, Politics and Government, United States
Letter addressed to the Abbé Raynal, on the affairs of North-America Thomas Paine 1782 Politics and Government, Essays, United States
Public good, being an examination into the claim of Virginia to the vacant western territory, and of the right of the United States to the same. To which is added, proposals for laying off a new state, to be applied as a fund for carrying on the war, or redeeming the national debt Thomas Paine 1780 Politics and Government, United States, Virginia
Common sense; with the whole appendix: the address to the Quakers; also, the Large additions, and A dialogue between the ghost of General Montgomery, just arrived from the Elysian Fields; and an American delegate in a wood, near Philadelphia: on the grand subject of American independency Thomas Paine 1776 Politics and Government, Essays, Revolutionary War, United States, Great Britain
The invention of letters: a poem, written at the request of the president of Harvard University, and delivered, in Cambridge, on the day of annual commencement, July 15, 1795 Robert Treat Paine 1795 Literature, Poetry, Colleges and Universities, Harvard College
A New Translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses into English prose : as near the original as the different idioms of the Latin and English languages will allow : with the Latin text & order of construction on the same page; and critical, historical, geographical, and classical, notes, in English, from the best commentators, both ancient and modern; beside a great number of notes entirely new : for the use of schools as well of private gentlemen Ovid 1750 Classics, Literature
An oration delivered July 4, 1788 : at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, in celebration of the anniversary of American independence Harrison Gray Otis 1788 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, United States, Fourth of July
A discourse, delivered on the day of annual thanksgiving, November 19, 1795 David Osgood 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
A discourse, delivered February 19, 1795. the day set apart by the President for a general thanksgiving through the United States David Osgood 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
Ordonnance du roi, concernant le Corps du génie : du 31 décembre 1776 Louis XVI 1777 France, Military Art and Science
The oracle of liberty and mode of establishing a free government Caesar Augustus Rodney 1791 Politics and Government, United States, Delaware
Antidote to deism, or, An ample refutation of all the objections of Thomas Paine against the Christian religion, as contained in a pamphlet intitled The age of reason, addressed to the citizens of these states Uzal Ogden 1795 Religion
An address to those persons at Elizabeth-Town, and Newark, and in their vicinity in the state of New-Jersey, who have lately been seriously impressed with a desire to obtain salvation : to which is annexed, a prayer, adapted to a person in a state of penitences Uzal Ogden 1785 Religion, Sermons
A sermon delivered at Morris-Town, on Monday December 27, 1784 : it being the festival of St. John the Evangelist, before the Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, of lodge no. 10 in the state of New-Jersey Uzal Ogden 1785 Sermons, Religion, Freemasonry
A sermon on practical religion Uzal Ogden 1782 Religion, Sermons
A sermon on practical religion : delivered at Newark, August 15, 1779 Uzal Ogden 1780 Religion, Sermons
A sermon delivered at Roxbury, in Morris County, March 19, 1781 : at the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Hackett, relict of colonel John Hackett Uzal Ogden 1781 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons
A short history of late ecclesiastical oppressions in New-England and Vermont John Cosens Ogden 1799 Religion, Politics and Government, Vermont, New England, New Hampshire, Conspiracies
A view of the New-England Illuminati : who are indefatigably engaged in destroying the religion and government of the United States, under a feigned regard for their safety, and under an impious abuse of true religion John Cosens Ogden 1799 Religion, Politics and Government, New England, Conspiracies
A view of the Calvinistic clubs in the United States John Cosens Ogden 1799? Religion, Politics and Government, United States, Conspiracies
An appeal to the candid, upon the present state of religion and politics in Connecticut John Cosens Ogden 1799? Religion, Politics and Government, Connecticut, Conspiracies
A sermon delivered before his Excellency the President, the honourable Senate, and the honourable House of representatives, of the state of Newhampshire, at the annual election, holden at Concord, on the first Wednesday in June, M,DCC.XC John Cosens Ogden 1790 Sermons, Politics and Government, New Hampshire
Observations on a pamphlet entitled A letter to His Grace the Duke of Portland, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland : so far as the same relates to the subject of revenue; in which is considered the state of the distilling trade of Ireland John Beresford 1782 Essays, Taxes, Ireland, Great Britain
Notes on farming Charles Thomson 1787 Agriculture
The usefulness and importance of human learning : a sermon preached before the trustees of Dickinson College, met at Carlisle, May 11, 1786, and published at their desire Charles Nisbet 1786 Speeches & Oratory, Colleges and Universities, Dickinson College, Education
An address to the students of Dickinson College Charles Nisbet 1786 Speeches & Oratory, Colleges and Universities, Dickinson College
A sermon preach'd before the society corresponding with the Incorporated Society in Dublin, for Promoting English Protestant Working-Schools in Ireland : at their general meeting in the Parish-Church of St. Mary le Bow, on Tuesday, April 4th, 1749 Samuel Nicolls 1749 Sermons, Religion, Societies & Organizations, Ireland
A summary abstract of the evidence given by the manufacturers, before the committee of the House of Lords of Great Britain Against the Irish Propositions William Nicholson 1785? Great Britain, Ireland, Commerce
A letter from George Nicholas, of Kentucky, to his friend, in Virginia. Justifying the conduct of the citizens of Kentucky, as to some of the late measures of the general government; and correcting certain false statements, which have been made in the different states, of the views and actions of the people of Kentucky George Nicholas 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Kentucky, Alien & Sedition Acts
The New York Magazine or, Literary repository   1791-1794 Periodicals, Literature
Transactions of the Society, instituted in the state of New-York, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures. Part I Albany Institute of History and Art 1792 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture, Arts, Industry
Transactions of the Society, instituted in the state of New-York, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, and Manufactures. Part I [-II] Albany Institute of History and Art 1792-1794 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture, Arts, Industry
Remarks on the East-India Company's balances in England from their trade and revenues Nathaniel Smith 1782 East India Company, Finance, Commerce
A new annual register, on an improved plan, or authentic repository of all public events that have happened from June 1781 to January 1782 1782 Reference, Literature, History, Politics and Government, Periodicals
The New annual register ; or, General repository of history, politics, and literature for the year 1781 Andrew Kippis 1782 Reference, Literature, History, Politics and Government, Periodicals
An authentic narrative; being an investigation of the trial and proceedings in the case of Neill and Lewellin; containing a variety of proofs and circumstances, never before made public 1789 Trials, Great Britain, Crime
Observations on the different breeds of sheep and the state of sheep farming in the southern districts of Scotland : being the result of a tour through these parts made under the direction of the Society For Improvement of British Wool John Naismyth 1795 Agriculture, Sheep
Museum rusticum et commerciale; or, Select papers on agriculture, commerce, arts, and manufactures 1764-1766 Agriculture, Commerce, Arts, Industry
A sermon preached in the Presbyterian Church at Alexandria, on the 9th of May, 1798, being the day appointed for a general fast James Muir 1798 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
Beacon Hill. A local poem, historic and descriptive. : Book I Sarah Wentworth Morton 1797 Literature, Poetry, Boston
Beacon Hill. A local poem, historic and descriptive. : Book I Sarah Wentworth Morton 1797 Literature, Poetry, Boston
A sermon, exhibiting the present dangers, and consequent duties of the citizens of the United States of America. Delivered at Charlestown. April 25, 1799, the day of the national fast Jedidiah Morse 1799 Sermons, Politics and Government, United States
A sermon, preached at Charlestown, November 29, 1798, on the anniversary Thanksgiving in Massachusetts. With an appendix, designed to illustrate some parts of the discourse; exhibiting proofs of the early existence, progress, and deleterious effects of French intrigue and influence in the United States Jedidiah Morse 1799 Sermons, Politics and Government, United States, France
A sermon, preached at Charlestown, November 29, 1798, on the anniversary Thanksgiving in Massachusetts. With an appendix, designed to illustrate some parts of the discourse; exhibiting proofs of the early existence, progress, and deleterious effects of French intrigue and influence in the United States Jedidiah Morse 1798 Sermons, Politics and Government, France, United States
A description of the soil, productions, commercial, agricultural and local advantages of the Georgia western territory: together with a summary and impartial view of the claims of Georgia and of the United States to this territory, and of the principal arguments aduced by the purchasers against these claims. Collected and stated from various authentic documents Jedidiah Morse 1797 Geography, United States, Agriculture, Georgia
The American gazetteer, exhibiting, in alphabetical order, a much more full and accurate account, than has been given, of the states, provinces, counties, cities, towns ... on the American continent Jedidiah Morse 1797 United States, Geography, Reference, Gazetteers
The duty of resignation under afflictions : illustrated and enforced from the example of Christ, in a sermon preached at Charlestown, April 17, 1796, occasioned by the death of the Honourable Thomas Russell, Esquire, who died in Boston, April 8, 1796, aged fifty-six Jedidiah Morse 1796 Funeral Sermons, Sermons, Religion
The duty of resignation under afflictions : illustrated and enforced from the example of Christ, in a sermon preached at Charlestown, April 17, 1796, occasioned by the death of the Honourable Thomas Russell, Esquire, who died in Boston, April 8, 1796, aged fifty-six Jedidiah Morse 1796 Funeral Sermons, Sermons, Religion
The present situation of other nations of the world, contrasted with our own Jedidiah Morse 1795 Politics and Government, United States
The American universal geography, or, A view of the present state of all the empires, kingdoms, states, and republicks in the known world, and of the United States of America in particular ... Jedidiah Morse 1793 United States, Geography
Plan of association of the North American Land Company. Established February, 1795 North American Land Company 1795 Land Speculation, Finance
Monthly review   1775-1795 Periodicals, Literature, Great Britain
An inaugural oration, on the progress and importance of the mathematical sciences. Delivered at Princeton on the evening preceding the annual commencement of 1788 Walter Minto 1788 Speeches & Oratory, Colleges and Universities, Science, Mathematics
A sermon delivered in the New Presbyterian Church, New-York, July fourth, 1795 : being the nineteenth anniversary of the independence of America ; at the request of, and before, the Mechanic, Tammany, and Democratic societies, and the military officers Samuel Miller 1795 Sermons, Politics and Government, United States, Fourth of July
A discourse delivered in the New Presbyterian Church, New-York, before the Grand Lodge of the State of New York : and the brethren of that fraternity, assembled in general communication, on the festival of St. John the Baptist, June 24th, 1795 Samuel Miller 1795 Sermons, Religion, Freemasonry
A sermon, preached in New-York, July 4th, 1793 : being the anniversary of the independence of America : at the request of the Tammany Society, or Columbian Order Samuel Miller 1793 Sermons, Politics and Government, United States, Fourth of July
The gardeners kalendar : directing what works are necessary to be performed every month in the kitchen, fruit, and pleasure-gardens, as also in the conservatory and nursery ... Philip Miller 1762 Gardening
The elevation, section, plan, and views, of a triple vessel, and of wheels. With explanations of the figures in the engraving, and a short account of the properties and advantages of the invention Patrick Miller 1787 Steamboats
Millan's universal register of court and city-offices   1758 Great Britain, Reference
Mercure de France   1790 Periodicals, Politics and Government, France
Memoirs of the year two thousand five hundred Louis-Sébastien Mercier 1795 Literature
The Alarm, or, An address to the nobility, gentry and clergy of the Church of Ireland, as by law established Mentor 1783 Religion, Church of Ireland
The memorial of the publick creditors, citizens of the State of New-Jersey   1790 Banking, Finance, New Jersey
An oration pronounced before a public assembly in New-Haven : on the 5th day of November 1781, at the Celebration of the glorious victory over Lieutenant-General Earl Cornwallis, at York-Town in Virginia, on the 19th day of October, 1781 Josiah Meigs 1782 Speeches & Oratory, Revolutionary War
An address to the public William Matthews 1792 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, Maryland
The dying legacy of an aged minister of the everlasting gospel, to the United States of North-America Samuel Mather 1783 Religion, Sermons, United States
The institution of the Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: with the rules for regulating said Society, and the methods of treatment to be used with persons apparently dead; with a number of recent cases proving the happy effects thereof Humane Society of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 1788 Societies & Organizations, Massachusetts Humane Society
Debates, resolutions and other proceedings, of the Convention of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts : convened at Boston, on the 9th of January, 1788, and continued until the 7th of February following, for the purpose of assenting to and ratifying the Constitution recommended by the grand Federal convention : Together with the yeas and nays on the decision of the grand question : To which the federal Constitution is prefixed Massachusetts (Ratifying Convention) 1788 Politics and Government, United States, Massachusetts
Mercy remembered in wrath. A sermon, the substance of which was preached on the 19th of February, 1795, observed throughout the United States, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer John M. Mason 1795 Sermons
Mercy remembered in wrath. A sermon, the substance of which was preached on the 19th of February, 1795, observed throughout the United States, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer John M. Mason 1795 Sermons
A sermon, preached September 20th, 1793; a day set apart, in the city of New-York, for public fasting, humiliation and prayer, on account of a malignant and mortal fever prevailing in the city of Philadelphia John M. Mason 1793 Sermons, Religion, Epidemics
An address to Robert Lemmon Luther Martin 1779 Politics and Government, Maryland
