From his teens, George Washington, a fourth-generation American, forged his distinct character working as a surveyor and becoming close with the neighboring Fairfax family. Their wealthy and land helped young Washington better understand his own life within the context of ancient traditions, which stressed intensive training and unflinching service to a higher cause, the very definition of an ancient "chevalier." Be it on a horse or on a dance floor, Washington's prowess was something that made men of wealth and power took notice of.




George Washington took his performance on the dance floor deadly serious, once referring warmly to dance as "the gentler conflict".

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Equestrian at War

Equestrian at War

Equestrian prowess and warfare offered young George Washington his clearest path to fame. His long rides as a surveyor, through the forest on foxhunts, and his bayonet drills in the heat of the summer sun prepared him well for his eventual martial feats on horseback.

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George Washington's first career was as a surveyor.

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