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Members’ Candlelight Evening: Exclusively for Patron Members

Mount Vernon members at the Patron level and above are invited to join us for a special holiday night at Mount Vernon. Enjoy a candlelit guided tour and learn about holiday traditions in 18th-century Virginia.



2 Complimentary Tickets for Patron Level ($250) Members and Above

Additional Tickets

$26 adult, $18 youth

Guided Tour of the Estate by Candlelight

Visit with Mrs. Washington and other 18th-century residents of Mount Vernon in a 45-minute candlelit tour of the Mount Vernon estate, followed by a reception.

Learn about holiday traditions of 18th century Virginia, and hear stories of Christmases past from costumed character actors portraying Washington’s family, friends, and enslaved or hired staff.

Walk through the lantern-lit historic area, stopping at the slave quarters, outbuildings, and inside Washington’s Mansion.

Greet Aladdin, the Christmas camel, in the 12-acre field.

Music, Cider, & Cookies

Finish the evening with live music, cider, and cookies in the Donald W. Reynolds Museum & Education Center Lobby.

Holiday Shopping

The Shops are open until 7 p.m. for the event with an extra 5% discount on top of your membership discount, for a total of 15%. Some exclusions apply.

1773: The Road to Revolution

Join Mount Vernon as we celebrate the build-up to the 250th Anniversary of American Independence.

  • Hear how a young Colonel Washington and his family celebrated Christmas in a year of personal loss, growing tensions, and uncertainty.


Mount Vernon by Candlelight is an interior Mansion Tour and outdoor walking tour at night.

Please dress for the weather conditions. Be prepared for low temperatures, varying levels of light, and uneven walkways. The 12-acre field has no paved paths and some uneven ground.

The first floor of the Mansion is accessible by wheelchair.


Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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Face Coverings

Face masks are recommended indoors for all persons, vaccinated or unvaccinated.

Face masks are required for all unvaccinated guests.