A new scene interesting to the citizens of the United States of America, additional to the historical play of Columbus Alexander Martin 1798 Literature, Drama, United States
Arbustrum americanum: the American grove, or, An alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States, arranged according to the Linnaean system. Containing, the particular distinguishing characters of each genus, with plain, simple and familiar descriptions of the manner of growth, appearance, &c. of their several species and varieties. Also, some hints of their uses in medicine, dyes, and domestic oeconomy Humphry Marshall 1785 Natural History, Forestry, Science
Charter of the Marine Society of the city of New-York, in the Province of New-York in America Marine Society of the City of New York 1781 Societies & Organizations
A treatise on hemp : in two parts : containing I. its history ... II. the methods of cultivating, dressing, and manufacturing it ... M. Marcandier 1764 Agriculture, Hemp
The manual exercise as ordered by His Majesty in 1764 : together with plans and explanations of the method generally practis'd at reviews and field-days Great Britain (Army) 1774 Great Britain, Military Art and Science
A sermon preached in the camp at Roxbury, November 23, 1775 : being the day appointed by authority for thanksgiving through the province Isaac Mansfield 1776 Sermons, Revolutionary War
Fragmens de politique et de littérature, suivis d'un voyage a Berlin, en 1784 Joseph Mandrillon 1788 Voyages and Travels, Germany, Politics and Government, Literature
Book-keeping moderniz'd, or, Merchant-accounts by double entry according to the Italian form : wherein the theory of the art is clearly explained, and reduced to practice, in copious sets of books, exhibiting all the varieties that usually occur in real business : to which is added a large appendix ... John Mair 1793 Accounting
Discours qui a remporté le prix à l'Académie des jeux floraux en 1784 : sur la grandeur et l'importance de la révolution qui vient de s'opérer dans l'Amérique septentrionale Jean-Baptiste Mailhe 1784 Revolutionary War, Essays
Observations importantes sur les colonies françoises de l'Amérique Baron Guillaume-François de Mahy de Corméré 1791 France, Essays, Politics and Government
Notes on the last illness, and death, of a most beloved friend Samuel Magaw 1790 Religion, Death
Things lovely and of good report. : A sermon, delivered in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. On the 27th of December, 1793: being St. John the Evangelist's Day; in the presence of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania: : to which is prefixed a prayer, before the sermon. : Published at their request. Samuel Magaw 1794 Religion, Sermons, Freemasonry
Things lovely and of good report. : A sermon, delivered in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. On the 27th of December, 1793: being St. John the Evangelist's Day; in the presence of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania: : to which is prefixed a prayer, before the sermon. : Published at their request. Samuel Magaw 1794 Religion, Sermons, Freemasonry
A sermon preached in Christ-Church, Dover, before the general communication of Free and Accepted Masons of the Delaware state : on Wednesday, December 27th, 1780, being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist Samuel Magaw 1781 Sermons, Religion, Freemasonry
A sermon preached in Christ-Church, Dover, before the general communication of Free and Accepted Masons of the Delaware state : on Wednesday, December 27th, 1780, being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist Samuel Magaw 1781 Sermons, Religion, Freemasonry
A sermon preached in Christ-Church, Dover, on Monday, December 27th, 1779 : being the anniversary of St. John the Evangelist : at the request of and before the general communication of Free and Accepted Masons of the Delaware state Samuel Magaw 1779 Religion, Sermons, Freemasonry
Lectures on moral philosophy John Macpherson 1791 Philosophy, Religion
The first and second letter to a noble earl : with an appendix Sir John Macpherson 1797 Great Britain, Politics and Government
The state of the representation of England and Wales delivered to the Society, the Friends of the People, associated for the purpose of obtaining a parliamentary reform, on Saturday the 9th of February 1793 Norman MacLeod 1793 Politics and Government, Great Britain, Parliament
A brief exposition of the leading principles of a bank : humbly submitted to the consideration of the honourable the Legislature of Maryland James McHenry 1795 Banking, Finance, Maryland
A sermon, on the comparative happiness and duty of the United States, contrasted with other nations, particularly the Israelites : delivered in Salisbury on Wednesday February 18th, and at Thyatira on Thursday February 19th : being the day of general thanksgiving and prayer, appointed by the President of the United States : published at the request of the hearers Samuel Eusebius McCorkle 1795 Sermons, United States
An essay on the domestic debts of the United States of America : giving an account of the various kinds of public securities, and generally in what manner the debts arose, with the provision made and proposed for payment of the interest and principal thereof by foederal measures, and of those adopted by individual states : to which is subjoined, A statement of the foreign debt, as set forth by the United States in Congress assembled, in their address and recommendations of the 18th of April 1783 Matthew M'Connell 1787 Finance, United States
Observations on the reflections of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, on the revolution in France, in a letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Stanhope Catharine Macaulay 1790 French Revolution, History, France, Letters
Ioannis Luzac oratio De Socrate cive, publice habita, die 21 februarii MDCCXCV. quum magistratu academico abiret. Probationes & adnotationes de Socrate ac de republica attica, praesertim disquisitio de epistatis ac proedris Atheniensium, et de Socrate epistate Jean Luzac 1796 Socrates, Philosophy, Speeches & Oratory
An eulogy, on the Honourable James Bowdoin, Esq., L.L.D. : late president of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, who died at Boston, November 6, A.D. 1790. Delivered before the society, January 26, 1791 John Lowell 1791 Sermons, Funeral Sermons
History of the mission of the United Brethren among the Indians in North America : in three parts George Henry Loskiel 1794 Religion, Missions, American Indians
Lord Ch----m's prophecy, an ode; : addressed to Lieutenant General G-ge   1776 Poetry, Satire, Revolutionary War
Fourteen agricultural experiments, to ascertain the best rotation of crops : addressed to the "Philadelphia Agricultural Society" George Logan 1797 Agriculture
Fourteen agricultural experiments, to ascertain the best rotation of crops : addressed to the "Philadelphia Agricultural Society" George Logan 1797 Agriculture
Address of General James Lloyd, to the citizens of Kent and Queen Anne's Counties, in answer to a late calumnious charge made against him by Robert Wright James Lloyd 1794 Politics and Government, Maryland
Observations in husbandry Edward Lisle 1757 Agriculture
A discourse on national sins : delivered May 9, 1798, being the day recommended by the President of the United States to be observed as a day of general fast William Linn 1798 Sermons, United States
A discourse, delivered on the 26th of November, 1795 : being the day recommended by the governor of the state of New-York to be observed as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, on account of the removal of an epidemic fever, and for other national blessings William Linn 1795 Sermons, United States
The blessings of America. A sermon, preached in the Middle Dutch church, on the fourth July, 1791, being the anniversary of the independence of America: at the request of the Tammany society, or Columbian order William Linn 1791 Sermons, Politics and Government, United States, Fourth of July
La ligne de demarcation, ou plan qui pourroit être un des moins mauvais à suivre dans l'approvisionnement des isles françoises de l'Amerique et dans le commerce avec elles Jean Baptiste Du Buc 1785 Commerce, France, United States
A Letter to an American planter from his friend in London   1771 Commerce, Letters, Slavery
A letter to a merchant at Bristol, concerning a petition of S-- T--, Esq. to the King : for an exclusive grant to the trade of the River Senegal ... 1762 Commerce, Great Britain, Africa
A letter from one of the Society of Friends relative to the conscientious scruplousness of its members to bear arms 1795 Politics and Government, Religion, Quakers
An experimental inquiry into the properties of opium, and its effects on living subjects: with observations on its history, preparations and uses. Being the disputation which gained the Harveian prize for the year 1785 John Leigh 1786 Medicine, Opium
Plain truth: addressed to the people of Virginia. Written in February 1799 Henry Lee 1799 Virginia, Politics and Government, Alien & Sedition Acts
The address of the minority in the Virginia Legislature to the people of that State : containing a vindication of the constitutionality of the Alien and Sedition laws Henry Lee 1799 Alien & Sedition Acts, Virginia, United States, Politics and Government
Defence of the alien and sedition laws : shewing their entire consistency with the Constitution of the United States, and the principles of our government : addressed to the people of Virginia Charles Lee 1798 Politics and Government, Alien & Sedition Acts, United States
Extracts from a letter written to the president of Congress by the Honorable Arthur Lee, esquire : in answer to a libel published in the Pennsylvania gazette of the fifth of December, 1778, by Silas Deane, esquire : in which every charge or insinuation against him in that libel, is fully and clearly refuted Arthur Lee 1780 Continental Congress, Politics and Government, United States, Libel
A speech intended to have been delivered in the House of commons, in support of the petition from the general Congress at Philadelphia Arthur Lee 1775 Politics and Government, Speeches & Oratory, Great Britain, United States, Continental Congress
A second appeal to the justice and interests of the people, on the measures respecting America Arthur Lee 1775 Great Britain, United States, Politics and Government
An appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Great Britain, in the present disputes with America Arthur Lee 1776 Great Britain, United States, Politics and Government
An appeal to the justice and interests of the people of Great Britain in the present disputes with America Arthur Lee 1775 Great Britain, United States, Politics and Government
The military engineer : or, A treatise on the attack and defence of all kinds of fortified places Guillaume Le Blond 1759 Military Art and Science
Observations on the river Potomack : the country adjacent, and the city of Washington Tobias Lear 1794 Voyages and Travels, United States, Washington DC, Geography
Remonstrance addressed to the Executive Directory of the French Republic against the invasion of Switzerland Johann Caspar Lavater 1798 Diplomacy, France, Switzerland
An oration, pronounced July 4, 1796, at the request of the inhabitants of the town of Boston, in commemoration of the anniversary of American independence John Lathrop 1796 Speeches & Oratory, Fourth of July, United States
An oration, written at the request of the officers of the Boston regiment, and intended for delivery, October 20, 1794 John Lathrop 1795 Speeches & Oratory, Militaria
A discourse, before the Humane Society, in Boston : delivered on the second Tuesday of June, 1787 John Lathrop 1787 Sermons, Massachusetts Humane Society, Societies & Organizations
A discourse, before the Humane Society, in Boston : delivered on the second Tuesday of June, 1787 John Lathrop 1787 Sermons, Massachusetts Humane Society, Societies & Organizations
A discourse on the peace; preached on the day of public thanksgiving, November 25, 1784 John Lathrop 1784 Religion, Sermons, Treaties, United States
A discourse on the unity of the church as a monumental pillar of the truth ; designed to reconcile Christians of all parties and denominations in charity and fellowship, as one body in Christ; delivered before an association of ministers convened at Portsmouth, October 12, 1791, and in substance repeated at a lecture in Hamptonfalls, January 26, 1792 Samuel Langdon 1792 Religion, Sermons
A correction of some great mistakes committed by the Rev. John Cosens Ogden : a presbyter in the Protestant Episcopal church, in the United States of America, in his late letters published at Boston Samuel Langdon 1792 Religion
The republic of the Israelites : an example to the American states : a sermon preached at Concord, in the state of New Hampshire; before the honorable General court at the annual election, June 5, 1788 Samuel Langdon 1788 Politics and Government, Sermons, New Hampshire
The co-incidence of natural with revealed religion : a sermon at the annual lecture instituted in Harvard College by the last will and testament of the Honorable Paul Dudley, esq; delivered November 1, 1775 Samuel Langdon 1776 Religion, Sermons
Government corrupted by vice, and recovered by righteousness. A sermon preached before the honorable Congress of the colony of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England, assembled at Watertown, on Wednesday the 31st day of May, 1775. Being the anniversary fixed by charter for the election of counsellors Samuel Langdon 1775 Politics and Government, Sermons, Massachusetts
Charges and proofs respecting the conduct of Peter Landais John Paul Jones 1787 Militaria, Trials
A letter on the construction and use of the improved foot plough Mr. Lambert 1784 Agriculture
A new system of military discipline founded upon principle John Jeffreys 1773 Militaria, Military Art and Science
A letter from Mr. Knox, of Bristol, to the Honourable William Nelson, Esq. of Virginia Thomas Knox 1759 Letters, Tobacco, Taxes
An essay on the best system of liberal education, adapted to the genius of the government of the United States. Comprehending also, an uniform, general plan for instituting and conducting public schools, in this country, on principles of the most extensive utility. To which is prefixed, an address to the legislature of Maryland on that subject Samuel Knox 1799 Education, United States, Maryland
A plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States : the regulations for the discipline and government of the militia, will be submitted hereafter Henry Knox 1786 Militaria, Military Art and Science, United States
A plan for the general arrangement of the militia of the United States : the regulations for the discipline and government of the militia, will be submitted hereafter Henry Knox 1786 United States, Militaria, Military Art and Science
A sermon, delivered at the interment of the Rev. Jeremy Belknap, D.D., minister of the church in Federal Street, Boston, June 22, 1798 John Thornton Kirkland 1798 Sermons, Funeral Sermons, Biography
Considerations on the provisional treaty with America, and the preliminary articles of peace with France and Spain Andrew Kippis 1783 Diplomacy, Treaties, United States, Great Britain
An address delivered at the interment of the late Rev. Dr. Richard Price on the twenty-sixth of April, 1791 Andrew Kippis 1791 Sermons, Funeral Sermons
History of a session of the General Assembly of the state of Maryland : held at the city of Annapolis, commenced in November, 1785 William Kilty 1786 Politics and Government, United States, Maryland
An answer to Paine's Letter to General Washington: : including some pages of gratuitous counsel to Mr. Erskine Patrick Kennedy 1798 Politics and Government, Essays
A treatise upon planting, gardening, and the management of the hot-house John Kennedy 1777 Agriculture, Gardening
A sermon delivered on the day of national thanksgiving, February 19, 1795 Samuel Kendal 1795 Sermons, Politics and Government
