George Washington's Mount Vernon -- Mansion Interior
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George Washington's Mount Vernon -- Mansion Interior
Welcome to George Washington's Mount Vernon which is owned and operated by Mount Vernon Ladies Association. Join the @BobbleheadGeorge crew for a behind the scenes tour inside the home of The Father of Our Country, George Washington! Come along with Mr. Raymond, Mr. Graham, and Mr. Gimbi as the guys give you access to the interior of the mansion and walk you through Mount Vernon telling the stories of rooms, the mansion, and the people who lived, visited, and labored there. @mountvernon
---- Video Chapters -----
0:04 - Introduction
0:25 - New Room
2:25 - Central Passage
3:52 - Dining Room
5:32 - Blue Room
6:08 - Lafayette Room
6:36 - Yellow Room
7:09 - Washington's Study
9:18 - Bed Chamber
11:40 - Closing
Bobblehead George is a non-profit organization, based in Manchester, Pennsylvania, that is dedicated to creating and providing unique, accurate, and entertaining educational content to life-long learners of ALL ages. Our organization was started by public school teachers, David Raymond, Eric Gimbi, and Mike Graham. Dave, Eric, and Mike are incredibly passionate about teaching and education.
Our mission is to share that love of learning within our community, across the nation, and around the globe! Bobblehead George provides a unique opportunity to reach students beyond the traditional classroom walls by providing virtual field trips that are fun, informative, & engaging.
To help ensure that our mission is successful, we rely on donations from kind people like you. Consider making your donation a tribute to an educator who made a difference in YOUR life.
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A special thank you to the amazing folks at George Washington's Mount Vernon for their help, their hospitality, and especially their kindness. Please visit them at
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