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David & Ginger Hildebrand: Past Events

2023 Events at Mount Vernon

Library 10th Anniversary Gala

September 30, 2023: As part of the celebrations surrounding the Washington Library's 10th anniversary, Dr. David Hildebrand will give a special performance in the mansion using a reproduction of Nelly Custis's harpischord

NSO at Mount Vernon

Dr. David Hildebrand will be lecturing at Mount Vernon in early 2023 as part of the National Symphony Orchestra and Mount Vernon series on the following dates:

January 31, 2023: Nelly's Harpsichord and other Instruments at Mount Vernon

February 28, 2023: Gen. Washington and Military Music

March 28: Mount Vernon: Music in the Domestic Setting

Click here to purchase tickets and for more information.

George Washington Teacher Institute

David and Ginger will be teaching sessions at two George Washington Teacher Institute programs in summer 2023. Use the links below to learn more and apply:

Martha Washington and the Women of the 18th Century
6/15/2023 - 6:45-7:45 pm
Music of Martha Washington’s Time

The Great Experiment: George Washington and the Founding of the U.S. Government
6/21/2023 - 6:30-7:30 pm
Music of the Presidency

Other 2023 Events

September 2-3: Southern Maryland Sunflower Festival, Serenity Farm, Benedict MD. Performance times TBA.

July 27: The Jefferson Educational Society, Erie, Pennsylvania.  "Music of the American Revolution." 7 pm 

May 25: Southern Maryland National Heritage Area: Launch and Celebration Program.  11am to 12 noon, 1 to 3 pm.  Piscataway Park (National Colonial Farm), Accokeek, MD.

April 16: David and Ginger will be performing at the Culpepper Baptist Church at 4pm as part of the Culpepper Concert Series