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Copper/Copper Alloy - Page 1 of 3

Unidentified clothing buckle frame with scrollwork.

Unidentified clothing buckle frame with scrollwork.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694039

Could be same buckle as 2713.

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Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, large.

Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, large.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694085

Probably for a shirt button. Copper alloy frame would have been covered in and supported thread.

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Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, small.

Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, small.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694086

Probably for a shirt button. Copper alloy frame would have been covered in and supported thread.

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Faceted blue glass inset sleeve button.

Faceted blue glass inset sleeve button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694087
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Faceted colorless glass inset sleeve button.

Faceted colorless glass inset sleeve button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694088
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Copper alloy, flat disc button.

Copper alloy, flat disc button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694090

Waistcoat or large utilitarian button.

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Two-piece domed button.

Two-piece domed button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694092

Face detached from back. Possibly a shirt button.

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Two-piece round button with iron back.

Two-piece round button with iron back.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694094

Possible waistcoat or large utilitarian button.

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Faceted colorless glass inset sleeve button.

Faceted colorless glass inset sleeve button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694095
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Blue glass inset sleeve button.

Blue glass inset sleeve button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694097

Possible bone back.

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Shoe buckle with ornamental grooves and loop chape.

Shoe buckle with ornamental grooves and loop chape.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694106

Frame broken nearly in half, hook and pin detached from frame; possible heart-shaped motifs on opposite ends of the frame.

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Buckle loop/hook.

Buckle loop/hook.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694108

Loop/Hook portion of buckle only.

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Shoe buckle frame with linear molded design.

Shoe buckle frame with linear molded design.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694109

Rectangular with rounded sides;

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Shoe buckle frame with engraved geometric decoration.

Shoe buckle frame with engraved geometric decoration.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694110
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Shoe buckle frame with scrollwork decoration and scalloped edge.

Shoe buckle frame with scrollwork decoration and scalloped edge.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694111

Frame decoration includes scalloped edges and scrollwork.

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Unidentified copper alloy buckle frame.

Unidentified copper alloy buckle frame.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694115

Unidentified single framed buckle.

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Copper alloy button.

Copper alloy button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694188

Possible waistcoat button.

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Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, small.

Copper alloy ring or frame for a Singleton button, small.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694191

Probably for a shirt button. Copper alloy frame would have been covered in and supported thread.

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Broken, copper alloy button.

Broken, copper alloy button.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694194

Small utilitarian button.

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Copper alloy button with iron back.

Copper alloy button with iron back.

Copper/Copper Alloy | Object #: 1694205

Button face appears to be crimped onto iron back; single hole in the center of the button with iron bar running across.

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