Tracts on weights, measures, and coins viz. I. synopsis of a system of equalization of weights and measures of Great Britain ... VI. remarks on Dr Rotheram's Observations on the proposed plan for equalizing all our weights and measures George Skene Keith 1791 Weights and Measures
Tracts on weights, measures, and coins viz. I. synopsis of a system of equalization of weights and measures of Great Britain ... VI. remarks on Dr Rotheram's Observations on the proposed plan for equalizing all our weights and measures George Skene Keith 1791 Weights and Measures
Keep your heart : a sermon occasioned by the murder of the Federal Marshall of this state, Major Robert Forsyth : preached at the desire of the district Society of the Cincinnati at Augusta, and most respectrfully inscribed to their president, Governor Mathews Adam Boyd 1794 Sermons, Politics and Government, Funeral Sermons, Society of the Cincinnati
The Maryland Ahiman Rezon, of Free & Accepted Masons : containing the history of Masonry, from the establishment of the Grand Lodge to the present time, with their ancient charges, addresses, prayers, lectures, prologues, epilogues, songs, &c., collected from their old records, faithful traditions, & lodge-books George Keatinge 1797 Freemasonry
A letter to the electors of the borough of Lisburn William Todd Jones 1784 Politics and Government, Elections, Parliament, Great Britain
A dictionary of the English language Samuel Johnson 1786 Languages, Dictionaries, Reference
To the worshipful chief magistrate, the recorder, or sheriff, or the gentleman holding the office of town clerk Alexander Johnson 1790 Medicine, Death
Relief from accidental death : or, summary directions, in verse : extracted from the instructions at large Alexander Johnson 1789 Medicine, Death
Directions for an extension of the practice of recovering persons apparently dead : taken from the instructions at large Alexander Johnson 1785? Medicine, Death
The route to India through France, Germany, Hungary, Turkey, Natolia, Syria, and the desert of Arabia, delineated in a clear concise manner, with the distances, time, mode, and expence of travelling Matthew Jenour 1791 Voyages and Travels, Europe, India, Turkey, Geography
The partisan; or, The art of making war in detachment. With plans proper to facilitate the understanding of the several dispositions and movements necessary to light troops, in order to accomplish their marches, ambuscades, attacks and retreats with success Mr. de. Jeney 1760 Military Art and Science
Observations on the whale fishery Thomas Jefferson 1788 Fisheries, Whaling
Letters addressed to the volunteers of Ireland on the subject of a parliamentary reform John Jebb 1784 Letters, Politics and Government, Ireland, Parliament
A letter to Sir Robert Bernard John Jebb 1782 Letters
The excellency of the spirit of benevolence : a sermon preached before the University of Cambridge, on Monday, December 28, 1772 John Jebb 1782 Religion, Sermons
A letter to the governors of the College of New York; respecting the collection that was made in this kingdom in 1762 and 1763, for the colleges of Philadelphia and New York. To which are added explanatory notes; and an appendix, containing the letters which passed between Mr. Alderman Trecothick and the author Sir James Jay 1771 Colleges and Universities, College of New York
Two reports from the Committee of the Honourable House of Assembly, appointed to enquire into and report to the House, the allegations and charges contained in the several petitions which have been presented to the British House of Commons, on the subject of the slave-trade and the treatment of the Negroes &c. &c. &c. Jamaica (General Assembly) 1788 Politics and Government, Jamaica, Slavery
Thoughts upon the political situation of the United States of America, in which that of Massachusetts is more particularly considered. With some observations on the Constitution for a federal government. Addressed to the people of the Union Jonathan Jackson 1788 United States, Politics and Government, Massachusetts
Tableau historique et politique des pertes que la révolution et la guerre ont causées au peuple français, dans sa population, son agriculture, ses colonies, ses manufactures et son commerce Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1799 France, History, French Revolution, Commerce
Tableau historique et politique de l'administration de la république française pendant l'année 1797, des causes qui ont amené la révolution du 4 septembre et de ses résultats Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1798 France, French Revolution, History
Histoire de l'administration des finances de la République française, pendant l'année 1796 Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1796 Finance, France
State of the finances and resources of the French Republic, to the 1st of January 1796. Being a continuation of the Reflections on the War, and of the Assignates; and containing an answer to the picture of Europe, by Mr. De Calonne Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1796 Finance, France
État des finances et des ressources de la république française au 1 janvier 1796 Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1796 Finance, France
Coup-d'oeil sur les assignats, et sur l'état des finances et des resources de la République française, au 1er janvier 1796 Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1796 Finance, France
A cursory view of the assignats and remaining resources of French finance, (September 6, 1795) : drawn from the debates of the convention Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1795 France, Finance
Des révolutions de France et de Geneve Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1795 Europe, Politics and Government, France, Switzerland
Reflections on the war : in answer to Reflections on peace, addressed to Mr. Pitt and the French nation Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1795 War, Politics and Government, Diplomacy, France, Great Britain
Authentic history of the origin and progress of the late revolution in Geneva Sir Francis d' Ivernois 1794 Europe, Politics and Government, Switzerland
A list of the pensions on the military establishment on the 18th of January, 1787; with the respective dates of the grants, and the respective terms for which the same have been granted, and the names of the persons for whose use any pension is granted in trust. Also, an account of the total amount of all pensions on the military establishment on the 25th of March, 1786, and on the 18th of January, 1787 Ireland (Parliament) 1787 Ireland, Pensions
An account of the total amount of all pensions on the civil establishment, on the 25th March, 1786, and on the 18th of January, 1787 Ireland (Parliament) 1787 Ireland, Pensions
A list of the pensions on the civil establishment on the 18th of January, 1787 : with the respective dates of the grants, and the respective terms for which the same have been granted; and the names of the persons for whose use any pension is granted in trust Ireland (Parliament) 1787 Ireland, Pensions
The love of our country : a sermon preached before the Virginia troops in New-Jersey John Hurt 1777 Revolutionary War, United States, Sermons, Continental Army
The miscellaneous works of Colonel Humphreys David Humphreys 1790 Literature, Poetry
Discours en vers, adressé aux officiers et aux soldats des différentes armées américaines David Humphreys 1786 Literature, Poetry, Continental Army
A poem, on the happiness of America : addressed to the citize[ns] of the United States David Humphreys 1786 Literature, Poetry, United States
Poem, addressed to the armies of the United States of America David Humphreys 1780 Literature, Poetry, Continental Army
An oration delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 4, 1788 William Hull 1788 Speeches & Oratory, Society of the Cincinnati
A five minutes answer to Paine's Letter to Genl. Washington Charles Lucas Pinckney Horry 1797 Politics and Government, United States, Essays
Upon the peace : a sermon : preach'd at the church of Petsworth, in the county of Gloucester, on August the 25th, the day appointed by authority for the observance of that solemnity James Horrocks 1763 Sermons, Religion, Treaties, Slavery, Abolition
What is our situation? : and what are our prospects? A few pages for Americans Joseph Hopkinson 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Essays
The succession of generations among mankind, illustrated and improved in a century sermon, preached at Newton, on Lord's day, Dec. 25, 1791; being the commencement of a new century, from the incorporation of said town Jonathan Homer 1792 Religion, Sermons
The character and duties of a Christian soldier : considered and applied in a sermon, preached before the Ancient and Honorable Company of Artillery, on Monday, June 7, 1790; being the anniversary of the election of officers Jonathan Homer 1790 Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, Sermons, Military Art and Science, Religion
The gentleman farmer : Being an attempt to improve agriculture, by subjecting it to the test of rational principles Lord Henry Home Kames 1779 Agriculture
Loimologia, or, An historical account of the plague in London in 1605 : with precautionary directions against the like contagion Nathaniel Hodges 1720 History, Great Britain, Medicine, Plague
The history of the second ten years of the reign of George the Third, king of Great-Britain, &c. from the conclusion of the third session of the thirteenth Parliament, in 1770, to the end of the last session of the fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain, in 1780 Robert Marfarlane 1782 History, Great Britain, Politics and Government
The History of Robespierre, political and personal. Containing, his principles, actions, and designs, in the Jacobin Club, Commune of Paris, Constituent Assembly, and the Convention. The whole comprehends interesting particulars respecting his commencing politician, establishing his tyranny, and falling the victim of national vengeance. Interspersed with interesting traits and curious anecdotes of rmarkable characters. To which is added, a brief sketch of his person, life and manners 1794 France, French Revolution, Biography
A short account of the Honourable Emanuel Swedenborg, and his theological writings Robert Hindmarsh 1792 Religion, Swedenborgianism
Report of the committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, to whom the subject of Shetland wool was referred with an appendix, containing some papers, drawn up by Sir John Sinclair and Dr. Anderson, in reference to the said report Highland Society of Scotland 1790 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture, Sheep, Scotland
Report of the committee of the Highland Society of Scotland, to whom the subject of Shetland wool was referred with an appendix, containing some papers, drawn up by Sir John Sinclair and Dr. Anderson, in reference to the said report Highland Society of Scotland 1790 Societies & Organizations, Agriculture, Sheep, Scotland
A collection of occurrences and facts : known by living evidences, and also recorded in a public manner, in printed and written papers, now in being, and indisputably true : with reflections thereon ... this historical collection is finished by repeating a prophecy ... concerning the present commotions in the kingdom of Great Britain Joseph Hewes 1775 Politics and Government, History, United States
An infallible cure, for political blindness : if administered to patients possessing sound minds, honest hearts, and independent circumstances Alexander Addison 1798 Politics and Government, History, United States
A candid refutation of the heresy imputed by Ro. C. Nicholas, Esquire, to the Reverend S. Henley Samuel Henley 1774 Religion, Church of England, Virginia
Memoirs of Major-General Heath : containing anecdotes, details of skirmishes, battles, and other military events, during the American war William Heath 1798 Revolutionary War, Memoirs, United States
Historical collections Ebenezer Hazard 1792-1794 History, United States, Politics and Government
America's remembrancer, with respect to her blessedness and duty. A sermon, delivered in Hopewell, New Jersey, on Thanksgiving day, November 26, 1789 Oliver Hart 1791 Politics and Government, United States, Sermons
Observations on the dispute between the United States and France Robert Goodloe Harper 1797 France, United States, Politics and Government, Diplomacy
The Prussian evolutions in actual engagements ... Book the second, containing the theory and practice of gunnery. With some methods of the English Larbartary Thomas Hanson 1775 Military Art and Science, Prussia, Artillery
The Prussian evolutions in actual engagements : both in platoons, sub, and grand-divisions; explaining, all the different evolutions, and manœuvres, in firing, standing, advancing, and retreating, ... explained with thirty folio copper-plates. ... Thomas Hanson 1775 Military Art and Science, Prussia
The Prussian evolutions in actual engagements : both in platoons, sub, and grand-divisions; explaining, all the different evolutions, and manœuvres, in firing, standing, advancing, and retreating, ... explained with thirty folio copper-plates. ... Thomas Hanson 1775 Military Art and Science, Prussia
Remarks on the proposed plan of an emission of paper, and on the means of effecting it : addressed to the citizens of Maryland Alexander Contee Hanson 1787 Finance, Money, Politics and Government
Effects of the stage on the manners of a people : and the propriety of encouraging and establishing a virtuous theatre William Haliburton 1792 Drama, Theater
Compleat body of husbandry. : Containing rules for performing, in the most profitable manner, the whole business of the farmer and country gentleman, in cultivating, planting and stocking of land; in judging of the several kinds of seeds, and, of manures; and in the management ... To which is annexed, the whole management of the orchard, the brewhouse, and the dairy. Thomas Hale 1758-1759 Agriculture, Alcohol
The royal English grammar : containing what is necessary to the knowledge of the English tongue laid down in a plain and familiar way for the use of young gentlemen and ladys : to which is added, lessons for boys at school, shewing the use of the parts of speech and the joining words together in a sentance James Greenwood 1747 Education, Grammar, Languages
A sermon delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 19th of February, 1795 : being the day of general thanksgiving throughout the United States Ashbel Green 1795 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
General view of the agriculture of the county of Sussex : with observations on the means of its improvement Arthur Young 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Suffolk : with observations on the means of its improvement Arthur Young 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county palatine of Chester : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Wedge 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Warwick : with observations on the means of its improvement John Wedge 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of Galloway, comprehending the stewartry of Kirkudbright and shire of Wigton : with observations on the means of its improvement James Webster 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Essex : with observations on the means of its improvement Charles Vancouver 1795 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
