Beautiful and Beneficial: Native Trees for the Landscape
The Trees of Mount Vernon
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Dean Norton's Holiday Gift Guide: Historic Wood Products from 18th century Trees
The Trees of Mount Vernon
Beautiful and Beneficial: Native Trees for the Landscape
Let’s talk about the benefits of planting trees! Mount Vernon’s Greenhouse Manager, Melanie Welles Creamer, will discuss the best native trees to plant in the Mid-Atlantic region to provide habitat for wildlife and beautify your landscape. Whether your yard is big or small, sunny or shady, there’s a native tree to complement your property. Please join Melanie on January 26 at 12 pm for this webinar, the second of a four part series focused on integrating the fields of ecology and horticulture – creating beautiful spaces with a purpose.
The Trees of Mount Vernon
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Dean Norton's Holiday Gift Guide: Historic Wood Products from 18th century Trees
The Trees of Mount Vernon