From securing American independence to serving as first president, Washington played an indispensable role in the formation of the American democracy as we know it.

First Continental Congress

First Continental Congress

In 1774, Washington served as a Virginia delegate to the First Continental Congress in Philadelphia. Before leaving the city to return to Mount Vernon, Washington went shopping for muskets and military apparel.

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Commander of the Continental Army

Commander of the Continental Army

Despite having little practical experience in managing large, conventional armies, Washington proved to be a capable and resilient leader of the American military forces during the Revolutionary War.

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"The moderation and virtue of a single character has probably prevented this revolution from being closed as most others have been, by a subversion of that liberty it was intended to establish."

- Thomas Jefferson, April 1784

Mount Vernon Conference

Mount Vernon Conference

A meeting at Mount Vernon in 1785 helped set a precedent for discussions amongst the states which would culminate in the 1787 Constitutional Convention.

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A More Perfect Union: George Washington and the Making of the Constitution

Learn about the many challenges facing the new nation and how our founding fathers, led by George Washington, created the United States Constitution.

"The moderation and virtue of a single character has probably prevented this revolution from being closed as most others have been, by a subversion of that liberty it was intended to establish."

- Thomas Jefferson, April 1784

Washington's Personal Copy of the Acts of Congress

An intriguing book in Mount Vernon's collection shows the intimate evidence of Washington actively learning the role of the presidency.

The Farewell Address

Washington’s iconic Farewell Address, published at the end of his second term, stands today as a timeless warning about the forces that threaten American democracy.

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Reflections on Washington's Farewell Address

In honor of the 225th anniversary of his famed Farewell Address, an all-star panel discusses George Washington’s warnings to and hopes for future generations of Americans. Featuring CNN’s John Avlon, author Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky, and historian Dr. Joseph Ellis.

George Washington

Victorious general of the American Revolution, the first President of the United States, successful planter and entrepreneur. Explore the life and legacies of George Washington.

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