George Washington and the Constitution
Join a cohort of 8th grade Social Studies teachers from Texas for a one-of-a-kind week in residence at George Washington’s Mount Vernon to explore new ways to teach the Constitution, in alignment with TEKS standards. Through immersive, high-tech, primary source, and scholarly experiences participants will explore new ways to teach and engage students about key political and social turning points in the 18th century and their relevance today.
George Washington's role presiding over the Constitutional Convention and serving as the nation’s first president will ensure a rich biographical approach to this topic. Group projects using diverse primary sources will model best practices for you to bring to your students and colleagues.
Application Process
- Online Application
- Resume List relevant education and teaching history. Special attention will be given to leadership roles held, recent professional development, student engagement techniques, and examples of innovative and adaptive teaching strategies.
- Essay Explain your reasons for applying along with how George Washington and the 18th-century world is relevant to your teaching, your personal teaching philosophy, and how you will take what you’ve learned and make an impact on your learning communities. Essays should be no more than 500 words.
- Letter of Support One letter of support addressing your skill, ability, and experience as a teacher and indicating support for the responsibilities outlined in the Participant Obligation Pledge from a person in a school or district leadership role where you are currently employed.
Room and board, as well as a travel stipend up to $550, are included for all teachers accepted to this program.
Participant Obligation Pledge
The primary goal of the George Washington Teacher Institute is to increase the understanding of George Washington, his legacy, and the context of the 18th-century world in which he lived. As an attendee you will contribute to this goal by working directly with your students, as well as through in-service training and team meetings with your peers. All participants must agree to support this goal and complete the following requirements:
- Fully and actively participate and contribute in ALL Institute activities
- Respond to an evaluation study after the completion of the residential week
- Conduct a minimum of one district level or state level in-service presentation that reaches teachers beyond those that you work with on a daily basis
- Submit a report on the in-service presentation within the required time frame