Appendix to Mr. Vancouver's agricultural account of Cambridgeshire Charles Vancouver 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Cambridge : with observations on the means of its improvement Charles Vancouver 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Dumbarton : with observations on the means of its improvement David Ure 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the County of Kinross David Ure 1797 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Roxburgh : with observations on the means of its improvement David Ure 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Gloucester : with observations on the means of its improvement George Turner 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the North Riding of Yorkshire : with observations on the means of its improvement John Tuke 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of West Lothian : with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement James Trotter 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Huntingdon : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Stone 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the County of Lincoln : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Stone 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Bedford : with observations on the means of improvement Thomas Stone 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the northern counties and islands of Scotland : including the counties of Cromarty, Ross, Sutherland and Caithness and the islands of Orkney and Shetland : with observations on the means of their improvement Sir John Sinclair 1795 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Angus or Forfar Mr. Roger 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Argyll and western part of Inverness-shire : with observations on the means of its improvement James Robson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the southern districts of the county of Perth : with observations on the means of their improvement James Robertson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
Abridged report of the state of agriculture in Mid-Lothian George Robertson 1795 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Midlothian : with observations on the means of its improvement George Robertson 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire : with observations on the means of its improvement George Rennie 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the Isle of Man : with observations on the means of its improvement Basil Quayle 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Worcester : with observations on the means of its improvement William Thomas Pomeroy 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Stafford : with observations on the means of its improvement William Pitt 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in Berkshire : with observations on the means of its improvement William Pearce 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Clydesdale : with observations on the means of improvement John Naismith 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Leicester : with observations on the means of their improvement John Monk 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the County of Huntingdon : and observations on the means of its improvement ... George Maxwell 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Renfrew : with observations on the means of its improvement Alexander Martin 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the Central Highlands of Scotland : with observations on the means of their improvement William Marshall 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Nottingham : with observations on the means of its improvement Robert Lowe 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Berwick, with observations on the means of its improvement Alexander Lowe 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Cardigan : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Lloyd 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the East Riding of Yorkshire and the ainsty of the city of York : with observations on the means of its improvement Isaac Leatham 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Norfolk : with observations on the means of improvement Nathaniel Kent 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of Caernarvonshire. With observations on the means of improving it George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of Anglesey : with observations on the means of improving it George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of Flintshire : with observations on the means of improving it George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of Merionethshire : with observations on the means of improving it George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of Montgomeryshire : with observations on the means of improving it George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of Denbighshire George Kay 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Tweedale : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Johnston 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Selkirk : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Johnston 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Dumfries : with observations on the means of its improvement Bryce Johnston 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Buckingham : with observations on the means of its improvement William James 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Surrey , : with observations on the means of its improvement William James 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Lancaster : with observations on the means of its improvement; drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement, from the communications of Mr. John Holt and the additional remarks of several respectable gentlemen and farmers in the county John Holt 1795 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the County of Lancaster : with observations on the means of its improvement John Holt 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the natural circumstances of those isles, adjacent to the north-west coast of Scotland, which are distinguished by the common name of Hebudæ or Hebrides : --of the various means which have been employed to cultivate and improve them;--and of some other means, which are humbly proposed, as likely to contribute to their farther improvement Robert Heron 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of East Lothian : With observations on the means of their improvement Sir George Buchan Hepburn 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Carmarthen : with observations on the means of its improvement Charles Hassall 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Pembroke : with observations on the means of its improvement Charles Hassall 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Essex : with observations on the means of its improvement Messrs. Griggs 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Durham : particularly that part of it entending from the Tyne to the Tees : with observations on the means of its improvement Joseph Granger 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the County of Devon : with observations on the means of its improvement Robert Fraser 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the county of Cornwall : with observations on the means of its improvement Robert Fraser 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Monmouth : with observations on the means of its improvement John Fox 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Middlesex : with observations on the means of their improvement Peter Foot 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Clackmannan : and some of the adjacent parishes, situated in the counties of Perth and Stirling John Francis Erskine 1795 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Hants : with observations on the means of its improvement Abraham Driver 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the carse of Gowrie, in the county of Perth : with observations on the means of its improvement James Donaldson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Banff : with observations on the means of its improvement James Donaldson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Elgin or Moray : lying between the Spey and the Findforn, including part of Strathspey in the county of Inverness James Donaldson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Nairn : the eastern coast of Inverness-shire and the Parish of Dyke, and part of Edenkeillie, in the county of Elgin, and Forres James Donaldson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Northampton : with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up to the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement : to which is added, an appendix, containing a comparison between the English and Scotch systems of husbandry, as practiced in the counties of Northampton and Perth James Donaldson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Wilts : with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Thomas Davis 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Oxford : with observations on the means of its improvement Richard Davis 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Rutland : with observations on the means of its improvement John Crutchley 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Brecknock : with observations on the means of its improvement John Clark 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Hereford : with observations on the means of its improvement John Clark 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Radnor : with observations on the means of its improvement John Clark 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Dorset : with observations on the means of its improvement John Claridge 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Derby : with observations on the means of its improvement Thomas Brown 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Kent : with observations on the means of its improvement John Boys 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Salop : with observations on the means of its improvement J. Bishton 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture in the county of Somerset : with observations on the means of its improvement John Billingsley 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Stirling : with observations on the means of its improvement R. Belsches 1796 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Fife : with observations on the means of its improvement Robert Beatson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the County of Middlesex : with observations on the means of its improvement : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Thomas Baird 1793 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Northumberland : with observations on the means of its improvement John Bailey 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture of the county of Cumberland : with observations of the means of improvement John Bailey 1794 Agriculture, Commerce, Surveys
General view of the agriculture and rural economy of the county of Aberdeen, with observations on the means of its improvement James Anderson 1794 Agriculture, Commerce,
Communications to the Board of agriculture Board of Agriculture (Great Britain) 1797 Agriculture
Sir John Sinclair's address to the Board of Agriculture, on Tuesday, the twenty-fourth of May 1796 : stating the progress that had been made by the Board, during the third session since its establishment Sir John Sinclair 1796 Agriculture
Outline of the general report upon the size of farms and upon the persons who cultivate farms : drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Thomas Robertson 1796 Agriculture
Hints on vegetation : and questions regarding the nature and principles thereof addressed to farmers, nurserymen and gardeners Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1796 Agriculture, Botany
Account of the origin of the Board of Agriculture and its progress for three years after its establishment Sir John Sinclair 1796 Agriculture
Projet d'un accord entre les puissances de l'Europe, et les États unis de l'amérique : pour l'effet de récompenser les découvertes qui tendent au bien-être général de la société Sir John Sinclair 1795 Agriculture, Commerce
Plan of an agreement among the powers in Europe, and the United States of America : for the purpose of rewarding discoveries of general benefit to society Sir John Sinclair 1795 Agriculture, Commerce
Additional appendix to the outlines of the fifteenth chapter of the proposed general report from the Board of Agriculture : on the subject of manures John Ingen-Housz 1796 Agriculture, Manure
Outlines of the fifteenth chapter of the proposed general report from the Board of Agriculture : on the subject of manures ; drawn up for the consideration of the Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement Robert Somerville 1795 Agriculture, Manure
List of the members of the Board of Agriculture Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1796 Agriculture
List of the members of the Board of Agriculture Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1795 Agriculture
Extracts from the minutes of proceedings of the Board of Agriculture : respecting Mr. Elkington's mode of draining land : together with copies of such papers as have been communicated to the Board upon that subject Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1795 Agriculture
Substance of Sir John Sinclair's address to the Board of Agriculture on Tuesday the twenty-ninth of July, 1794 : stating the progress that has been made by the board and the advantages that may be expected from improving the territory of the kingdom Sir John Sinclair 1794 Agriculture
Letter to Sir John Sinclair, bart. from John Robinson, Esq., surveyor-general of woods and forests : 5th April, 1794 John Robinson 1794 Agriculture
[Circular regarding qualifications of Surveyors for the projected survey of the counties of Great Britain] Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1794? Agriculture, Surveying
Queries relating to live stock Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1796? Agriculture
Queries proposed by the Board of Agriculture, to be answered by intelligent farmers Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1793 Agriculture
Substance of Sir John Sinclair's address to the Board of Agriculture, on the first day of its being assembled Sir John Sinclair 1793 Agriculture
George the third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Defender of the faith, and so forth : to all whom these presents shall come greeting : wheareas it appears to us, that great advantages may be derived from the establishment of a board, society, or body corporate for the encouragement of agriculture and internal improvement Great Britain (Board of Agriculture) 1793 Agriculture
Plan for establishing a Board of Agriculture and Internal Improvement : as intended to be proposed in Parliament by Sir John Sinclair : May 1793 Sir John Sinclair 1793 Agriculture
A list of the officers of the Army, serving in North-America, under the command of his Excellency General Sir Guy Carleton, K.B. With the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each corps, and in the army. For the year 1783 Great Britain (Army) 1783 Great Britain, Militaria
A list of the general and field-officers, as they rank in the Army : of the officers in the several regiments of Horse, Dragoons, and Foot, on the British and Irish establishments : (To which is now added, an alphabetical index) : the Royal Regiment of Artillery and Corps of Engineers, the Irish Artillery and Engineers, and the Marines on full and half pay : with the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each Corps and in the Army : The Governors, Lieutenant Governors, &c. of his Majesty's ... Great Britain (Army) 1772 Great Britain, Militaria
Votes of the House of Commons Great Britain (Parliament) 1785 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament
Thoughts on the expediency of forwarding the establishment of manufactures in Ireland : in which is comprehended, the sketch of a design for promoting and extending them Robert Graydon 1783 Industry, Ireland
