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The Culper Code Book was used by the Culper spy ring to send coded messages to George Washington's headquarters during the Revolutionary War.

Under the orders of General George Washington, Major Benjamin Tallmadge organized the Culper Spy Ring in 1778 to gather information on British troop movements, fortifications, and military plans in the New York area.

Informants used fake names and a numerical code book consisting of seven hundred and sixty-three numbers representing words, names, and places to communicate their information. Developed by Tallmadge, the Culper Code Book was essential in protecting the vital communications and identities of this important intelligence gathering group. 

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  A 219 gun 436 offer 655 value
1 a 220 go 437 office 656 virtue
2 an 221 gain 438 onset 657 visit
3 all 222 guide 439 order 658 valiant
4 at 223 gold 440 over 659 victory
5 and 224 glory 441 obstruct 660 vigilant
6 art 225 gunner 442 obtain 661 vigorous
7 arms 226 gloomy 443 observe 662 violent
8 about 227 govern 444 occur 663 volenteer
9 above 228 grandieure 445 offense 664 valuable
10 absent 229 guilty 446 ommit 665 voluntary
11 absurd 230 guinea 447 oppose   U
12 adorn 231 gallant 448 obligate 666 up
13 adopt 232 gazette 449 obstinate 667 upper
14 adore 233 grateful 450 obviate 668 upon
15 advise 234 glacis 451 occupy 669 unto
16 adjust 235 general 452 operate 670 unarm
17 adjourn 236 garrison 453 origin 671 unfit
18 afford 237 gentleman 454 ornament 672 unheard
19 affront 238 glorious 455 overcome 673 unsafe
20 affair 239 gradual 456 overlook 674 uniform
21 again 240 granadier 457 overtake 675 uncertain
22 april   H 458 overrun 676 uncommon
23 agent 241 hay 459 overthrow 677 unfriendly
24 alter 242 he 460 obedience 678 unfortunate
25 ally 243 his 461 objection   W
26 any 244 him 462 october 679 wind
27 appear 245 haste 463 obscure 680 war
28 appoint 246 hand 464 occasion 681 was
29 august 247 hang 465 opinion 682 we
30 approve 248 hour? 466 oppression 683 will
31 arrest 249 have 467 opportunity 684 with
32 arraign 250 head 468 obligation 685 when
33 amuse 251 high   P 686 wharf
34 assign 252 hill 469 pay 687 wound
35 assume 253 hope 470 peace 688 wood
36 attempt 254 hut 471 plan 689 want
37 attone 255 horse 472 put 690 wait
38 attack 256 house 473 port 691 write
39 alarm 257 happy 474 proof 692 who
40 action 258 hardy 475 please 693 wish
41 accomplish 259 harvest 476 part 694 whose
42 apprehend 260 horrid 477 paper 695 wages
43 abatis 261 horseman 478 pardon 696 warlike
44 accommodate 262 human 479 party 697 welfare
45 alternative 263 havock 480 perfect 698 willing
46 artillery 264 healthy 481 pilot 699 winter
47 ammunition 265 heavy 482 prudent 700 water
  B 266 honest 483 publish 701 woman
48 be 267 hunger 484 purchase 702 writer
49 bay 268 honor 485 purpose 703 waggon
50 by 269 harmony 486 people 704 weary
51 best 270 hazardous 487 pleasure 705 warrant
52 but 271 hesitate 488 produce   Y
53 buy 272 history 489 prison 706 yet
54 bring 273 horrible 490 progress 707 you
55 boat 274 hospital 491 promise 708 your
56 barn 275 hurrican 492 proper 709 yesterday
57 banish 276 hypocrite 493 prosper   Z
58 baker 277 DOCUMENT DAMAGE 494 prospect 710 zeal
59 battle 278 DOCUMENT DAMAGE 495 punish   PROPER NAMES
60 better 279 DOCUMENT DAMAGE 496 pertake 711 Gen Washington
61 beacon   I 497 perform 712 Clinton
62 behalf 280 I 498 permit 713 Tryon
63 bitter 281 if 499 pervert 714 Erskind
64 bottom 282 in 500 prepare 715 Vaughan
65 bounty 283 is 501 prevail 716 Robinson
66 bondage 284 it 502 preserve 717 Brown
67 barron 285 ice 503 pretend 718 Gen Garth
68 brigade 286 ink 504 promote 719 North, Lord
69 business 287 into 505 propose 720 Germain
70 battery 288 instance 506 protect 721 Bolton John
71 battallion 289 island 507 provost 722 Culper Sam
72 british 290 impress 508 pursue 723 Culper Junr.
