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In the name of God amen

I Martha Washington of Mount Vernon in the county of Fairfax being of sound mind and capable of disposing of my worldly estate do make ordain and declare this to be my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills and testaments by me heretofore made.

Imprimus it is my Desire that all my just debts may be punctually paid and that as speedily as the same can be done.

Item I give and devise to my nephew Bartholomew Dandridge and his heirs my lot in the town of Alexandria situate on Pitt and Cameron streets devised to me by my late husband George Washington deceased.

Item I give and bequeath to my four neices Martha W. Dandridge Mary Dandridge Frances Lucy Dandridge and Francis Henley, the debt of two thousand pounds due from Lawrence Lewis & secured by his bond to be equally divided between them or such of them as shall be alive at my death and to be paid to them respectively on the days of their respective marriage or arrival at the age of twenty one years whichsoever shall first happen together with all the interest on said debt remaining unpaid at the time of my death: and in case the whole or any part of the said principal sum of two thousand pounds shall be paid to me during my life then it is my will that so much money be raised out of my estate as shall be equal to what I shall have received of the said principal debt and distributed among my four nieces aforesaid as herein has been bequeathed, and it is my meaning that the interest accruing after my death on the said sum of two thousand pounds shall belong to my said neices and be equally divided between them or such of them as shall be alive at the time of my death, and be paid annually for their respective uses until they receive their shares of the principal.

Item I give and bequeath to my grandson George Washington Parke Custis all the silver plate of every kind of which I shall die possessed, together with the two large plated coolers, the four small plated coolers with the bottle castors, and a pipe of wine if there be one in the house at the time of my death -also the set of Cincinati tea and table china, the bowl that has a ship in it, the fine old china jars which usually stand on the chimney piece in the new room: also all the family pictures of every sort and the pictures painted by his sister, and two small skreens worked one by his sister and the other a present from miss Kitty Brown -also his choice of prints -Also the two girandoles and lustres that stand on them -also the new bed stead which I caused to be made in Philadelphia together with the bed, matrass bolsters & pillows and the white dimity curtains belonging thereto: also two other beds with bolsters and pillows and the white dimity window curtains in the new room -also the iron chest and the desk in my closet which belonged to my first husband; also all my books of every Kind except the large bible and the prayer book, also the set of tea china that was given me by Mr. VanBraam every piece having M W on it.

Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Elizabeth Parke Law, the dressing table and glass that stands in the chamber called the yellow room, and Genl. Washington's picture painted by Trumbull.

Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Martha Peter my writing table and the seat to it standing in my chamber, also the print of Genl. Washington that hangs in the passage.

Item I give and bequeath to my granddaughter Eleanor Parke Lewis the large looking glass in the front Parlour and any other looking glass which she may choose - Also one of the new side board tables in the new room -a1so twelve chairs with green bottoms to be selected by herself also the marble table in the garret, also the two prints of the dead soldier, a print of the Washington family in a box in the Garret and the great chair standing in my chamber; also all the plated ware not hereinbefore otherwise bequeathed -also all the sheets table linen, napkins towels, pillow cases remaining in the

house at my death, also three beds & bedsteads curtains bolsters and pillows for each bed such as she shall choose and not herein particularly otherwise bequeathed, together with counterpins and a pair of blankets for each bed, also all the wine glasses & decanters of every kind, and all the blew and white china in common use.

Item it is my will and desire that all the wine in bottles in the vaults be equally divided between my granddaughters and grandson to each of whom I bequeath ten guineas to buy a ring for each.

Item it is my will and desire that Anna Maria Washington the daughter of my niece be put into handsome mourning at my death at the expense of my estate and I bequeath to her ten guineas to buy a ring.

Item I give and bequeath to my neighbour Mrs Elizabeth Washington five guineas to get something in remembrance of me.

Item I give and bequeath to Mrs David Stuart five guineas to buy her a ring -

Item I give and bequeath to Benjamin Lincoln Lear one hundred pounds specie to be vested in funded stock of the United States immediately after my decease and to stand in his name as his property, which investment my executors are to cause to be made.

Item when the vestry of Truro parish shall buy a glebe I devise will and bequeath that my executors shall pay one hundred pounds to them to aid of the purchase, provided the said purchase be made in my life time or within three years after my decease.

Item It is my will and desire that all the rest & residue of my estate of whatever kind and description not herein specifically devised or bequeathed shall be sold by the executprs of this my last will for ready money as soon after my decease as the same can be done and that the proceeds thereof together with all the money in the house and the debts due to me, (the debts due from me and the legacies herein bequeathed being first satisfied) shall be invested by my executors in eight per cent stock of the funds of the United States and shall stand on the books in the name of my executors in their character of executors of my will; and it is my desire that the interest thereof shall be applied to the

proper Education of Bartholomew Henley & Samuel Henley the two youngest sons of my sister Henley, and also to the education of John Dandridge son of my deceased nephew John Dandridge so that they may be severally fitted and accomplished in some useful trade and to each of them who shall have lived to finish his education or to reach the age

of twenty one years I give and bequeath one hundred pounds to set him up in his trade.

Item my debts and legacies being paid and the education of Bartholomew Henley Samuel Henley and John Dandridge aforesaid being completed, or they being all dead before the completion thereof it is my will and desire that all my estates and interests in whatever form existing whether in money funded stock or any other species of property shall be equally divided among all the persons hereinafter mentioned who shall be living at the time that the interest of the funded Stock shall cease to be applicable in pursurance of my will herein before expressed to the education of my nephews Bartholomew Henley, Samuel Henley and John Dandridge, namely among Anna Maria Washington daughter of

my neice and John Dandridge son of my nephew and all my great grandchildren living at the time that the interest of the said funded stock shall cease to be applicable to the education of the said B. Henley, S. Henley, and John Dandridge and the same shall cease to be so applied when all of them shall die before they arrive to the age of twenty one years, or those living shall have finished their education or have arrived to the age of twenty one years, and so long as anyone of the three lives, who has not finished his education or arrived to the age of twenty one years, the division of the said residuum is to be deferred and no longer

Lastly I nominate and appoint my grandson George Washington Parke Custis, my nephews Julius B Dandridge & Bartholomew Dandridge and my son in law Thomas Peter executors of this my last will and testament. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty second day of Sept in the year eighteen hundred

Martha Washington (Seal)

Sealed signed acknowledged and delivered as her last will and testament in the presence of us the subscribing witnesses who have been requested to subscribe the same as such in her presence

Roger Farrell

William Spence

Lawe Lewis

Martha Peter,

March 4th 1.802

I give to my grandson George Washington Parke Custis my mulato man Elish - that I bought of Mr Butler Washington to him and his heir for ever -

M. Washington

At a Court held for Fairfax County, the 21st day of June 1802 This Last Will and Testament of Martha Washington deceased was presented in Court by George Washingon Parke Custis and Thomas Peter, two of the Executors therein named who made oath thereto, and the same being proved by the oaths of Roger Farrell, William Spence and Lawrence Lewis three of the Subscribing Witnesses thereto is together with a Codicil or memorandum endorsed, ordered to be recorded -and the said Executors having performed what the Law requires a Certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form –


Wm. Moss, C.

Martha Washington’s will is in the hand of her granddaughter Eleanor Parke Custis Lewis and was signed in September 1800. It was probated in June 1802. The will is mostly concerned with bequests of specific household goods to family members. It specifies that a public auction be held to sell items not named in the will.