Speech of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan, on the subject of tythe : in the House of Commons on Thursday, February 14, 1788 Henry Grattan 1788 Speeches & Oratory, Tithing, Parliament
Réponse de M. le Comte de Grasse aux observations de M. le Marquis de Vaudreuil : adressées au conseil à l'Orient Comte François Joseph Paul de Grasse 1784 Essays, France, War
Mémoire du comte de Grasse [sur le combat naval du 12 Avril 1782, avec les plans des positions principales des armées respectives] Comte François Joseph Paul de Grasse 1782 Military Art and Science, Memoirs, France, War
The grand, wonderful and astonishing mystery of Irish Reformation : fully published and amply explained in a most elegant dramatic poem 1785 Religion, Reformation, Ireland, Literature, Poetry, Humor
The code of military standing regulations of the Bengal establishment : containing an abreviation [sic] of the standing orders, rules, and regulations, that are now in forace ; arranged under their respective and particular heads, in sections and articles ; together with an appendix of the whole of the original orders from which the digest is formed, under a similar arrangement with their several dates and authorities ; revised and corrected in the different public offices under government Henry Grace 1791 Military Art and Science, East India Company, India
The separation of the Jewish tribes, after the death of Solomon, accounted for, and applied to the present day, in a sermon preached before the General Court, on Friday, July the 4th, 1777. Being the anniversary of the Declaration of Independency William Gordon 1777 Sermons, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War, United States, Fourth of July
A sermon preached before the Honorable House of Representatives, on the day intended for the choice of counsellors, agreeable to the advice of the Continental Congress William Gordon 1775 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government, Massachusetts
Geography anatomiz'd : or, The geographical grammar, being a short and exact analysis of the whole body of modern geography, after a new and curious method, comprehending I. A general view of the terraqueous globe ... II. A particular view of the terraqueous globe ... Collected from the best authors, and illustrated with divers maps Patrick Gordon 1749 Geography, Maps
A letter on the bayonet exercise : submitted to the Right Hon. General Burgoyne, Commander in Chief of His Majesty's forces in Ireland, &c. &c. &c. : dated, Dublin Barracks, 20th March, 1783 Anthony Gordon 1787? Military Art and Science
The prowess of the Whig club, and the manœuvres of Legion William Goddard 1777 Maryland, Politics and Government, Whig Club
The substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West-India planters and merchants : to the Hon. House of Commons, as it was introduced at the bar, and summ'd up by Mr. Glover, on Thursday, the 16th of March, 1775 Richard Glover 1775 West Indies, Parliament, Politics and Government, Commerce
The substance of the evidence on the petition presented by the West-India planters and merchants to the Hon. House of Commons, : as it was introduc'd at the bar and summ'd up Richard Glover 1775 West Indies, Parliament, Politics and Government, Commerce
A letter to the Hon. Thomas Erskine : containing some strictures on his View of the causes and consequences of the present war with France John Gifford 1797 Essays, Letters, War, Politics and Government
Thoughts of Patricius : an Utilitist on the interests of mankind and particularly on those of the Irish nation also a few occasional tracts Richard Geoghegan 1785 Religion, Politics and Government, Ireland
The correspondence between Citizen Genet, Minister of the French Republic, to the United States of North America, and the officers of the Federal Government; to which are prefixed the instructions from the constituted authorities of France to the said minister. All from authentic documents Edmond Charles Genet 1793 Politics and Government, United States, France, Treaties
An examination of the conduct of the executive of the United States, towards the French republic; likewise an analysis of the explanatory article of the British treaty--in a series of letters Albert Gallatin 1797 United States, Politics and Government, France, Treaties, Jay's Treaty
A scriptural comment on the Athanasian Creed N. G. 1791 Religion, Trinity, Athanasian Creed
The examination of Dr. Benjamin Franklin : before an august assembly, relating to the repeal of the Stamp Act, &c. Benjamin Franklin 1766 Parliament, Benjamin Franklin, Stamp Act, Taxes
Substance of the speech of the Right Honourable Charles James Fox : on Monday, December 1, 1783 : upon a motion for the commitment of the bill "For vesting the affairs of the East-India Company in the hands of certain commissioners, for the benefit of the proprietors, and of the public" Charles James Fox 1784 East India Company, Commerce, Parliament, Speeches & Oratory
A voyage from Calcutta to the Mergui Archipelago, lying on the east side of the Bay of Bengal; describing a chain of islands, never before surveyed ... also, an account of the islands Jan Sylvan, Pulo Pinang, and the port of Queda; the present state of Atcheen; and directions for sailing thence to Fort Marlbro' down the southwest coast of Sumatra; to which are added, an account of the island Celebes; a treatise on the monsoons in India; a proposal for making ships and vessels more convenient ... Thomas Forrest 1792 Voyages and Travels, India, Indian Ocean
The speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare ... : on a motion made by the Earl of Moira, Monday, February 19, 1798 Earl John Fitzgibbon Clare 1798 Speeches & Oratory, Ireland, Parliament
The original steam-boat supported; or, A reply to James Rumsey's pamphlet shewing the true priority of John Fitch, and the false datings &c. of James Rumsey John Fitch 1788 Steamboats
A reply to the false reasoning in the "Age of reason." : To which are added, some thoughts on idolatry; on the devil; and the origin of moral evil; on educating young men for the Gospel ministry; and on what is "the word of God." All which refer, more or less, to opinions advanced in Thomas Paine's "Investigation of true and fabulous theology" Miers Fisher 1796 Essays, Religion, Philosophy
Brief of the titles of Robert Morris, Esquire to a tract of country in the county of Ontario, in the state of New-York, one of the United States of America, To which is added a schedule, containing authentic copies of the principal acts and resolves of the General Congress of the United States, and of the legislatures of the States of Massachusetts and New-York, and of other deeds and evidences of title, cited in the brief, for the satisfaction of those who may wish to see them at full length Miers Fisher 1791 New York, Boundary Disputes
An humble address to every Christian of every nation and denomination of people under heaven : shewing an effectual means to prevent wars among all nations of the earth, and to maintain an everlasting union, in families, societies, churches, towns, states, and all kingdoms of this lower world Samuel Fish 1793 Religion, Sermons, War
A discourse, shewing the certainty of Christ's spiritual reign among all the nations and kingdoms in this lower world Samuel Fish 1793 Religion, Sermons
A discourse, shewing the certainty of Christ's personal appearance and universal reign at the head of his Zion, over all the nations and kingdoms in this lower world Samuel Fish 1793 Religion, Sermons
The discovery, settlement and present state of Kentucke: and an essay towards the topography and natural history of that important country: to which is added, an appendix, containing. I. The adventures of Col. Daniel Boon, one of the first settlers, comprehending every important occurence in the political history of that province. II. The minutes of the Piankashaw council, held at Post St. Vincents, April 15, 1784. III. An account of the Indian nations inhabiting within the limits f the thirteen ... John Filson 1784 Voyages and Travels, United States, Kentucky, Natural History, American Indians
Éloge civique de Benjamin Franklin, prononcé, le 21 juillet 1790, dans la rotonde, au nom de la Commune de Paris Claude Fauchet 1790 Funeral Sermons, Benjamin Franklin, Politics and Government, France, United States
The Farmer's wife, or, Complete country housewife : containing ... to which is added the art of breeding and managing song birds in general, likewise a variety of receipts in cookery, and other particulars well worthy the attention of women of all ranks residing in the country 1780? Cookery, Housewifery
The farmer's compleat guide, through all the articles of his profession; the laying out, proportioning, and cropping his ground; and the rules for purchasing, managing, and preserving his stock John Ball 1760 Agriculture
An account of the efficacy of the aqua mephitica alkalina : or, solution of fixed alkaline salt, saturated with fixible air, in calculous disorders, and other complaints of the urinary passages William Falconer 1792 Medicine, Salt, Mineral Water
The Columbian alphabet. Being an attempt to new model the English alphabet, in such manner as to mark every simple sound by an appropriate character, thereby rendering the spelling and pronunciation more determinate and correct, and the art of reading and writing more easily attainable James Ewing 1798 Languages, Alphabets, Writing
An address to the people of Virginia, respecting the alien & sedition laws Thomas Evans 1798 United States, Politics and Government, Alien & Sedition Acts, Virginia
An address to the people of Virginia, respecting the alien & sedition laws Thomas Evans 1798 United States, Politics and Government, Alien & Sedition Acts, Virginia
The young mill-wright & miller's guide. In five parts--embellished with twenty five plates Oliver Evans 1795 Milling, Industry
A sermon, delivered at Concord, before the Hon. General Court of the state of Newhampshire : at the annual election, holden on the first Wednesday in June, M.DCC.XCI Israel Evans 1791 Sermons, Elections, Politics and Government, New Hampshire
A discourse delivered in New-York : before a brigade of Continental troops, and a number of citizens, assembled in St. George's Chapel, on the 11th December, 1783, the day set apart by the recommendation of the United States in Congress, as a day of public thanksgiving for the blessings of independence, liberty and peace Israel Evans 1784 Speeches & Oratory, United States
A discourse delivered near York in Virginia, on the memorable occasion of the surrender of the British army to the allied forces of America and France : before the brigade of New-York troops and the division of American light-infantry, under the command of the Marquis de la Fayette Israel Evans 1782 Speeches & Oratory, Revolutionary War
An oration, delivered at Hackinsack, on the tenth of September, 1780 : at the interment of the honorable brigadier Enoch Poor, general of the New Hampshire brigade Israel Evans 1781 Speeches & Oratory, Funeral Sermons, Revolutionary War
A discourse, delivered at Easton, on the 17th of October, 1779 : to the officers and soldiers of the western army, after their returu from an expedition against the Five nations of hostile Indians Israel Evans 1779 Speeches & Oratory, Military Art and Science, American Indians
The European magazine, and London review   1788 Periodicals, Literature, Criticism
Essay on the art of war : in which the general principles of all the operations of war in the field are fully explained : the whole collected from the opinions of the best authors 1761 Military Art and Science
A view of the causes and consequences of the present war with France, in answer to Mr. Burke's Regicide peace ... With a dedication to the author, by P. Porcupine; and an appendix, containing the correspondence between Miles and the infamous Le Brun, minister of war, at the time when war was declared against Great Britain; which develops the real causes of that declaration, all the secret steps which the French took previous to it, and clearly unravels the thread of their ambitious projects Baron Thomas Erskine 1797 French Revolution, Great Britain, France
The English review, or, An abstract of English and foreign literature   1793 Periodicals, Literature, Criticism
The death of Moses the servant of the Lord : a sermon preached at the funeral solemnity of His Excellency Jonathan Trumbull, esq., L.L.D, late governor of the state of Connecticut, August 19, 1785 Zebulon Ely 1786 Sermons, Funeral Sermons, Politics and Government, Connecticut
Several methods by which meridional lines may be found with ease and accuracy: recommended to the attention of the surveyors in the United States Andrew Ellicott 1796 Surveying
A sermon delivered in the Chapel, Boston, before the Society of Antient and Honorable Free and Accepted Masons, on Monday, June 24, 1782 John Eliot 1782 Sermons, Freemasonry
Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians : in which the extent of that language in North-America is shewn, its genius is grammatically traced, some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out Jonathan Edwards 1788 Languages, American Indians, Religion
A speech delivered at a free conference between the honourable, the Council and assembly of Jamaica, held the 19th November, 1789, on the subject of Mr. Wilberforce's propositions in the House of commons, concerning the slave-trade Bryan Edwards 1789 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, Jamaica, Slavery, Abolition
The gazetteer's, or news-man's interpreter : being a geographical index of all the considerable provinces, cities, patriarchships ... in Europe. ... Of special use for the true understanding of all modern histories of Europe ... Laurence Echard 1751 Geography, Reference, History, Europe
Christoph Daniel Ebelings ... Erdbeschreibung und Geschichte von Amerika. Die Vereinten Staaten von Nord-amerika Christophe Daniel Ebeling 1793 Voyages and Travels, United States, New England, New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Proceedings relative to ships tendered for the service of the United East-India Company, from the first of January, 1780, to the thirty-first of March, 1791, with an appendix East India Company 1791? Industry, Shipbuilding, British East India Company
The nature, and danger, of infidel philosophy, exhibited in two discourses, addressed to the candidates for the baccalaureate, in Yale College Timothy Dwight 1798 Religion, Sermons, Philosophy, Education, Conspiracies
An oration, for the fourth of July, 1798; delivered in the meeting-house, in the vicinity of Dartmouth-College, at Hanover, in New Hampshire, at the request of the inhabitants of said Hanover, and the adjacent towns, who assembled there for the celebration of the 22d anniversary of American Independence, and published by their desire Josiah Dunham 1798 Fourth of July, Speeches & Oratory, United States
The duty of standing fast in our spiritual and temporal liberties : a sermon, preached in Christ-church, July 7th, 1775 : before the First battalion of the city and liberties of Philadelphia; and now published at their request Jacob Duché 1775 Sermons, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War
Le pour et le contre sur un objet de grande discorde et d'importance majeure : convient-il à l'administration de céder part, ou de ne rien céder aux étrangers dans le commerce de la métropole avec ses colonies? Jean Baptiste Du Buc 1784 Commerce, France
Principes d'hydraulique et de pyrodynamique, vérifiés par un grand nombre d'espériences faites par ordre du gouvernement Comte Pierre Louis Georges Du Buat 1786 Science, Hydraulics
Letters written during a tour through the northern and eastern states of America John Drayton 1794 Voyages and Travels, United States
The handmaid to the arts Robert Dossie 1764 Reference, Arts, Chemistry, Painting
An earnest address to his parishioners ... concerning the necessity, nature, means, and marks of true faith in Jesus Christ : design’d principally for the poor William Dodd 1755 Religion, Sermons
Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania to the inhabitants of the British colonies John Dickinson 1768 Politics and Government, Essays, Great Britain, Agriculture, Philosophy, Taxes
Description du Monument qui vient d'être érigé à Rheinsberg   1791 Monuments, History, Prussia
An oration, prepared, to be delivered in St. Phillip's Church, before the inhabitants of Charleston, South-Carolina, on the fourth of July, 1798 ... by appointment of the American Revolution Society. Published at the request of that Society, and, also of the South-Carolina State Society of Cincinnati Henry William De Saussure 1798 Revolutionary War, Society of the Cincinnati, Speeches & Oratory
A tour thro' the whole island of Great Britain : divided into circuits or journeys, giving a particular and entertaining account of whatever is curious and worth observation ... : interspersed with useful observations, particularly fitted for the perusal of such as desire to travel over the island Daniel Defoe 1748 Voyages and Travels, Great Britain
Defensive arms vindicated : and the lawfulness of the American war made manifest : to which is added, a short receipt for a continental disease, &c. : dedicated to His Excellency, General Washington Stephen Case 1783 Revolutionary War, Essays, Politics and Government, United States
Apocalyptic gnomon points out Eternity's divisibility rated with time, pointed at by gnomons sidereals John Gerar William De Brahm 1795 Religion, Chronology
Arm of the Tree of Knowledge John Gerar William De Brahm 1791 Knowledge, Religion, Miscellanies
Debates in the British House of Commons, Wednesday, May, 13th, 1789 : on the petitions for the abolition of the slave trade Great Britain (Parliament) 1789 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament, Slavery, Abolition
The Columbian grammar; or, An essay for reducing a grammatical knowledge of the English language to a degree of simplicity, which will render it easy for the instructor to teach, and for the pupil to learn : accompanied with notes, critical and explanatory for the use of schools, and of young gentlemen and ladies, natives or foreigners, who are desirous of attempting the study without a tutor : being designed as part of a general system of education, in the most useful branches of literature, ... Benjamin Dearborn 1795 Education, Grammar, Languages
The case of labourers in husbandry stated and considered, in three parts. With an appendix containing a collection of accounts, shewing the earnings and expenses of labouring families in different parts of the Kingdom David Davies 1795 Great Britain, Agriculture, Industry
A sermon on the freedom and happiness of the United States of America, preached in Carlisle, on the 5th Oct. 1794, and published at the request of the officers of the Philadelphia and Lancaster troops of Light Horse Robert Davidson 1794 United States, Politics and Government, Sermons, Whiskey Rebellion
Letter from Sir John Dalrymple, to the compounding rectifiers of Scotland Sir John Dalrymple 1793 Letters, Scotland, Finance, Distilling, Taxes
Features of Mr. Jay's treaty. To which is annexed a view of the commerce of the United States, as it stands at present, and as it is fixed by Mr. Jay's treaty Alexander James Dallas 1795 United States, Politics and Government, Commerce, Treaties, Jay's Treaty, Great Britain
A case decided in the Supreme Court of the United States, in February 1793, in which is discussed the question "whether a state be liable to be sued by a private citizen of another state?" United States Supreme Court 1793 United States, Politics and Government, Supreme Court, Trials
The Holy Bible; containing the books of the Old and New Testaments, and the Apocrypha. Carefully printed from the first edition (compared with others) of the present translation. With notes, by ... Thomas Wilson, ... And various renderings, collected from other translations by the Reverend Clement Cruttwell, the editor. In three volumes. ... Thomas Wilson 1785 Religion, Bibles
The works of the Right Reverend Father in God Thomas Wilson, D.D. : Lord Bishop of Sodor and Man Thomas Wilson 1781-1782 Religion
The Carmelite : a tragedy : performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane Richard Cumberland 1785 Literature, Drama
A concordance of parallels : collected from Bibles and commentaries, which have been published in Hebrew, Latin, French, Italian, Spanish, English, and other languages, with the authorities of each Clement Cruttwell 1790 Religion, Reference
A complete view of the British customs : Containing, I. A perfect and distinct account of the several particular branches whereof that revenue consists. II. The former and additional books of the rates of merchandizes ... III. Directions for, and examples of, the method of computing the aforesaid duties ... IV. The several ports, members and creeks of Great Britain ... V. An index, wherein is comprehended the substance of the several laws now in force, relating to the customs, &c. : The whole being a ... Henry Crouch 1731 Great Britain, Commerce, Customs
A letter from Germany, to the princess royal of England; on the English and German languages Sir Herbert Croft 1797 Letters, Languages, Germany
The Critical review, or, Annals of literature Tobias George Smollett 1775-1796 Periodicals, Literature, Criticism
Lettres d'un cultivateur américain addressées à W.m S...on ecq.r depuis l'année 1770, jusqu'en 1786 J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur 1787 Letters, United States, Philosophy, Politics and Government, Natural History, Agriculture
A history of Ireland. From the earliest period, to the present time. In a series of letters, addressed to William Hamilton, Esq. William Crawford 1783 History, Ireland, Letters
Lettres de M. William Coxe à M. W. Melmoth sur l'état politique, civil et naturel de la Suisse William Coxe 1781 Letters, Politics and Government, Switzerland, Voyages and Travels
A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1794 Tench Coxe 1794 United States, Politics and Government
An address to an assembly of the friends of American manufactures, convened for the purpose of establishing a society for the encouragement of manufactures and the useful arts, read in the University of Pennsylvania, on Thursday the 9th of August 1787 Tench Coxe 1787 United States, Industry
The Court and city register ... a new edition, corrected to the first of January, ... or, Gentleman's complete annual calendar, for the year 1783 1783 Great Britain, Reference, Almanacs
The Court and city register for the year 1756   1756 Great Britain, Reference, Almanacs
Strictures on a pamphlet, entitled, a "Friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions" Charles Lee 1774 Essays, Politics and Government, United States
A friendly address to all reasonable Americans, on the subject of our political confusions, in which the necessary consequences of violently opposing the King's troops, and of a general non-importation are fairly stated Thomas Bradbury Chandler 1774 United States, Politics and Government, Great Britain
A sermon preached before the congregations of Christ Church and St. Peter's, Philadelphia, on Thursday, July 20, 1775. Being the day recommended by the honorable Continental Congress for a general fast throughout the twelve United colonies of North-America Thomas Coombe 1775 Politics and Government, Sermons, United States, Revolutionary War
Address and recommendations to the states by the United States in Congress assembled United States Continental Congress 1783 United States, Politics and Government
In Congress, April 14, 1777 : Resolved, that from and after the publication hereof, the second article of the 8th section, the first article of the 11th section, the 8th article of the 14th section, and the 2d article of the 18th section of the rules and articles for the better government of the troops ... passed in Congress, the 20th day of September, one thousand, seven hundred and seventy-six, shall be, and they are hereby repealed, and that the four following articles be substituted in the place and ... United States Continental Congress 1777 United States, Revolutionary War, Continental Army
Rules and articles for the better government of the troops, raised, or to be raised and kept in pay by and at the expence of the United States of America United States Continental Congress 1776 United States, Revolutionary War, Continental Army
Rules and articles for the better government of the troops, raised, or to be raised and kept in pay by and at the expence of the United States of America United States Continental Congress 1776 United States, Revolutionary War, Continental Army
Extracts from the Journals of Congress, relative to the capture and condemnation of prizes, and the fitting out privateers United States Continental Congress 1776 Revolutionary War, Privateers
Several methods of making salt-petre : recommended to the inhabitants of the united colonies, by their representatives in Congress United States Continental Congress 1775 Salt-Peter, Revolutionary War
Rules and articles, for the better government of the troops raised, or to be raised, and kept in pay by and at the joint expence of the twelve united English colonies of North America United States Continental Congress 1775 United States, Revolutionary War, Continental Army
Rules and articles, for the better government of the troops raised, or to be raised, and kept in pay by and at the joint expence of the twelve united English colonies of North America United States Continental Congress 1775 United States, Revolutionary War, Continental Army
A declaration by the representatives of the United Colonies of North-America : now met in general congress at Philadelphia, seting [sic] forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms John Dickinson 1775 United States, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War
An address of the twelve United Colonies of North America by their representatives in Congress to the people of Ireland United States Continental Congress 1775 United States, Revolutionary War, Politics and Government, Ireland
To the people of Great-Britain, from the delegates, appointed by the several English colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusett's Bay, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennyslvania, the lower counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina, to consider of their grievances in general congress, at Philadelphia, September 5th, 1774 United States Continental Congress 1774 Letters, United States, Great Britain, Politics and Government
The association, &c. : of the delegates of the twelve colonies, assembled in a Continental congress, at Philadelphia, 1774 United States Continental Congress 1774 United States, Continental Congress, Politics and Government
The association, &c. : of the delegates of the twelve colonies, assembled in a Continental congress, at Philadelphia, 1774 United States Continental Congress 1774 United States, Continental Congress, Politics and Government
The constitutions of the ancient and honourable fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons : containing their history, charges, addresses, &c., collected and digested from their old records, faithful traditions, and lodge books : for the use of Masons : to which are added, the history of Masonry in the commonwealth of Massachusetts, and the constitution, laws, and regulations of their Grand Lodge : together with a large collection of songs, epilogues, &c. Freemasons (Grand Lodge of Massachusetts) 1792 Freemasonry
Considerations upon the French and American war : in a letter to a member of Parliament   1779 Letters, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War, Great Britain
The Congressional register, or, History of the proceedings and debates of the first House of Representatives of the United States of America : namely, New-Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, South-Carolina and Georgia, being the eleven states that have ratified the constitution of the government of the United States : containing an impartial account of the most interesting speeches and motions; and accurate copies of remarkable papers ... United States House of Representatives 1789-1790 United States, Politics and Government, Congress
The compleat tutor for the violin : containing the best and easiest instructions for learners to obtain a proficiency : to which is added a choice collection of the most celebrated Italian, English, and Scotish tunes : with several choice pieces for 2 violins 174- Music, Education, Violin
A compleat history of the piratical states of Barbary, viz. Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and Morocco. Containing the origin, revolutions, and present state of these kingdoms, their forces, revenues, policy, and commerce. Illustrated with a plan of Algiers, and a map of Barbary John Morgan 1750 History, Africa, Piracy, Maps
Mémoire sur la culture, l'usage et les avantages du chou-à-faucher Abbé de Commerell 1789 Natural History, Botany, Agriculture, Rape Kale
An account of the culture and use of the mangel wurzel, or root of scarcity Abbé de Commerell 1787 Natural History, Botany, Agriculture, Mangelwurzel
Short discourses upon the whole common-prayer : designed to inform the judgment and excite the devotion of such as daily use the same Thomas Comber 1712 Religion, Biblical Commentary, Church of England
The Columbian magazine   1787-1791 Periodicals, Literature
Decouverte d'etalons justes, naturels, invariables et universels : pour la réduction à une parfaite uniformité de tous les poids & mesures partout ... Claude Boniface Collignon 1788 Weights and Measures
An address to the annual subscribers for the support of Cokesbury College, and to the members of the Methodist Society : to which are added, the rules and regulations of the College Thomas Coke 1787 Education, Colleges and Universities, Cokesbury College
The substance of a sermon preached at Baltimore : in the state of Maryland, before the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, on the 27th of December, 1784, at the ordination of the Rev. Francis Asbury, to the office of a superintendent Thomas Coke 1785 Religion, Maryland, Episcopal Church
A treatise, shewing the intimate connection that subsists between agriculture and chemistry : addressed to the cultivators of the soil, to the proprietors of fens and mosses, in Great Britain and Ireland, and to the proprietors of West India estates Earl Archibald Cochrane of Dundonald 1795 Agriculture, Science
A new year's gift to the Democrats; or, Observations on a pamphlet, entitled, "A vindication of Mr. Randolph's resignation" William Cobbett 1796 United States, Politics and Government, Essays
A little plain English, addressed to the people of the United States, on the treaty negociated with his Britannic majesty, and on the conduct of the president relative thereto; in answer to "The letters of Franklin" William Cobbett 1795 Great Britain, United States, Politics and Government, Treaties, Essays
Considerations on the relative situation of France and the United States of America: shewing the importance of the American revolution to the welfare of France: giving also an account of their productions, and the reciprocal advantages which may be drawn from their commercial connexions; and finally, pointing out the actual situation of the United States Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville 1788 United States, France, Commerce
An essay on the impolicy of the African slave trade : in two parts ... to which is added, An oration upon the necessity of establishing at Paris a society to promote the abolition of the trade and slavery of the Negroes, by J.P. Brissot de Warville Thomas Clarkson 1788 Slavery
An introduction to the making of Latin. Comprising the substance of the Latin syntax ... To which is subjoined ... a succinct account of the affairs of antient Greece and Rome John Clarke 1799 Languages, Grammar, History, Ancient History