  C 291 improve 509 passenger 724 Austin Roe
73 camp 292 incamp 510 passion 725 C. Brewster
74 came 293 incur 511 pension 726 Rivington
75 cost 294 infest 512 period   PLACES
76 corps 295 inforce 513 persecute 727 New York
77 change 296 instance 514 poverty 728 Long Island
78 carry 297 insnare 515 power or powerful 729 Setauket
79 clergy 298 instruct 516 prosperous 730 Kingsbridge
80 common 299 intrigue 517 punishment 731 Bergen
81 consult 300 intrust 518 preferment 732 Staten Island
82 contest 301 instant 519 production 733 Boston
83 contract 302 invest 520 pursuant 734 Rhode Island
84 content 303 invite 521 pensioner 735 Connecticut
85 Congress 304 ignorant 522 Parliament 736 New Jersey
86 captain 305 impudent 523 persecution 737 Pensylvania
87 careful 306 industry 524 practicable 738 Maryland
88 city 307 infamous 525 profitable 739 Virginia
89 clamour 308 influence 526 particular 740 North Carolina
90 column 309 infantry 527 petition 741 South Carolina
91 copy 310 infantry (symbol) 528 profession 742 Georgia
92 cover 311 injury 529 proclaim 743 Quebeck
93 county 312 innocent 530 provision 744 Hallifax
94 courage 313 instrument 531 protection 745 England
95 credit 314 intimate   Q 746 London
96 custom 315 illegal 532 quick 747 Portsmouth
97 compute 316 imagin 533 question 748 Plymouth
98 conduct 317 important 534 quantity 749 Ireland
99 comply 318 imprison 535 quallity 750 Corke
100 confine 319 improper   R 751 Scotland
101 caution 320 incumber 536 rank 752 West Indies
102 conquer 321 inhuman 537 rain 753 East Indies
103 coward 322 inquiry 538 run 754 Gibralter
104 confess 323 interview 539 rule 755 France
105 convict 324 incorrect 540 read 756 Spain
106 cannon 325 interceed 541 rise 757 Scotland
107 charactor 326 interfere 542 random 758 Portugal
108 circumstance 327 intermix 543 ransom 759 Denmark
109 clothier 328 introduce 544 rather 760 Russia
110 company 329 immediate 545 real 761 Germany
111 confident 330 impatient 546 riot 762 Hanover
112 committee 331 incouragemt 547 robber 763 Head Quarters
113 continue 332 infection 548 ready   ALPHABET
114 contradict 333 irregular 549 ruin A e
115 correspond 334 invalid 550 ruler B f
116 controvery 335 indians 551 rapid C g
117 commission   J 552 reader D h
118 commissioner 336 June 553 rebel E i
119 constitution 337 July 554 rigor F j
  D 338 jury 555 river G a
120 date 339 jealous 556 receit H b
121 day 340 justify 557 refit I c
122 dead 341 january 558 regain J d
123 do   K 559 rejoice K o
124 die 342 key 560 relate L m
125 damage 343 king 561 request M n
126 doctor 344 kill 562 relax N p
127 dirty 345 know 563 redoubt O q
128 drummer   L 564 rely P r
129 daily 346 law 565 remit Q k
130 dispatch 347 land 566 reprieve R l
131 distant 348 love 567 repulse S u
132 danger 349 low 568 reward T v
133 dislodge 350 lot 569 retract U w
134 dismiss 351 lord 570 resign V x
135 dragoon 352 light 571 ratify W y
136 detain 353 last 572 recompence X z
137 divert 354 learn 573 regular Y s
138 discourse 355 lady 574 regulate Z t
139 disband 356 letter 575 rigorous   NUMBERS
