Milk Pan - Page 1 of 2

North Devon gravel-tempered milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693806
Capacity: 14.34 imperial pints.
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Manganese mottled earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693860
Length and width of largest mended sherd group. Capacity: 7.66 imperial pints.
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North Midlands/Staffordshire slipware milkpan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693899
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Manganese mottled earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693900
Length and width of largest mended sherd group. Capacity: 9.40 imperial pints. Capacity measure may be slightly off because inner rim diameter was immeasurable, so outer rim diameter and true height was used. Capacity may actually be closer to Object 2659.
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Buckley milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693944
Length and width of largest sherd.
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Buckley milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693945
Inner rim diameter: 290mm. Capacity: 11.18 imperial pints.
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William Roger's earthenware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1693996
William Rogers. Length and width of largest mended sherd group.
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Post-Medieval, London-area redware milk pan, large.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694031
Spout present. Length and width of largest mended sherd group.
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Redware Milkpan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694542
Possible Buckley, but lighter clay in paste is barely visible.
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Milk pan
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694548
Paste is agatized which can be seen in larger utilitarian vessel forms of Managense mottled. Vessel clearly has lead glaze with managense specks. Rim just barely enough to measure diameter.
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan base.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694552
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan base.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694558
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan base.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694560
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694564
Inner rim diameter: 400mm. Capacity: 14.21 imperial pints.
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694568
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Post-medieval, London-area redware milk pan.
Coarse Earthenware | Object #: 1694570
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