The field engineer : translated from the French of M. le Chevalier de Clairac by Captain Charles Vallancey ; to which are added remarks on Marshal Saxe’s new system of fortification proposed in his Reveries or memoirs on the art of war Chevalier Louis-André de La Mamie de Clairac 1758 Military Art and Science
Proceedings of the Cincinnati, by their delegates in general-meeting convened at Philadelphia, May, 1787 : being the second general-meeting Society of the Cincinnati 1787 Society of the Cincinnati
A circular letter addressed to the state Societies of the Cincinnati, by the general meeting, convened at Philadelphia, May 3, 1784 : together with the Institution, as altered and amended Society of the Cincinnati 1784 Society of the Cincinnati
The institution of the Society of the Cincinnati : Formed by the officers of the Army of the United States, for the laudable purposes therein mentioned New York State Society of the Cincinnati 1784 Society of the Cincinnati
An explanation of the magnetic atlas, or variation chart, hereunto annexed; projected on a plan entirely new, by which the magnetic variation on any part of the globe may be precisely determined for any time past, present, or future: and the variation and latitude being accurately known, the longitude is of consequence truly determined John Churchman 1790 Science, Magnetism
The magnetic atlas, or Variation charts of the whole terraqueous globe; comprising a system of the variation and dip of the needle, by which the observations being truly made, the longitude may be ascertained John Churchman 1794 Science, Magnetism
Letters on the Revolution of France, and on the new constitution established by the National Assembly: occasioned by the publications of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, M.P., and Alexander de Calonne. Illustrated with a chart of the new constitution. To which is added, an appendix, containing original papers and authentic documents relative to the affairs of France. Pt.I Thomas Christie 1791 Letters, Politics and Government, French Revolution
The Christian's, scholar's, and farmer's magazine   1789 Periodicals, Religion
L'Amérique délivrée, esquisse d'un poëme sur l'indépendance de L'Amérique L. de Chavannes de la Giraudière 1783-1784 Revolutionary War, Poetry
The conduct of the Government of France towards the Republic of Geneva David Chauvet 1798 Politics and Government, France, Switzerland
Discours sur les avantages ou les désavantages qui resultent, pour l'Europe, de la découverte de l'Amérique. Objet du prix proposé par M. l'abbé Raynal Marquis François Jean de Chastellux 1787 United States, Essays
Letters to the Dutchess of Lesdiguieres : giving an account of a voyage to Canada, and travels through that vast country, and Louisiana, to the Gulf of Mexico, undertaken by order of the present king of France Pierre-François-Xavier de Charlevoix 1763 Voyages and Travels, Canada
The consideration of divine goodness an argument for religious gratitude and obedience. A sermon, delivered at New-London, November 27, 1794. Being the day appointed by authority, for public thanksgiving in the State of Connecticut Henry Channing 1794 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
A plan of a proposed union, between Great-Britain and the colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware Counties, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia : which was produced by one of the delegates from Pennsylvania, in Congress, as mentioned in the preceding work Joseph Galloway 1775 United States, Politics and Government, Revolutionary War
What think ye of the Congress now? Or, An enquiry, how far the Americans are bound to abide by, and execute the decisions of, the late Congress? Thomas Bradbury Chandler 1775 United States, Revolutionary War, Politics and Government
A collection of the parliamentary debates in England, from the year M,DC,LXVIII. to the present time Richard Chandler 1739-1743 Great Britain, Politics and Government, Parliament
Considerations on the present situation of Great Britain and the United States of America, with a view to their future commercial connexions. Containing remarks upon the pamphlet published by Lord Sheffield, entitled "Observations on the commerce of the American states;" and also on the act of navigation Richard Champion 1784 Politics and Government, Great Britain, United States, Commerce
The rector detected : being a just defense of the Twopenny act, against the artful misrepresentations of the Reverend John Camm, rector of York-Hampton, in his single and distinct view : containing also a plain confutation of his several hints, as a specimen of the justice and charity of Colonel Landon Carter Landon Carter 1764 Religion, Politics and Government, Virginia, Two-Penny Act
Address to the House of Representatives of the United States, on Lord Grenville's treaty Mathew Carey 1796 Essays, Politics and Government, Treaties, Jay's Treaty, Great Britain, United States
The present state of Europe; explaining the interests, connections, political and commercial views of its several powers John Campbell 1757 Europe, History, Politics and Government, Commerce
A review of The rector detected, or, The colonel reconnoitred : part the first John Camm 1764 Religion, Politics and Government, Virginia, Two-Penny Act
The political state of Europe at the beginning of 1796: or, Considerations on the most effectual means of procuring a solid and permanent peace. With an appendix, in which several important questions are considered Charles Alexandre de Calonne 1796 Politics and Government, Europe
A short history of the nature and consequences of excise laws : including some account of the recent interruption to the manufactories of snuff and refined sugar James Thomson Callender 1795 Commerce, Taxes, Snuff, Sugar
The history of the United States for 1796; including a variety of interesting particulars relative to the Federal government previous to that period James Thomson Callender 1797 History, United States, Politics and Government
An oration delivered before the Society of Black Friars in the city of New-York at their anniversary festival on Tuesday the 7th of Nov. 1797 Charles Buxton 1798 Speeches & Oratory, Society of Black Friars
An exposition of the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England Gilbert Burnet 1759 Religion, Church of England
Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in the years 1759 and 1760 : with observations upon the state of the colonies Andrew Burnaby 1775 United States, Voyages and Travels, Meteorology
Six occasional sermons upon the following subjects : viz. Sermon I. Of the necessity of religious principles. Sermon II. Of the degrees of charity due to men of different religious persusasions. Sermon III. Of the maintenance due to the ministers of the Gospel. Sermon IV. Of the nature of subscription to articles of religion. Sermon V. Of things belonging to the peace and welfare of nations. Sermon VI. Of moral advantages to be derived from travelling in Italy Andrew Burnaby 1777 Religion, Sermons
Two letters addressed to a member of the present Parliament, on the proposals for peace with the regicide Directory of France Edmund Burke 1797 Letters, Parliament, French Revolution
A letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a noble lord, on the attacks made upon him and his pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford, and the Earl of Lauderdale, in the present sessions of Parliament Edmund Burke 1796 Letters, Parliament
A letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a noble lord, on the attacks made upon him and his pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford, and the Earl of Lauderdale, in the present sessions of Parliament Edmund Burke 1796 Letters, Parliament
A letter from the Rt. Honourable Edmund Burke to His Grace, the Duke of Portland, on the conduct of the minority in Parliament; containing fifty-four articles of impeachment against the Rt. Hon. C.J. Fox. From the original copy in the possession of the noble duke Edmund Burke 1797 Letters, Parliament, Impeachment
A letter from Mr. Burke, to a member of the National assembly; in answer to some objections to his book on French affairs Edmund Burke 1791 Letters, French Revolution, History
An appeal from the new to the old Whigs, : in consequence of some late discussions in Parliament, relative to the Reflections on the French revolution Edmund Burke 1791 Essays, Politics and Government, History, French Revolution
Considerations on the Society or Order of Cincinnati : lately instituted by the major-generals, brigadier-generals, and other officers of the American Army : proving that it creates a race of hereditary patricians, or nobility : interspersed with remarks on its consequences to the freedom and happiness of the Republic : addressed to the people of South-Carolina, and their representatives Aedanus Burke 1783 Society of the Cincinnati
A series of Indostan letters Bartholomew Burges 1790 Voyages and Travels, India
The orchardist, or, A system of close pruning and medication for establishing the science of orcharding : as patronized by the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce Thomas Skip Dyot Bucknall 1797 Agriculture, Orchards
A discourse delivered at Portsmouth, New-Hampshire, November 1st, 1789 : on occasion of the president of the United States honoring that capital with a visit Joseph Buckminster 1789 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, United States, Sermons
A treatise upon the typhus fever : published for the benefit of establishing a lying-in hospital in Baltimore George Buchanan 1789 Medicine, Typhus
An oration upon the moral and political evil of slavery : delivered at a public meeting of the Maryland Society, for promoting the abolition of slavery, and the relief of free Negroes, and others unlawfully held in bondage : Baltimore, July 4th, 1791 George Buchanan 1793 Speeches & Oratory, Abolition, Slavery
Essays, historical, political and moral : being a proper supplement to Baratariana Brutus 1774 Essays, History, Politics and Government, Philosophy
Le triomphe du Nouveau monde; réponses académiques formant un nouveau systême de confédération, fondé sur les besoins actuels des nations chrétiennes-commerçantes, & adopté à leurs diverses formes de gouvernement Joseph-André Brun 1785 Politics and Government
A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times, particularly of the present time, the present war, and the prophecy now fulfilling : containing ... the sudden and perpetual fall of the Turkish, German & Russian Empires Richard Brothers 1795 Religion, Prophecies, Judaism
A revealed knowledge of the prophecies and times : containing, with other great and remarkable things not revealed to any other person on earth, the restoration of the Jews to Jerusalem by the year M.DCC.XCVIII, under their revealed prince and prophet ... book the first Richard Brothers 1795 Religion, Prophecies, Judaism
An oration delivered to the Society of the Cincinnati : in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 4th, 1787 John Brooks 1787 Speeches & Oratory, Society of the Cincinnati, Massachusetts
British honour and humanity; or, The wonders of American patience, as exemplified in the modest publications, and universal applause of Mr. William Cobbet; including a variety of anecdotes and remarks, personal and political, and a survey of the modern state of American newspapers 1796 United States, Politics and Government
Nouveau voyage dans les États-Unis de l'Amérique Septentrionale : fait en 1788 Jacques-Pierre Brissot de Warville 1791 Voyages and Travels, United States
Money essay'd, or, The true value of it tryed : in a sermon preach'd before the Worshipful Society of Merchants, in the city of Bristol Charles Brent 1728 Money, Commerce, Sermons
George Washington, lierzang Dirk Erkelens 1789 Literature, Poetry
George Washington, lierzang Dirk Erkelens 1789 Literature, Poetry
George Washington, lierzang Dirk Erkelens 1789 Literature, Poetry
Incidents of the insurrection in the western parts of Pennsylvania in the year 1794 Hugh Henry Brackenridge 1795 History, American History, Whiskey Rebellion
Treatise on agriculture and practical husbandry. Designed for the information of landowners and farmers. With a brief account of the advantages arising from the new method of culture practised in Europe Metcalf Bowler 1786 Agriculture
A philosophical discourse, addressed to the American academy of arts and sciences, in the presence of a respectable audience, assembled at the meeting-house in Brattle-street, in Boston, on the eighth of November, M,DCC,LXXX, after the inauguration of the president into office James Bowdoin 1780 Speeches & Oratory, Societies & Organizations
An oration, delivered at Elizabeth-town, New-Jersey : agreeably to a resolution of the State Society of Cincinnati, on the Fourth of July, M.DCC.XCIII : being the seventeenth anniversary of the independence of America Elias Boudinot 1793 Speeches & Oratory, Society of the Cincinnati, United States
A view of the causes and consequences of the American revolution ; in thirteen discourses, preached in North America between the years 1763 and 1775 : with an historical preface Jonathan Boucher 1797 Revolutionary War, History
Dissertation on the revolutions of states, and empires : with some considerations on the blessings of peace and the evils of war Francis Boucher 1785 Revolutionary War, Religion, Sermons
A treatise on watering meadows George Boswell 1792 Agriculture, Drainage
Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana M. Bossu 1771 Voyages and Travels, United States, Louisiana, Natural History, Botany
Queries selected from a paper of the Board of Agriculture in London : on the nature and principles of vegetation: with answers and observations John Beale Bordley 1797 Agriculture
Sketches on rotations of crops, and other rural matters : To which are annexed Intimations on manufactures; or the fruits of agriculture; and on new sources of trade interfering with products of the United States of America in foreign markets John Beale Bordley 1797 Agriculture
Sketches on rotations of crops, and other rural matters : To which are annexed Intimations on manufactures; or the fruits of agriculture; and on new sources of trade interfering with products of the United States of America in foreign markets John Beale Bordley 1797 Agriculture
Sketches on rotations of crops John Beale Bordley 1792 Agriculture
Sketches on rotations of crops John Beale Bordley 1792 Agriculture
Purport of a letter on sheep : Written in Maryland, March the 30th, 1789 John Beale Bordley 1789 Agriculture, Sheep
A supplement to the essay on monies, coins, &c. proposed for the United States of America John Beale Bordley 1790 United States, Money, Weights and Measures
On monies, coins, weights and measures, proposed for the United States of America John Beale Bordley 1789 United States, Money, Weights and Measures
On monies, coins, weights and measures, proposed for the United States of America John Beale Bordley 1789 United States, Money, Weights and Measures
A summary view of the courses of crops, in the husbandry of England & Maryland : with a comparison of their products; and a system of improved courses, proposed for farms in America John Beale Bordley 1784 Agriculture, United States, Maryland
A narrative of the mutiny, on board His Britannic Majesty's ship Bounty ; and the subsequent voyage of part of the crew, in the ship's boat, from Tofoa, one of the Friendly Islands, to Timor, a Dutch settlement in the East-Indies William Bligh 1790 Naval History, Voyages and Travels
A letter to the clergy of Virginia : in which the conduct of the General-Assembly is vindicated, against the reflexions contained in a letter to the Lords of Trade and Plantations, from the Lord-Bishop of London Richard Bland 1760 Religion, Politics and Government, Virginia, Two-Penny Act
Journal of my forty-fifth ascension, being the first performed in America, on the ninth of January, 1793 Jean-Pierre Blanchard 1793 Balloons