140 dismount 357 levy 576 recital 1 e
141 disarm 358 levies-new 577 recover 2 f
142 detect 359 liar 578 remember 3 g
143 defense 360 lucky 579 remittance 4 i
144 deceive 361 language 580 represent 5 k
145 delay 362 limit 581 rebellion 6 m
146 difficult 363 liquid 582 reduction 7 n
147 disapprove 364 longitude 583 remarkable 8 o
148 disregard 365 latitude 584 reinforcemt 9 q
149 disappoint 366 laudable 585 refugee 0 u
150 disagree 367 legible   S    
151 disorder 368 liberty 586 sail    
152 dishonest 369 lottery 587 see    
153 discover 370 literature 588 sea    
154 december   M 589 scheme    
155 demolish 371 man 590 set    
156 deliver 372 map 591 send    
157 desolate 373 may 592 ship    
158 during 374 march 593 safe    
  E 375 mast 594 same    
159 ear 376 make 595 sky    
160 eye 377 met 596 secret    
161 end 378 me 597 seldom    
162 enquire 379 my 598 sentence    
163 effect 380 much 599 servant    
164 endure 381 move 600 signal    
165 enforce 382 most 601 silent    
166 engage 383 mine 602 suffer    
167 enclose 384 many 603 sudden    
168 equip 385 mercy 604 surprise    
169 excuse 386 moment 605 summer    
170 exert 387 murder 606 speaker    
171 expand 388 measure 607 steady    
172 expose 389 method 608 submit    
173 extort 390 mischief 609 surpass    
174 express 391 mistake 610 sanction    
175 embark 392 molest 611 sensible    
176 employ 393 majesty 612 singular    
177 explore 394 meditate 613 soldier    
178 enemy 395 memory 614 sovereign    
179 example 396 messenger 615 security    
180 embassador 397 misery 616 severity    
181 engagement 398 moveable 617 ?    
182 experience 399 multitude 618 september    
183 evacuate 400 miscarry 619 surrender    
  F 401 misfortune 620 serviceable    
184 Farm 402 miserable 621 security    
185 face 403 mercenary 622 severity    
186 fate 404 majority 623 society    
187 false 405 minority 624 superior    
188 friend 406 memorial   T    
189 fen 407 missterious 625 the    
190 find 408 manufacture 626 that    
191 form 409 moderator 627 this    
192 fort 410 ministerial 628 these    
193 fleet   N 629 they    
194 famine 411 name 630 there    
195 father 412 new 631 thing    
196 foggy 413 no 632 though    
197 folly 414 not 633 time    
198 frugal 415 night 634 to    
199 faithfull 416 never 635 troops    
200 favour 417 needful 636 thankfull    
201 faulty 418 number 637 therefore    
202 foreign 419 neither 638 timber    
203 forget 420 nothing 639 tory    
204 fulfil 421 neglect 640 transport    
205 factor 422 nation 641 trail    
206 faoulty 423 navy 642 traitor    
207 favorite 424 natural 643 transgress    
208 fortune 425 negative 644 translate    
209 forget 426 negligence 645 terrible    
210 foreigner 427 november 646 tyranny    
211 fortitude 428 necessary   V    
212 fortify 429 nobility 647 vain    
213 formidable   O 648 vaunt    
214 foundation 430 oath 649 vouch    
215 february 431 of 650 vacant    
  G 432 off 651 vary    
216 get 433 on 652 venture    
217 great 434 or 653 vital    
218 good 435 out 654 vulgar