A letter to the clergy of the Church of Scotland Mark Blake 1794 Religion, Church of Scotland
The sufficiency of a standing revelation in general : and of the Scripture revelation in particular. Both as to the matter of it, and as to the proof of it; and that new revelations cannot reasonably be desired, and would probably be unsuccessful. In eight sermons, preach'd in the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, London; at the lecture founded by the Hon. Robert Boyle Esq.; in the year 1700 Offspring Blackall 1717 Religion, Sermons
The obligations upon Christians, and especially ministers, to be exemplary in their lives; ... A sermon preached before the ... General Synod of Ulster, at Lurgain, June 26th, 1793 Thomas Ledlie Birch 1794 Religion, Sermons
A letter from an American, now resident in London, to a member of Parliament, on the subject of the restraining proclamation; and containing strictures on Lord Sheffield's pamphlet on the commerce of the American states William Bingham 1794 United States, Great Britain, Commerce
Lionel and Clarissa : a comic opera : as it is performed at the Theatre-Royal in Covent-Garden Charles Dibdin 1768 Literature, Drama
Novum Testamentum Domini nostri Jesu Christi Théodore de Bèze 1746 Religion, Bibles, New Testament
A general history of quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood Thomas Bewick 1792 Natural History
The history of Virginia, in four parts Robert Beverley 1722 History, United States, Virginia
Dissertations on the Mosaical creation, deluge, building of Babel, and confuson of tongues, &c. ... Simon Berington 1750 Religion, Biblical Commentary, Criticism
Panopticon; or, The inspection-house: containing the idea of a new principle of construction applicable to any sort of establishment, in which persons of any description are to be kept under inspection: and in particular to penitentiary-houses, prisons, houses of industry ... and schools: with a plan of management adapted to the principle: in a series of letters, written in the year 1787 Jeremy Bentham 1791 Prisons, Philosophy
Short observations on slavery : introductory to some extracts from the writing of the Abbe Raynal, on that important subject Anthony Benezet 178- Slavery
Notes on the slave trade, &c. Anthony Benezet 178- Slavery
Serious considerations on several important subjects : viz. on war and its inconsistency with the Gospel; observations on slavery. And remarks on the nature and bad effects of spirituous liquors Anthony Benezet 1778 United States, Slavery, Alcohol
An earnest address to such of the people called Quakers as are sincerely desirous of supporting and maintaining the Christian testimony of their ancestors : occasioned by a piece, intituled, "The testimony of the people called Quakers, given forth by a meeting of the representatives of said people, in Pennsylvania and New-Jersy, held at Philadelphia the twenty-fourth day of the fifth month, 1775" Anthony Benezet 1775 Religion, Quakers
The Potent enemies of America laid open : being some account of the baneful effects attending the use of distilled spirituous liquors, and the slavery of the negroes Anthony Benezet 1774 United States, Slavery, Alcohol
A discourse delivered in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, Sunday, July 25th, 1790 : on occasion of the death of Mrs. Lucia Magaw, wife of the Rev. Samuel Magaw, D.D.; and now published at his request Joseph Grove John Bend 1790 Religion, Funeral Sermons
A sermon, delivered on the 9th of May, 1798, the day of the national fast, recommended by the President of the United States Jeremy Belknap 1798 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
Mémoire sur la population d'un état en général et sur la population de nos colonies en particulier Comte Jean-Pierre-Antoine de Béhague 1791 Population, United States
Travels through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek confederacy, and the country of the Chactaws; containing an account of the soil and natural productions of those regions, together with observations on the manners of the Indians William Bartram 1791 Voyages and Travels, United States, American Indians, Natural History
Observations on the progress of population, and the probabilities of the duration of human life, in the United States of America. Read before the American Philosophical Society Held at Philadelphia, for Promoting Useful Knowledge William Barton 1791 Population, United States
Observations on the nature and use of paper-credit; and the peculiar advantages to be derived from it, in North-America: from which are inferred the means of establishing and supporting it, including proposals for founding a national bank William Barton 1781 Finance, Banking, United States
A concise account of the origin and use of coat armour : with some observations on the beneficial purposes to which heraldry may be applied in the United States of America William Barton 1788 Heraldry
New views of the origin of the tribes and nations of America Benjamin Smith Barton 1798 United States, American Indians
A discourse on the origin, progress and design of free masonry : Delivered at the meeting-house in Charlestown, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the anniversary of St. John the Baptist. June 24, A.D. 1793 Josiah Bartlett 1793 Freemasonry
Treatise on the justice, policy, and utility of establishing an effectual system for promoting the progress of useful arts, by assuring property in the products of genius Joseph Barnes 1792 Education, Arts
The vision of Columbus : a poem in nine books Joel Barlow 1787 Literature, Poetry, United States
An oration delivered at the North Church in Hartford : at the meeting of the Connecticut Society of the Cincinnati, July 4th, 1787 : in commemoration of the independence of the United States Joel Barlow 1787 Speeches & Oratory, Politics and Government, United States, Society of the Cincinnati
An apology for the true Christian divinity, : being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers Robert Barclay 1765 Religion, Apologetics, Quakers
État des finances de Saint-Domingue, contenant le résumé des recettes & dépenses de toutes les caisses publiques, depuis le 1er Janvier 1788, jusqu'au 31 Decembre de la même année Marquis François de Barbé-Marbois 1790 Finance, France, Haiti
État des finances de Saint-Domingue, contenant le résumé des recettes & dépenses de toutes les caisses publiques, depuis le 10 Novembre 1785, jusqu'au 1er Janvier 1788 Marquis François de Barbé-Marbois 1790 Finance, France, Haiti
Experimental researches concerning the philosophy of permanent colours; and the best means of producing them, by dyeing, calico printing, &c. Edward Bancroft 1794 Science, Industry, Dyeing
Charles Baker's Treatise for the preventing of the smut in wheat Charles Baker 1797 Agriculture, Wheat
A sermon, delivered at the funeral of His Excellency Oliver Wolcott, governor of the state of Connecticut; who died 1st December 1797 Azel Backus 1797 Religion, Sermons, Funeral Sermons, Politics and Government
Absalom's conspiracy: a sermon, preached at the general election, at Hartford in the state of Connecticut, May 10th, 1798 Azel Backus 1798 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government
The association, &c. of the delegates of the colonies, at the grand Congress, held at Philadelphia, Sept. 1, 1774, versified, and adapted to music, calculated for grave and gay dispositions; with a short introduction Bob Jingle 1774 Politics and Government, Literature, Poetry, United States
The Art of war, : containing, I. The duties of all military officers in actual service; including necessary instructions, in many capital matters, by the knowledge of which, a man may soon become an ornament to the profession of arms. By Monsieur de Lamont, Town-Major of Toulon. : II. The duties of soldiers in general; including necessary instructions, in many capital matters, by remaining ignorant of which, a man who pretends to be a soldier, will be every day in danger, ... Monsieur de Lamont 1776 Military Art and Science
The Arminian magazine John Dickins 1789 Religion, Periodicals
A voyage round the world, in the years MDCCXL, I, II, III, IV. By George Anson, esq; now Lord Anson, commander in chief of a squadron of His Majesty's ships, sent upon an expedition to the South-seas Richard Walter 1749 Voyages and Travels
Essays on field artillery since the use of gunpowder in war John Anderson 1788 Military Art and Science, Artillery
Essai sur l'artillerie de campagne : depuis que l'on fait usage de la poudre à canon dans les combats John Anderson 1791 Military Art and Science, Artillery
Letters for promoting the silk manufacture on the coast of Coromandel James Anderson 1794 Science, Industry, Silk
The conclusion of letters on the culture of silk : with additional accounts of both kinds of bread fruit trees and the distribution of nopal plants on the coast of Coromandel James Anderson 1792 Science, Industry, Silk
The continuation of letters on the progress and establishment of the culture of silk : on the coast of Coromandel James Anderson 1792 Science, Industry, Silk
Correspondence for the introduction of cochineal insects from America : the varnish and tallow trees from China, the discovery and culture of white lac, the culture of red lac : and also for the introduction, culture, and establishment of mulberry trees and silk worms, with a description and drawing of an improved piemontese reel for the manufacture of raw silk together with the culture of the finest cinnamon trees of Ceylon indigo and some other valuable articles James Anderson 1791 Science, Industry, Cochineal, Silk
Letters on cochineal continued James Anderson 1789 Science, Industry, Cochineal
Letters on cochineal continued James Anderson 1789 Science, Industry, Cochineal
Letters to Sir Joseph Banks ... on the subject of cochineal insects, discovered at Madras James Anderson 1788 Science, Industry, Cochineal
A twelfth letter to Sir Joseph Banks ... : on the subject of cochineal insects, discovered at Madras James Anderson 1787 Science, Industry, Cochineal
Recreations in agriculture, natural-history, arts, and miscellaneous literature James Anderson 1799-1800 Periodicals, Natural History, Agriculture
Prospectus of an intended new periodical work, to be called the Bee, or Universal literary intelligencer to be published weekly ... James Anderson 1790 Periodicals, Literature, Prospectuses
A practical treatise on peat moss, considered as in its natural state fitted for affording fuel, or as susceptible of being converted into mold capable of yielding abundant crops of useful produce; with full directions for converting it from the state of peat into that of mold, and afterwards cultivating it as a soil James Anderson 1794 Agriculture
A practical treatise on draining bogs and swampy grounds : illustrated by figures : with cursory remarks upon the originality of Mr. Elkington's mode of draining : to which are added directions for making a new kind of strong, cheap and durable fence, for rich lands, for erecting at little expense, mill-dams, or weirs upon rivers ... As also, disquisitions concerning the different breeds of sheep, and other domestic animals : being the principal additions that have been made to the fourth edition ... James Anderson 1797 Agriculture, Drainage
Essays relating to agriculture and rural affairs James Anderson 1784-1796 Agriculture, Essays
The Analytical review, or History of literature, domestic and foreign, on an enlarged plan   1793 Periodicals, Literature
The life of John Buncle, esq.; containing various observations and reflections, made in several parts of the world, and many extraordinary relations Thomas Amory 1766 Literature
The speech of Mr. Ames in the House of Representatives of the United States, when in committee of the whole, on Thursday, April 28, 1796, in support of the following motion : Resolved, that it is expedient to pass the laws necessary to carry into effect the treaty lately concluded between the United States and the King of Great-Britain Fisher Ames 1796 Politics and Government, United States, Great Britain, Commerce
The American remembrancer, or, An impartial collection of essays, resolves, speeches, &c. relative, or having affinity, to the treaty with Great Britain Mathew Carey 1795-1796 Periodicals, Politics and Government, United States, Great Britain
The American museum, or Repository of ancient and modern fugitive pieces &c. Mathew Carey 1787-1789 Periodicals, Literature
The American military pocket atlas; being an approved collection of correct maps, both general and particular; of the British colonies; especially those which now are, or probably may be the theatre of war; taken principally from the actual surveys and judicious observations of engineers De Brahm and Römans; Cook, Jackson, and Collet Robert Sayer and John Bennett 1776 United States, Maps, Revolutionary War
The American magazine: Containing a miscellaneous collection of original and other valuable essays in prose and verse, and calculated both for instruction and amusement Noah Webster 1787-1788 Periodicals
The Remembrancer, or impartial repository of public events John Almon 1775-1777 Periodicals
The Parliamentary register, or, History of the proceedings and debates of the House of Lords Great Britain (Parliament) 1778 Politics and Government, Great Britain
The Parliamentary register, or, History of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons [and of the House of Lords]: containing an account of the most interesting speeches and motions, accurate copies of the most remarkable letters and papers of the most material evidence, petitions, etc., laid before and offered to the House during the first [-third] session of the fourteenth Parliament of Great Britain Great Britain (Parliament) 1774-1777 Politics and Government, Great Britain
A collection of interesting, authentic papers : relative to the dispute between Great Britain and America; showing the causes and progress of that misunderstanding, from 1764 to 1775 John Almon 1777 History, United States, Great Britain, Politics and Government
Bruto Primo Vittorio Alfieri 1788-1789 Literature, Drama
Korrt afhandling om det bästa eldsläckings sätt med därtil lämpad brandredskap och nödig brandordning Franz Joachim von Aken 1797 Fire Prevention
An Address to the voters of Anne-Arundel and Prince-George's Counties, and city of Annapolis   1798 Politics and Government, United States, Maryland
An address to the representatives in Parliament upon the state of the nation   1779 Politics and Government, Great Britain
On the Alien act : a charge to the grand juries of the County courts of the Fifth circuit of the state of Pennsylvania, at December sessions, 1798 Alexander Addison 1799 Politics and Government, United States, Pennsylvania
Liberty of speech and of the press : a charge to the grand juries of the county courts of the Fifth Circuit of the state of Pennsylvania Alexander Addison 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Pennsylvania
Observations on the speech of Albert Gallatin, in the House of Representatives of the United States, on the foreign intercourse bill Alexander Addison 1798 Politics and Government, United States, Commerce
Letters [to Dr. Calkoen on the United States] John Adams 1786 Politics and Government, United States
A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America John Adams 1787 Politics and Government, United States
The hot-house gardener on the general culture of the pine-apple, and methods of forcing early grapes, peaches, nectarines, and other choice fruits, in hot-houses, vineries, fruit-houses, hot-walls, &c., with directions for raising melons and early strawberries John Abercrombie 1789 Gardening, Agriculture
A sermon, preached in Christ Church and St. Peter's, Philadelphia : on Wednesday, May 9, 1798. Being the day appointed by the President, as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, throughout the United States of North America James Abercrombie 1798 Religion, Sermons, Politics and Government